Protoc dependency error

The build process of Ozone requires protoc 2.5.0 which doesn't have a version for Apple Silicon (M1, M1 Pro) machines.  When you build Ozone on macOS with M1(Pro) chip, you will get following error.

Failed to execute goal org.xolstice.maven.plugins:protobuf-maven-plugin:0.5.1:compile (compile-protoc-2) on project hdds-interface-client: Missing:

[ERROR] ----------

[ERROR] 1)

So If you would like to build Ozone on your macOS with M1(Pro) chip / ARM64 CPU,  here is a simple solution.

Open your maven setting file under ~/.m2/settings.xml or your customized location, specify the the properties os.detected.classifier to be osx-x86_64 and active the profile.



Poorly performing Docker images

By default ozone-runner images (ones created locally after executing docker-compose) are built for linux/amd64 architecture. If you experience issues such as slow startup of Recon/OM/SCM or never-ending commands like ozone sh volume create /volume it might be due to wrong architecture.

To overcome this:

  • clone ozone-docker-runner repo (
  • build local image for arm64 architecture: docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -t apache/ozone-runner:dev . --progress=plain
  • pass the local ozone-runner build version when building ozone distribution: mvn clean install -DskipTests -Ddocker.ozone-runner.version=dev

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks to Mladjan Gadzic for his contribution for working with ozone docker images on M1.