Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Information on running the website generation process can be found in the file on the website branch, similar for managing the asf-site.


The ZooKeeper website build uses a number of tools.

You need to have Ruby and Python installed. Also install the following libraries:

$ sudo gem install jekyll jekyll-redirect-from pygments.rb
$ sudo pip install Pygments

(Note: If you are on a system with both Ruby 1.9 and Ruby 2.0 you may need to replace gem with gem2.0)

Steps to update the site:

  1. git clone -b website
  2. update the appropriate pages, typically a markdown file e.g., etc...
  3. jekyll build
  4. cp -rp RP _released_docs _site/doc # these are the static release docs, they are not generated
  5. # at this point verify that the generated files render properly - open _site/index.html in the browser
    # if you are happy with the results move on to the next step..., otherwise goto step 2 above.
  6. git add <the changed files>
  7. git commit -m "<appropriate commit message>"
  8. git push origin website
  9. # the source for the site is committed, now we need to push the generated files to the live site...
  10. git checkout asf-site
  11. rm -fr content
  12. mv _site content
  13. git add content
  14. # verify that content/index.html and other generated files are proper, open in a browser
    "git status" should show modified files for the markdown that you changed
  15. git commit -m "<appropriate commit message>"
  16. git push origin asf-site