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  • HTTP, Non-HTTP, and Displaying

How do I add custom error pages?

Non-HTTP Error Pages

In your application class that extends WebApplication, set the following in the init() method:


Code Block
getRequestCycle().onRuntimeException(new MyErrorPage(), theException);

HTTP Error Pages

First ensure that the wicket filter-mapping in your web.xml has the following dispatchers:


Code Block
public class PageNotFound extends WebPage {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	public PageNotFound() {
		// Add any necessary components

	protected void configureResponse() {

	public boolean isVersioned() {
		return false;

	public boolean isErrorPage() {
		return true;


How do I add/display errors?

Normally all that is needed to display errors in a page is to call the "error" method in the WebPage:


Code Block
<!-- In the HTML page -->
<div wicket:id="feedback">[Feedback Panel]</div>

// In WebPage
add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback"));

How do I add/display errors at the component level?

See ComponentFeedbackPanel, FormComponentFeedbackBorder, and FormComponentFeedbackIndicator

// TODO : add example that adds error messages to individual form components of the page

I get 'Internal error cloning object' errors

This is a debug feature to help find potential problems when the application runs clustered. It checks the component graphs to make sure everything is serializable (which is required for clustering).
