Nightly Mass-Check Runs
Nightly MassCheck runs are the way people submit data on the effectiveness of current rules on their recent spam and ham. It is used to generate the very rule scores that determine the effectiveness of SpamAssassin (distributed via sa-update), and to evaluate rules via the RuleQaApp. The accuracy of SpamAssassin is directly related to the number of people contributing to nightly MassChecks.
Broken link:
(There's also an older, clunkier version of the analysis scripts running on DanielQuinlan's server; see .)
auto-mass-check script.
Alternative Methods
The easiest of all methods is to upload your corpora and let us process it for you: UploadedCorpora
The corpus-nightly script is a less maintained alternative to the auto-mass-check script: CorpusNightlyScript
Or you can do it manually: ManualNightlyMassCheck