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Table of Contents


1XXXGet the Trafodion source code from gitsee "Download and Install Source"
2 XXCheck out a specific release X.Y.Z, if you want to update the documentation for a previous release
git checkout rel/X.Y.Z
3XX Build Trafodion site & documentation, after modifications to the documents, see Modifying Documents.
cd trafodion
mvn post-site 
4  XBuild Trafodionsee "Build Source"
5XXXGet the web site content from git
git clone
cd trafodion-site
git checkout -b asf-site origin/asf-site
6XX Copy built web/doc changes to main site. This should be done from the master branch (release branch while a release is in progress) ONLY. This should not over-write release-specific docs.

see "Modify Web Site"

cp -R trafodion/docs/target/*   trafodion-site/
7 X Copy the release-specific built documentation. This is for non-master branches.
cp -R trafodion/docs/target/docs/<release>   trafodion-site/docs/
8  XBuild apidocs (note: X.Y.Z is the release number, see step 2 above). TBD: Instructions for copying apidocs to site repository.
cd trafodion-site/apidocs -o X.Y.Z
9XXXCommit changes in the web site repository
git status
git add --all
git commit 
10XXXPush changes back to ASF repository
git push origin HEAD:asf-site
11XXXCheck that the website, is refreshed. If it isn't, make a small white-space change to the index.html file to trigger the Apache gitpubsub that does the updatego to to trigger a re-sync. 
12X  Once published, run against updated pages to ensure that there are no broken links 
13XXXClose the JIRA and/or pull request, if applicable 
