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StateDraft - This AIP is now WIP and in the stage of gathering more data to back-up statements and present use case and design in simple and clear way
Discussion  ThreadMutli-layered official image for Airflow

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$action.dateFormatter.formatGivenString("yyyy-MM-dd", $content.getCreationDate())


Current official Airflow image is rebuilt from the scratch every time new commit is done to the repo. It is a "mono-layered" one and does not use Docker's multi-layer architecture nor multi-stage Docker architecture.

Mono-layered image means that builds after only small changes take as long as full build rather than utilise caching and only rebuild what's needed.

With multi-layered approach and caching enabled in Docker Hub we can optimise it to download only the layers that changed. This enables the users using the images to download only incremental changes, and opens up a number of options how such incremental build/download process can be utilised:

  • Multi-layered images can be used as based for AIP-7 Simplified development workflow - where locally downloaded images are used during development and they are incrementally updated quickly during development with newly added dependencies.
  • Multi-layered images being part of the "airflow" project can be used to run Travis CI integration tests (simplifying the idea described in Optimizing Docker Image Workflow ). Having incremental builds will allow DockerHub registry to be used as source for base images (pulled before build) to build locally final image used for test execution in an incremental way.
  • Why initially the images are not meant to be used in production, using multi-staging, variable arguments and multiple layers to produce production-ready Airflow image that can be used to pre-bake Dags into the image - thus making Airflow closer to be Kubernetes-native. This has been discussed as potential future improvement in  AIP-12 Persist DAG into DB
  • Ideally both Airflow and CI images should be maintained in single place - "source of truth" to ease maintenance and development. Currently they are maintained in separate repositories and have potentially different dependencies and build process. It also makes it difficult to add your own dependencies during development as there is no regular/development friendly process to update CI image with new dependencies. 


In the PR : the current mono-layered docker has been implemented as multi-layered one. The PR uses "hooks/build" hook that is used by DockerHub build process to control caching and build process. Thanks to that we can build different variants of the images (Main - slim - airflow image, CI image with more dependencies, Wheel cache image for efficient caching of PIP dependencies).


  • There are two images to be built:
    • "Airflow" image - slim image with only necessary Airflow dependencies
    • "CI" image - fat image with additional dependencies necessary for CI tests
  • there are separate images for each python version (currently 2.7, 3.5, 3.6)
  • each image uses python-x.y-slim as a base
  • all stages are defined in single multi-stage Dockerfile
  • Standard Docker build: it's possible to build main airflow image by issuing "docker build ." command. It's not optimised for DockerHub cache reuse but it will build locally.
  • Scripted Docker build: we are using hook/build script to build the image utilising DockerHub cache - pulling the images from registry and using them as cache. Those are mainly useful for local development 
  • binary/apt dependencies are build as separate stages - so that we can use whole cached images with main/CI dependencies as cache source
  • the builds are versioned - airflow 2.0.0.dev0 images are different than airflow 2.0.1dev0

Changes that trigger rebuilds

Those changes below are described starting from the most frequent ones - so staring backwards from the end of Dockerfile, going up to the beginning.

  • apt and pip dependencies: they are "upgraded" as last part of the build (after sources are added) - thus upgrade to latest versions available is triggered every time sources change (utilising cache from previous installations).
  • source changes do not invalidate previously installed packages from apt/pip/npm. They trigger upgrades to pip/apt package as explained above.
  • changing to www sources trigger pre-compiling the web page for production (npm run prod) and everything above.
  • changing package.json or package-lock.json trigger reinstallation of all npm packages (npm ci) and everything above.
  • changing any of files trigger reinstallation of all pip packages. In case of CI build, previously compiled wheel packages from wheel image are used to install the dependencies (saving time for downloading and compilation of packages) and everything above.
  • changing the wheel cache causes everything above
  • for CI build, changing CI apt dependencies triggers reinstallation of those dependencies and everything above
  • changing Airflow apt dependencies triggers reinstallation of those dependencies and everything above
  • there is a possibility to trigger whole build process by changing one line in Dockerfile (FORCE_REINSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCIES)
  • new python stable image triggers rebuild of the whole image

Stages of the image

Those are the stages of the image that we have defined in Dockerfile

  • X.Y - python version (2.7, 3.5 or 3.6 currently)
  • VERSION - airflow version (v2.0.0.dev0)
No.StageDescriptionLabels in DockerHub

Airflow build


CI build


1PythonBase python imagepython-X.Y-slim--
2ariflow-apt-depsVital Airflow apt dependencieslatest-X.Y-apt-deps-VERSION11
3airflow-ci-apt-depsAdditional CI image dependencieslatest-X.Y-ci-apt-deps-VERSION[Not used]2
4wheel-cache-masterMaster wheel cache build on DockerHub from latest master for faster PIP installslatest-X.Y-wheelcache-VERSION[Not used]3
5wheel-cacheCurrently build wheel cache (for future builds)latest-X.Y-wheelcache-VERSION[Not used]3
6mainMain airflow sources build. Used for both Airflow and CI build

Airflow builds:

  • latest-X.Y (only latest version)
  • latest-X.Y-VERSION

CI builds:

  • latest-X.Y-ci (only newest version)
  • latest-X.Y-ci-VERSION

2 - image

4 - /cache folder with wheels

Dependencies between stages

Effectively those images we create have those dependencies. In case of Dockerfile changes, Docker multi-staging mechanism takes care about rebuilding only those stages that need to be rebuild in case of Dockerfile definition change - changes in a stage trigger rebuilds only in stages that depend on it.

Layers in the main image

The main image has a number of layers, that make the image rebuilds incrementally depending on changes in the repository vs. the previous build. Mechanism of Docker build (context/cache invalidation) are used to determine if the subsequent layers should be invalidated and rebuild.

No.LayerDescriptionTrigger for rebuildAirflow build behaviourCI build behaviour
1Wheel cache master

/cache folder with cached wheels from previous build

Rebuild of the wheelcache source.Empty wheel cache used to minimise size of the imageWheel cache build in latest DockerHub "master" image used.
2PIP and related files ( etc.)Updated dependencies for PIPCopy related files to contextCopy related files to context
3PIP installPIP installationPrevious layer changeAll PIP dependencies downloaded and installedPIP dependencies installed from wheel cache - new dependencies downloaded and installed
4NPM package configurationpackage.json and package-lock.sonUpdated dependencies for NPMCopy package files to contextCopy package files to context
5npm ciInstalls locked dependencies from NPMPrevious layer changeAll NPM dependencies downloaded and installedAll NPM dependencies downloaded and installed
6www filesairflow/www all filesUpdated any of the www filesCopy www files to contextCopy www files to context
7npm run prodPrepares production javascript packaging for webserverPrevious layer changeJavascript preparedPackages prepared
8airflow sourcesCopy all sources to contextAny change in sourcesCopy sources to contextCopy sources to context
9apt-get upgradeUpgrading apt dependenciesPrevious layer changeAll apt packages upgraded to latest stable versionsAll apt packages upgraded to latest stable versions
10pip installReinstalling PIP dependenciesPrevious layer changePip packages are potentially upgradedAll PIP packages are upgraded

The results of such layer structure are the following behaviours:

  • in case wheel image is changed: PIP packages + NPM packages + NPM compile + sources are reinstalled for CI build (nothing changes for Airflow build)
  • in case PIP configuration is changed: PIP packages + NPM packages + NPM compile + sources are reinstalled. For Airflow build, all PIP packages are downloaded and installed, for CI build Wheel cache is used as base for installation (faster)
  • in case NPM configuration is changed: NPM packages + NPM compile + sources are reinstalled
  • in case any of WWW files changed: NPM compile + sources are reinstalled
  • in case of any source change: sources are reinstalled

Different types of builds

The images for Airflow are build for several scenarios - and the "hook/build" script with accompanying environment variable controls which images are built during those scenarios:

ScenarioTriggerPurposeCacheFrequencyPull from DockerHubPush to DockerHubImages prepared during the build (controled by environment variables)
Apt depsCI Apt depsMaster WheelcacheLocal wheelcacheAirflowCI
DockerHub build for master branchA commit merged to "master"Build and push reference images that are used as cache for subsequent buildsFrom masterSeveral times per dayYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Local developer buildTriggered by the userBuild when developer adds dependencies or downloads new code and prepares development environmentFrom local images (pulled initially) unless cache is disabledOnce per dayFirst time or when requestedWhen requested and user logged inYesYes


Google Compute Engine

Build Machine

Manual buildFirst Manual build to populate DockerHub registry fasterNo cacheFirst buildNoYesYesYesYes
CI buildA commit is pushed to any branchBuilds image that is used to execute CI tests for commits pushed by developers.From masterSeveral times an hourYesNoYesYes


Build timings for different scenarios

Those timings were measured during tests. Times are in HH:MM:SS.

The yellow rows indicate timings for the orignal "Mono-layered" builds for comparision of incremental build times. 

Where builtImagesNo source changeSources changedWWW sources changed

NPM packages changed

PIP Packages changed

CI Apt deps changedApt deps changed

Full build

Use case


Includes pull of cache




Delays on DockerHub

Travis CI



8:26Typical timing for CI builds

Cloud Build *

Includes pull of cache


Google Compute Engine **




1:131:231:432:2610:2012:3013:096:43 (pull)

Google Compute Engine **

Only CI build using breeze



(no rebuild)


(no rebuild)


(no rebuild)


5:55 (full pull)

Google Compute Engine **

'docker build . --build-arg APT_DEPS_IMAGE=airflow-ci-apt-deps'


Google Compute Engine **

'docker build .'

Google Compute Engine **

Monolayer (Cassandra fix) ****

Google Compute Engine **


Local Machine ***

Only CI build using breeze



(no rebuild)


(no rebuild)


(no rebuild)


7:55 (full pull)

Typical timing for local development

Local Machine ***

'docker build . --build-arg APT_DEPS_IMAGE=airflow-ci-apt-deps'



Local Machine ***

'docker build .'



Local Machine ***

Monolayer (Cassandra fix) ****


Local Machine ***



* Cloud Build - M8 High CPU - 3 Python versions built in parallel on single instance

** Google Compute Engine: custom (8 vCPUs, 31 GB memory)

*** Local Machine: MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017), 2,9 GHz Intel Core i7, 4 Cores. Using MacBook impacts Context sending times → it takes significantly longer to send context to Linux Kernel VM which is used on Mac.

**** Cassandra fix - installing cassandra driver takes a lot of time - it compiles cython-based driver (which is good for performance) - Cassandra fix speeds up the build by removing cython optimisations. Multi-layer images are build with cassandra fix.

Image size comparison


Airflow monolayer image

Airflow multi-layer1.2GB
CI multi-layer


Results for initial measurements of sizes of layer images is shown. It has proven that multi-layered image size is comparable to mono-layered one and that there are significant download traffic savings in case of incremental builds.

Details for Mono-layered Docker image for Airflow

Implemented in 

Available to pull at: 

docker pull potiuk/airflow-monodocker:latest

Only significant layers are shown:



When rebuilt/downloaded

python:3.6-slim layers

(there are 12 layers)

138 MB

Only the first time it is built

Airflow Sources

73 MB

After every commit

Airflow installed binaries

(all - apt and pip installed together)

765 MB

After every commit

Total: 976 MB

Example download time when tested (full download after removing the image and docker system prune): 32.7 s (note this was not scientific enough and can be influenced by external factors)

time docker pull potiuk/airflow-monodocker:latest
latest: Pulling from potiuk/airflow-monodocker
177e7ef0df69: Pull complete
1dee839b70d8: Pull complete
aafb04a34d0d: Pull complete
9a36f2b2e390: Pull complete
51ac94058903: Pull complete
17105da27567: Pull complete
08903c354ddd: Pull complete
234eaa99bee5: Pull complete
8c3bd3e34c20: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:db5b707ddec35b5ceeb1caba9be5192965ad00ba34ec630fe5ee6b6d06c49b85
Status: Downloaded newer image for potiuk/airflow-monodocker:latest

real 0m32.744s
user 0m0.090s
sys 0m0.065s

Details for Multi-layered Docker image of Airflow

POC implemented in 

Available to pull at:

docker pull potiuk/airflow-layereddocker:latest

Only significant layers are shown:



When rebuilt/downloaded

python:3.6-slim layers

(there are 12 layers)

138 MB

Only the first time it is built

apt-get install core build deps

118 MB

Only when core dependencies change or when we force fresh build (extremely rare)

apt-get install extra deps


Only when extra deps change (extremely rare)

pip install deps (just setup no airflow sources)

523 MB

Only when changes (every few weeks usually)

copy airflow sources

73 MB

After every commit

Install extra airflow deps just in case

6 MB

After every commit

Total: 1007 MB

Example download time when tested (full download after removing the image and docker system prune): 33.7 s (note this was not scientific enough and can be influenced by external factors)

time docker pull potiuk/airflow-layereddocker:latest
latest: Pulling from potiuk/airflow-layereddocker
177e7ef0df69: Pull complete
1dee839b70d8: Pull complete
aafb04a34d0d: Pull complete
9a36f2b2e390: Pull complete
51ac94058903: Pull complete
18b01857bb01: Pull complete
23ba9d802d8e: Pull complete
28157c14842b: Pull complete
8c6340a2c38d: Pull complete
a1b4c634dcbc: Pull complete
b0ce958037ac: Pull complete
c93f50ea89e5: Pull complete
939e3f06fc4b: Pull complete
ed1e854d5b96: Pull complete
918a0767c9ad: Pull complete
b207cdc2df35: Pull complete
99a53823ab76: Pull complete
8c3bd3e34c20: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:08a6e8ac7ae7b5c0de0b4d1c6cae3fbb8cb868f12ea3363dfb18374daa62b47a
Status: Downloaded newer image for potiuk/airflow-layereddocker:latest
real 0m33.761s
user 0m0.100s
sys 0m0.068s

Note that ariflow sources + reinstall will grow between force - reinstalling of all dependencies because upgrades of packages will be added. However this should not be significant. If full reinstall is done periodically, the size of this layer is reset.

It turns out that multi layered image is even a bit smaller than the monolayered one. But those are not all benefits that you get from multi-layered image. If you take into account usage patterns and users who download the image semi-frequently they will have to download the whole single layer pretty much every time, where in multi-layered approach they would only need to pull incremental changes - the size of incremental changes will change depending on whether dependencies are updated, or whether all dependencies are forced to be rebuilt from scratch.

Simulation of downloads for a user that pulls the image regularly

Here is the simulation showing how big downloads users will experience when downloading Airflow image semi-frequently (twice a week).


  • A user downloads a new image twice a week.

  • is updated every two weeks.

  • Commits are happening daily.

  • Force rebuild from scratch every 4 weeks - to account for changed dependencies

Mono layered downloads:

  • First download: 976 MB

  • all other downloads: 838 MB = 765 MB + 73 MB

Multi-layered downloads:

  • First download: 1007 MB

  • Download if only sources changed (no 73 MB

  • Download if changed: 757 MB = 155 MB + 523 MB + 73 MB+ 6 MB

  • Download if forced apt-get dependencies forced: 1007 MB - 138 MB = 869 MB

User download size pattern:










Total downloaded over the
course of
8 weeks (MB)

Sources change






















Forced dependencies



Monolayered (MB)


















Multilayered (MB)

















4950 (36% of monolayered)

Sources for calculation

Mono-layered image:

docker history potiuk/airflow-monodocker:latest
725143eaf153 17 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["--help"] 0B
<missing> 17 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.… 0B
<missing> 17 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:22d6c0f397f65528… 907B
<missing> 17 minutes ago |5 AIRFLOW_DEPS=all AIRFLOW_HOME=/usr/local/… 0B
<missing> 17 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) WORKDIR /usr/local/airflow 0B
<missing> 17 minutes ago |5 AIRFLOW_DEPS=all AIRFLOW_HOME=/usr/local/… 765MB
<missing> 24 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) WORKDIR /opt/airflow 0B
<missing> 24 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG APT_DEPS=freetds-dev … 0B
<missing> 24 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG buildDeps=freetds-dev… 0B
<missing> 24 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG PYTHON_DEPS= 0B
<missing> 24 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG AIRFLOW_DEPS=all 0B
<missing> 24 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG AIRFLOW_HOME=/usr/loc… 0B
<missing> 24 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:c08fa4a00d4740680… 72.8MB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["python3"] 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c set -ex; savedAptMark="$(apt-ma… 7.13MB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PYTHON_PIP_VERSION=18… 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c cd /usr/local/bin && ln -s idle3… 32B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c set -ex && savedAptMark="$(apt-… 69.2MB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PYTHON_VERSION=3.6.8 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV GPG_KEY=0D96DF4D4110E… 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install… 6.48MB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/… 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"] 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:6d6f6f123e45697d3… 55.3MB

Multi-layered image:

docker history potiuk/airflow-layereddocker:latest
055d0daee787 About an hour ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) CMD ["--help"] 0B
<missing> About an hour ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoin… 0B
<missing> About an hour ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) COPY file:22d6c0f397f655… 907B
<missing> About an hour ago |4 ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS= AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=al… 0B
<missing> About an hour ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ARG ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_D… 0B
<missing> About an hour ago |3 AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=all AIRFLOW_HOME=/usr/loca… 128kB
<missing> About an hour ago |3 AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=all AIRFLOW_HOME=/usr/loca… 6.04MB
<missing> About an hour ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) COPY dir:5d6f5c2f0d7171e… 72.8MB
<missing> About an hour ago |3 AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=all AIRFLOW_HOME=/usr/loca… 523MB
<missing> About an hour ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) WORKDIR /opt/airflow 0B
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) COPY file:143db2e76b8f16… 1.26kB
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) COPY file:590340f7066102… 3.04kB
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) COPY file:3e78814fb55a47… 838B
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) COPY file:53d0bc9002b31a… 29.6kB
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) COPY multi:8bb5ed331b460… 14.2kB
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ENV SLUGIFY_USES_TEXT_U… 0B
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ENV CASS_DRIVER_NO_CYTH… 0B
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ENV CASS_DRIVER_BUILD_C… 0B
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ARG CASS_DRIVER_NO_CYTH… 0B
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ENV FORCE_REINSTALL_ALL… 0B
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ARG AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=all 0B
<missing> 15 hours ago |1 AIRFLOW_HOME=/usr/local/airflow /bin/bash… 0B
<missing> 15 hours ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ARG AIRFLOW_HOME=/usr/l… 0B
<missing> 5 days ago /bin/bash -c apt-get update && apt-get i… 155MB
<missing> 5 days ago /bin/bash -c apt-get update && apt-get i… 118MB
<missing> 5 days ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ENV FORCE_REINSTALL_APT… 0B
<missing> 5 days ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=non… 0B
<missing> 5 days ago /bin/bash -c #(nop) SHELL [/bin/bash -c] 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["python3"] 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c set -ex; savedAptMark="$(apt-ma… 7.13MB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PYTHON_PIP_VERSION=18… 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c cd /usr/local/bin && ln -s idle3… 32B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c set -ex && savedAptMark="$(apt-… 69.2MB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PYTHON_VERSION=3.6.8 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV GPG_KEY=0D96DF4D4110E… 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install… 6.48MB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/… 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"] 0B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:6d6f6f123e45697d3… 55.3MB

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