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Sometimes, the user may want to query the intermediate state of the suppression. However, as of 2.4, the KTable#suppress operator (added 2.1) lacks this functionality.

Proposed Changes

This KIP proposes the following to make the suppression buffer state queriable:

  1. Add ReadOnlySuppressionBuffer, SuppressionBuffer.
  2. Add Stores#[SuppressionBytesStoreSupplier, suppressionBufferBuilder].
  3. Add a new QueryableStoreType, SuppressionBufferType.
  4. Add KTable#suppress(Suppressed, Materialized).
  5. Add TopologyTestDriver#getSuppressionBuffer.

User can query the state of suppression buffer like the following:

    // A queryable interface to the suppression buffer, named "suppression-buffer".
    final ReadOnlySuppressionBuffer<String, String> myMapStore ="suppression-buffer", QueryableStoreTypes.suppressionBuffer()));

Public Interfaces

1. Add ReadOnlySuppressionBuffer, SuppressionBuffer

SuppressionBuffer is a writable interface of suppression buffer; dislike to TimeOrderedKeyValueStore (current implementation), this is user-face interface.

 * Interface for storing the suppressed records.
 * <p>
 * This class is not thread-safe.
 * @param <K> type of the record keys
 * @param <V> type of the record values
public interface SuppressionBuffer<K, V> extends StateStore, ReadOnlySuppressionBuffer<K, V> {

     * An evicted record.
     * @param <K> type of the record keys
     * @param <V> type of the record values
     * @see
    final class Eviction<K, V> {
        private final K key;
        private final Change<V> value;
        private final RecordContext recordContext;

        public Eviction(final K key, final Change<V> value, final RecordContext recordContext) {
            this.key = key;
            this.value = value;
            this.recordContext = recordContext;

        public K key() {
            return key;

        public Change<V> value() {
            return value;

        public RecordContext recordContext() {
            return recordContext;

        public String toString() {
            return "Eviction{key=" + key + ", value=" + value + ", recordContext=" + recordContext + '}';

        public boolean equals(final Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            final Eviction<?, ?> eviction = (Eviction<?, ?>) o;
            return Objects.equals(key, eviction.key) &&
                    Objects.equals(value, eviction.value) &&
                    Objects.equals(recordContext, eviction.recordContext);

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(key, value, recordContext);

     * Add a value associated with this key.
     * @param time
     * @param key
     * @param value
     * @param recordContext
    void put(long time, K key, Change<V> value, RecordContext recordContext);

     * Evict stored records which satisfy {@code predicate}.
     * @param predicate a boolean {@link java.util.function.Supplier}
     * @param callback  the callback invoked after the eviction
    void evictWhile(final Supplier<Boolean> predicate, final Consumer<Eviction<K, V>> callback);

ReadOnlySuppressionBuffer provides read-only view of SuppressionBuffer. It extends ReadOnlyKeyValueStore so can be treated like a key-value mappings.

 * A suppression buffer that only supports read operations.
 * @param <K> type of the record keys
 * @param <V> type of the record values
public interface ReadOnlySuppressionBuffer<K, V> extends ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<K, V> {

     * Returns suppressed view of the value associated with {@code key} with timestamp, if exists.
     * If not, returns null.
     * @param key record key
     * @return Suppressed view of the value associated with given key, with timestamp (if exists)
    NullableValueAndTimestamp<V> priorValueForBuffered(K key);

     * Returns the number of key/value pairs suppressed in this buffer.
     * @return the number of key/value pairs suppressed in this buffer
    int numRecords();

     * Returns the size of this buffer, in bytes.
     * @return the size of the buffer, in bytes
    long bufferSize();

     * Returns the timestamp of the oldest record in this buffer. {@link Long#MAX_VALUE} iff the buffer is empty.
     * @return the timestamp of the oldest record in this buffer
    long minTimestamp();

2. Add Stores#[SuppressionBytesStoreSupplier, suppressionBufferBuilder]

These methods are counterparts of other Stores methods, like Stores#[inMemoryKeyValueStore, keyValueStoreBuilder]. Using this methods, users can instantiate suppression buffer even in the lower level api.

public final class Stores {


     * Create an in-memory {@link SuppressionBytesStoreSupplier}.
     * @param name  name of the store (cannot be {@code null})
     * @return an instance of a {@link SuppressionBytesStoreSupplier}
    public static SuppressionBytesStoreSupplier inMemorySuppressionBuffer(final String name);


    public static <K, V> StoreBuilder<SuppressionBuffer<K, V>> suppressionBufferBuilder(final SuppressionBytesStoreSupplier supplier,
                                                                                        final Serde<K> keySerde,
                                                                                        final Serde<V> valueSerde);



Here are the public interface of SuppressionBytesStoreSupplier, SuppressionBufferBuilder:

 * A store supplier that can be used to create one or more {@link SuppressionBuffer SuppressionBuffer<Byte, byte[]>} instances.
public interface SuppressionBytesStoreSupplier extends StoreSupplier<SuppressionBuffer<Bytes, byte[]>> {

     * Returns {@link SuppressionBuffer SuppressionBuffer<Byte, byte[]>} with logging enabled/disabled.
    SuppressionBuffer<Bytes, byte[]> get(boolean loggingEnabled);
public class SuppressionBufferBuilder<K, V> extends AbstractStoreBuilder<K, V, SuppressionBuffer<K, V>> {

    private final SuppressionBytesStoreSupplier storeSupplier;

    public SuppressionBufferBuilder(final SuppressionBytesStoreSupplier storeSupplier,
                                    final Serde<K> keySerde,
                                    final Serde<V> valueSerde,
                                    final Time time) {
        super(Objects.requireNonNull(storeSupplier, "supplier cannot be null").name(), keySerde, valueSerde, time);
        this.storeSupplier = storeSupplier;

    public SuppressionBuffer<K, V> build() {
        return new MeteredSuppressionBuffer<>(

Add a new QueryableStoreType, SuppressionBufferType

This change makes SuppressionBuffer queriable.

public final class QueryableStoreTypes {


     * A {@link QueryableStoreType} that accepts {@link ReadOnlySuppressionBuffer}.
     * @param <K> key type of the store
     * @param <V> value type of the store
     * @return {@link QueryableStoreTypes.SuppressionBufferType}
    public static <K, V> QueryableStoreType<ReadOnlySuppressionBuffer<K, V>> suppressionBuffer() {
        return new SuppressionBufferType<>();


public static class SuppressionBufferType<K, V> extends QueryableStoreTypeMatcher<ReadOnlySuppressionBuffer<K, V>> {

        SuppressionBufferType() {

        public ReadOnlySuppressionBuffer<K, V> create(final StateStoreProvider storeProvider,
                                                      final String storeName) {
            return new CompositeReadOnlySuppressionBuffer<>(storeProvider, this, storeName);

4. Add a new method, KTable#suppress(Suppressed, Materialized)

Using thid method, users can specify the queriable name of suppression buffer.

public interface KTable<K, V> {


     * Suppress some updates from this changelog stream, determined by the supplied {@link Suppressed} configuration.
     * <p>
     * This controls what updates downstream table and stream operations will receive.
     * @param suppressed            Configuration object determining what, if any, updates to suppress
     * @param queryableStoreName    A queryableStoreName of suppression buffer
     * @return A new {@code KTable} with the desired suppression characteristics.
    KTable<K, V> suppress(final Suppressed<? super K> suppressed, final Materialized<K, V, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized);


5. Add TopologyTestDriver#getSuppressionBuffer

This method provides a testing functionality on suppression buffer.

public class TopologyTestDriver implements Closeable {


    public <K, V> SuppressionBuffer<K, V> getSuppressionBuffer(final String name) {


Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan


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