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The dfdl:newVariableInstance doesn't eliminate this problem, as there are situations where one needs an "array variable", that is a variable associated with each index of an array, but referenced from expressions used to compute things outside of the scope of that array element.TBD: is OVC truly needed here, or is this a result of the SDE above for elements that have no way to get a value at unparse time - but the element turns out to be unused at unparse time

Another use of this is that sometimes for unparsing, one needs a location for an intermediate calculation to be saved (to avoid redundantly computing it). Such an element needs to carry an OVC, but also have no representation. Having IVC on it explicitly makes it have no representation, no alignment, and no implications as far as separators showing up for it in separated sequences. There is no way to achieve this other than using IVC.

Array Variables and dfdl:newVariableInstance

In many cases dfdl:newVariableInstance is not sufficient because what are needed are array variables.

.e.For instance, when parsing element i+1 you have to refer to a "variable" defined as part of element i.


In some of the formats where this forward-ref behavior appears, the data records have been extended in this manner more than once, so a single data record has more than one such choice with forward reference.

Note that this issue doesn't actually involve IVC/OVC. It is independent of them. There is a workaround, and so this problem doesn't require a solution as part of DFDL v1.0.

Restricting IVC/OVC in Unordered Sequences


Code Block
<element name="label" type="xs:int"
  dfdl:outputValueCalc="{ ../*/label }" />
<element name="sublabel" type="xs:int"
  dfdl:outputValueCalc="{ ../*/sublabel }" />

We only have use cases for this when unparsing.

This "*" wildcard is always restricted to a single path step, and the possible values it can take on are always part of the DFDL schema; hence, it is still possible to type-check these expressions statically.

The ESA DFDL4Space project has invented a similar wildcard concept as a DFDL extension. They allow a match not to just an entire name, as a path step, but the allow extensions of a name prefix. E.g, ../pathStep(.*)/ meaning any step the name of which begins with "pathStep". The ".*" notation is motivated by regular expressions, but there is no use of patterns richer than ".*".  This generality is not needed as far as we can see because one can always model such data creating a parent element named "pathStep" in this case, and then the children of this have names that would match the "*" part of the pattern. So instead of "pathStep(.*)" matching pathStepData1 and pathStepData2, you would structure the elements so that "pathStep/*" matches /pathStep/Data1 and pathStep/Data2.

Problem 2: Choices inside hidden groups


Thusfar we don't have a use case where the generality of discriminators is needed versus what can be done with the unparse-time equivalent of dfdl:choiceDispatchKey.








