GShell Commands Structure
Build-in commands like set, clean, help, quit and so on are defined in gshell-builtin project
Geronimo commands like start-server,stop-server adn deploy commands like start-module are defined in geronimo-commands project.
Jaxws commands are defined in geronimo-jaxws-builder project.
Remote commands are defined in gshell-remote-client project.
GShell Startup progress
1 org.codehaus.plexus.ClassLoader load every jar defined in etc/gsh-classworlds.conf
2 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.plugin.CommandDiscoverer load the commands.xml in gshell-builtin.jar/META-INF/gshell
3 All the commands register in org.apache.geronimo.gshell.registry..CommandRegistry.
4 The same process for geronimo-commands and jaws-commands
5 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.layout.loader.XMLLayoutLoader load the layout.xml in etc/layout.xml
6 GShell start up DefaultLayoutManager.
7 GShell start up org.apache.geronimo.gshell.DefaultCommandLineBuilder and DefaultCommandExecutor
8 Gshell read argument from console and read history from Document and Setting/[username]/.gshell/gshell.history
9 Finish initialization and waiting
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="panel" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="199455e4-95db-4fe6-a17a-3ec1699f84b6"><ac:rich-text-body>
<p><span style="color: #ff0000">Note:</span></p>
<p>Command.xml shows reflection between command id and command implementation</p>
<p>Layout.xml shows reflection between command line string and command id</p></ac:rich-text-body></ac:structured-macro>GShell process command line progress
1 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.console.JLineConsole get a command line from console
2 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.DefaultCommandLineBuilder parse the command line and check if it has a syntax error
3 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.layout.DefaultLayoutManager find corresponding command id and give to org.apache.geronimo.gshell.DefaultCommandExecutor .
4org.apache.geronimo.gshell.DefaultCommandExecutor call A certain command execute the doExecute() method.
5 org.apache.geronimo.gshell.clp.CommandLineProcessor process the arguements.
Define your own command
1 Define command class
In geronimo/framework/modules/geronimo-commands projects, you can define your own command class in src folder.
Note all the command classes are defined in groovy.
package org.apache.geronimo.commands import org.apache.geronimo.gshell.command.annotation.CommandComponent /** * Test */ @CommandComponent(id='geronimo-commands:test', description="Test") class TestCommand extends ConnectCommand { @Option(name='-a', aliases=['--argument'], description='Arguement test') int argu = 1; protected Object doExecute() throws Exception { print "Hello World!" } }
Compile source codes and put the target jar file in the same directory in binary server file.
2 Modify configuration file
Modify file layout.xml in [server dir]/etc
....... <\!-- Geronimo --> <group> <name>geronimo</name> <nodes> <command> <name>stop-server</name> <id>geronimo-commands:stop-server</id> </command> {color:#ff0000} <command>{color} {color:#ff0000} <name>test</name>{color} {color:#ff0000} <id>geronimo-commands:test</id>{color} {color:#ff0000} </command>{color} </nodes> </group> .....
3 restart gshell
You can find test command in help list and use test to see print line.
Details in Geronimo-commands(Client)
Geronimo command part:
Basically, Geronimo stop and wait for server commands connect to remote/local server via jmx connections and get a MBeanServerConnection.Through MBeanServerConnection command get Kernel as Mbean and call invoke() method to shutdown or getAttribute.
Deploy command part
Details in geronimo-jmx-remoting(Server)
Build JMX Server progress
Key codes
in JMXConnector in geronimo-jmx-remoting project