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This page explains how to use a Guacamole server with VCL. It does not cover the details of getting a Guacamole server set up.

Guacamole Configuration

Configure Guacamole for database support using MariaDB as well as the same authentication backend that you use with your VCL site so that you don't need to manage accounts separately.

Create a user account on the VM running Guacamole that VCL can use to ssh into the VM for running commands (I'll use vclguac). The account will need sudo access to run two scripts that will be created for managing iptables. The account will also need an account within MariaDB for executing SQL statements against the guacamole database (I'll use vclguacsql). The MariaDB account will need SELECT, INSERT, and DELETE for the guacamole database.

Create a directory named logs in vclguac's home directory:

mkdir /home/vclguac/logs

Create 3 scripts and a logs directory in vclguac's home directory. Make sure you make the .sh scripts executable after creating them using "chmod +x <filename>":



if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then
	echo "Usage:"
	echo ""
	echo "$0 <username> <IP> \"<image name>\""
	exit 1

conname="$image - $IP"

echo "================================================================================" >> $logfile
echo "$now - adding connection entry" >> $logfile
echo "user:   $username" >> $logfile
echo "IP:     $IP" >> $logfile
echo "userIP: $remoteIP" >> $logfile
echo "image:  $image" >> $logfile
echo "name:   $conname" >> $logfile

# check that user has account
cnt=$(mysql -s -u vclguacsql -p$pass guacamole_db -e "SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM guacamole_user WHERE full_name = '$username';" | tail -n 1)
if [[ "$cnt" -ne 1 ]]; then
       cat /home/vclguac/createusertemplate.sql | sed "s/THENEWUSER/$username/g" | mysql -u vclguacsql -p$pass guacamole_db | tee -a $logfile

mysql -u vclguacsql -p$pass guacamole_db -e "INSERT INTO guacamole_connection (connection_name, protocol) VALUES ('$conname', 'rdp');" | tee -a $logfile

mysql -u vclguacsql -p$pass guacamole_db -e "INSERT INTO guacamole_connection_permission (entity_id, connection_id, permission) VALUES ((SELECT entity_id FROM guacamole_entity WHERE name = '$usern
ame' AND \`type\` = 'USER'), (SELECT connection_id FROM guacamole_connection WHERE connection_name = '$conname' AND protocol = 'rdp'), 'READ');" | tee -a $logfile

mysql -u vclguacsql -p$pass guacamole_db -e "INSERT INTO guacamole_connection_parameter (connection_id, parameter_name, parameter_value) VALUES ((SELECT connection_id FROM guacamole_connection WHE
RE connection_name = '$conname' AND protocol = 'rdp'), 'disable-auth', 'true'), ((SELECT connection_id FROM guacamole_connection WHERE connection_name = '$conname' AND protocol = 'rdp'), 'hostname
', '$IP'), ((SELECT connection_id FROM guacamole_connection WHERE connection_name = '$conname' AND protocol = 'rdp'), 'ignore-cert', 'true'), ((SELECT connection_id FROM guacamole_connection WHERE
connection_name = '$conname' AND protocol = 'rdp'), 'port', '3389'), ((SELECT connection_id FROM guacamole_connection WHERE connection_name = '$conname' AND protocol = 'rdp'), 'resize-method', 'd
isplay-update'), ((SELECT connection_id FROM guacamole_connection WHERE connection_name = '$conname' AND protocol = 'rdp'), 'security', 'any');" | tee -a $logfile

if [[ $remoteIP != "" ]]; then
       sudo /usr/local/bin/ $remoteIP $username $IP | tee -a $logfile

-- Generate salt 
SET @salt = UNHEX(SHA2(UUID(), 256)); 

-- Create base entity entry for user 
INSERT INTO guacamole_entity (name, type) 

-- Create user and hash password with salt 
INSERT INTO guacamole_user ( 
   UNHEX(SHA2(CONCAT(LEFT(MD5(RAND()), 20), HEX(@salt)), 256)), 
FROM guacamole_entity 
   name = 'THENEWUSER' 
   AND type = 'USER'; 

INSERT INTO guacamole_user_permission (entity_id, affected_user_id, permission) 
((SELECT entity_id FROM guacamole_entity WHERE name = 'THENEWUSER' AND `type` = 'USER'), (SELECT user_id FROM guacamole_user WHERE full_name = 'THENEWUSER'), 'READ'), 
(1, (SELECT user_id FROM guacamole_user WHERE full_name = 'THENEWUSER'), 'READ'), 
(1, (SELECT user_id FROM guacamole_user WHERE full_name = 'THENEWUSER'), 'UPDATE'), 
(1, (SELECT user_id FROM guacamole_user WHERE full_name = 'THENEWUSER'), 'ADMINISTER'), 
(1, (SELECT user_id FROM guacamole_user WHERE full_name = 'THENEWUSER'), 'DELETE')



if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then 
       echo "Usage:" 
       echo "" 
       echo "$0 <IP> \"<image name>\"" 
       exit 1 

conname="$image - $IP" 

echo "================================================================================" >> $logfile 
echo "$now - deleting connection entry" >> $logfile 
echo "user:   $username" >> $logfile 
echo "IP:     $IP" >> $logfile 
echo "userIP: $remoteIP" >> $logfile 
echo "image:  $image" >> $logfile 
echo "name:   $conname" >> $logfile 

mysql -u vclguacsql -p$pass guacamole_db -e "DELETE FROM guacamole_connection WHERE connection_name = '$conname' AND protocol = 'rdp';" | tee -a $logfile 

if [[ $remoteIP != "" ]]; then 
       sudo /usr/local/bin/ $remoteIP $username $IP 

Create 2 scripts at /usr/local/bin. Again, make sure you make the script executable after creating them using "chmod +x <filename>":

if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then 
       echo "Usage:" 
       echo "" 
       echo "$0 <IP address> <username> <VCL node IP>" 
       exit 1 


/sbin/iptables -A clients -s $userIP -p tcp -m comment --comment "VCL: $username $vclIP" -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT 
/sbin/iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables

if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
	echo "Usage:"
	echo ""
	echo "$0 <IP address> <username> <VCL node IP>"
	exit 1


/sbin/iptables -D clients -s $userIP -p tcp -m comment --comment "VCL: $username $vclIP" -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT 
/sbin/iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Grant vclguac sudo access to run the two scripts for managing IP tables by adding the following line to /etc/sudoers:

vclsystem ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/,/usr/local/bin/

Management Node Scripts

There are three hook scripts that need to be added to the management node so that connections are added/removed on the Guacamole server as reservations are created and deleted. All of the scripts are located under /usr/local/vcl/tools/ManagementNode/Scripts. Ensure to set the IP address for your Guacamole server in place of for $guacServerIP.

use strict; 
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use JSON; 

my $guacServerIP=;

my $datafile = $ARGV[0]; 

if(! (open(DATA, '<', "$datafile"))) { 
       exit 1; 

my $jsondata = do { local $/; <DATA> }; 

my $data = decode_json($jsondata); 

my $image = $data->{image}{prettyname}; 
$image =~ s/[\[\]\(\)\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\+\=\<\>]//g; 

if($data->{OS}{type} eq 'windows') { 
   `ssh -q $data->{computer}{privateIPaddress} c:/windows/sysnative/netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule name=\\\\\\"VCL: allow TCP/3389 from Guacamole server\\\\\\" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=3389 remoteip=$guacServerIP`; 
   `echo "\$(date) added firewall rule on $data->{computer}{IPaddress} for Guacamole server" >> /var/log/guacamole.log`; 

use strict; 
use warnings FATAL => 'all'; 

use JSON; 

my $guacServerIP=;

my $datafile = $ARGV[0]; 

if(! (open(DATA, '<', "$datafile"))) { 
  exit 1; 

my $jsondata = do { local $/; <DATA> }; 

my $data = decode_json($jsondata); 

my $image = $data->{image}{prettyname}; 
$image =~ s/[\[\]\(\)\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\+\=\<\>]//g; 

if($data->{OS}{type} eq 'windows') { 
   `ssh -q -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key vclguac\@
$guacServerIP ./ $data->{computer}{IPaddress} \\'$image\\' $data->{user}{unityid} $data->{reservation}{remoteIP}`; 
   `ssh -q $data->{computer}{privateIPaddress} c:/windows/sysnative/netsh.exe advfirewall firewall delete rule name=\\\\\\"VCL: allow TCP/3389 from Guacamole server\\\\\\"`; 
   `echo "\$(date) deleted firewall rule on $data->{computer}{IPaddress} for Guacamole server" >> /var/log/guacamole.log`; 
use strict; 
use warnings FATAL => 'all'; 

use JSON; 

my $guacServerIP=;

my $datafile = $ARGV[0]; 

if(! (open(DATA, '<', "$datafile"))) { 
  exit 1; 

my $jsondata = do { local $/; <DATA> }; 

my $data = decode_json($jsondata); 

my $image = $data->{image}{prettyname}; 
$image =~ s/[\[\]\(\)\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\+\=\<\>]//g; 

if($data->{OS}{type} eq 'windows') { 
   `ssh -q -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key vclguac\@$guacServerIP ./ $data->{user}{unityid} $data->{computer}{IPaddress} \\'$image\\' $data->{reservation}{remoteIP}`; 
   `ssh -q $data->{computer}{privateIPaddress} c:/windows/sysnative/netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule name=\\\\\\"VCL: allow TCP/3389 from Guacamole server\\\\\\" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=3389 remoteip=
   `echo "\$(date) added firewall rule on $data->{computer}{IPaddress} for Guacamole server" >> /var/log/guacamole.log`; 
   `ssh -q $data->{computer}{privateIPaddress} \"echo vcld_tainted=user may have logged in >> currentimage.txt\"` 

Add a Guacamole Connection Method to the VCL Database

For users to be able to see information about connecting to their reservation through Guacamole, a connection method needs to be added to the VCL database that can then be assigned to images. Use the following SQL statements with your VCL database to do so. Make sure to adjust the URL in the first query and change to match your setup. It would be a good idea to get a valid SSL certificate (vs a self signed one) and use the hostname of your Guacamole server in the URL before giving your users access to connect using Guacamole.

INSERT INTO connectmethod (name, description, connecttext, servicename, startupscript) VALUES
('guacamole', 'Guacamole Web Connection', 'Use your web browser to connect to the following URL. If you only have one reservation, you will be connected to it after logging in to Guacamole. If you have multiple reservations, select the desired reservation after logging in to the Guacamole server. Use the following username and password when logging in to your reservation after logging in to the Guacamole server. <br>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><b>URL</b>: <a href=\"\"></a></li>\r\n<li><b>User ID</b>: #userid#</li>\r\n<li><b>Password</b>: #password#</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n', '', NULL);
INSERT INTO connectmethodmap (connectmethodid, OStypeid, OSid, imagerevisionid, disabled, autoprovisioned) VALUES
((SELECT id FROM connectmethod WHERE name = 'guacamole'), (SELECT id FROM OStype WHERE name = 'windows'), NULL, NULL, 0, 1);
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