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Comment: Change the new seek API to seekToNearest


We will also change the leader behavior so that it is not permitted to add a replica to the ISR if it is marked as offline by the controller. By currently allowing this, we weaken acks=all semantics since the zombie contributes to the min.isr requirement, but is not actually eligible to become leader.

Public Interfaces

Config Changes

As described above, the consumer's `auto.offset.reset` will now support a fourth option to reset offsets to the "closest" position.

API Changes

We will introduce a new exception type, which will be raised from KafkaConsumer.poll(Duration) as described above. This exception extends from `OffsetOutOfRangeException` for compatibility. If a user's offset reset policy is set to "none," they can still catch this 

Code Block
class TruncatedPartitionException extends OffsetOutOfRangeException {
	 * Get a map of the partitions which were truncated and the offset
     * at which the logs diverged from what we read locally. In other
     * words, offsets between this offset and the current fetch offset
     * were truncated from the broker's log. If the consumer was unable
     * to determine the point of divergence, then the value will be 
     * `Optional.empty()`.
	Map<TopicPartition, Optional<Long>> truncatedOffsets();

The leader epoch will be exposed in the ConsumerRecord and OffsetAndMetadata objects.

Code Block
class ConsumerRecord<K, V> {
	int leaderEpoch();

class OffsetAndMetadata {
  int leaderEpoch();

We will also have a new API to support seeking to an offset and leader epoch. For convenience and consistency, we will reuse the OffsetAndMetadata object.


The leader epoch will be exposed in the ConsumerRecord and OffsetAndMetadata objects.

Code Block
class ConsumerRecord<K, V> {
	int leaderEpoch();

class OffsetAndMetadata {
  int leaderEpoch();

We will also have a new API to support seeking to an offset and leader epoch. For convenience and consistency, we will reuse the OffsetAndMetadata object.

Code Block
 * Seek to the nearest offset taking into account leader epoch information.
 * If the offset still exists and has the same leader epoch, then this will
 * set the position to that offset. Otherwise, if the log has been truncated
 * (e.g. due to unclean leader election), then the offset will be the first 
 * offset of the next largest leader epoch.
void seekToNearest
Code Block
void seek(TopicPartition partition, OffsetAndMetadata offset);
