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Currently, in Kafka, when a consumer falls out of a consumer group, it will restart processing from the last checkpointed offset. However, this design could result in a lag which some users could not afford to let happen. For example, lets say a consumer crashed at offset 100, with the last checkpointed offset being at 70. When it recovers at a later offset (say, 120), it will be behind by an offset range of 50 (120 - 70). This is because the consumer restarted at 70, forcing it to reprocess old data. This lag is not acceptable in some computing applications (e.g. traffic control) who needs information by the millisecond, therefore, they will need a faster option for processing the offset lags that results from a crash.

Public Interfaces

This new mode (name is enable.parallel.rebalance) will by default not be used by KafkaConsumer (e.g. will be by default equal to false). If the user chooses, he or she can activate this mode by setting the config's value to true. Note that when using this mode, offsets would no longer be given to the user in correct sequence (or order), but rather in a more haphazard manner. The mentality of this mode could be described as "give me all the offsets as fast as you can, I don't care about order." To illustrate, offsets could be sent to the user in this order:  1,2,3,6,4,7,5,8.

Proposed Changes

When rebalancing, instead of allowing the current consumer (consumer1) to restart from the last committed offset (70), we should allow it to start processing from the latest offset (120) that could be polled at the time of the consumer's recovery (assuming that the log has grown within the time that the process was down). Meanwhile, a new KafkaConsumer (consumer2) will be created to start processing from the last committed offset (70) and run in concurrency with consumer1. Please note that consumer2 will not terminate once it has reached offset 120, as it will continue running. If consumer1 crashes again, the respective lag that results will be taken up by consumer2 for processing. We could think of consumer2 as the safety net which catches any offsets which had slipped by consumer1 when it crashed.
