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Headers are transiently passed over a Kafka Streams topology. To act on them, Processor API has to be used since (KIP-244).

Although current support is useful for instrumentations that need to access headers, it becomes cumbersome for users to access headers on common Kafka Streams DSL operations (e.g filtering based on header value) as requires using a Transformer/Processor implementation.

Public Interfaces

  1. Include a new type, to map value and headers.
  2. Include ValueAndHeaders serde to serialize values if needed.
  3. Include KStreams operator to map headers into the value pair: ValueAndHeaders.
  4. Include KStreams operator to set and remove headers.

In accordance with KStreams DSL Grammar, we introduce the following elements:

  • KStream DSLObject with new operations:
    • setHeader DSLOperation
    • setHeaders DSLOperation
    • removeHeader DSLOperation
    • removeHeaders DSLOperation
    • removeAllHeaders DSLOperation
    • removeAllHeaders DSLOperation
    • withHeaders DSLOperation

Proposed Changes

Include a new type, to map value and headers, and include ValueAndHeaders serde to serialize values if needed.

// New type
public class ValueAndHeaders <V> {
    private final V value;
    private final Headers headers;

// With Serde to persist/join if needed
public class ValueAndHeadersSerde<V> {

Include KStreams operator to map headers into the value pair: ValueAndHeaders, and include KStreams operator to set and remove headers.

public class KStream {
    //Functions to act on headers
    KStream<K, V> setHeaders(final SetHeadersAction<? super K, ? super V> action, final Named named);

    KStream<K, V> setHeaders(final SetHeadersAction<? super K, ? super V> action);

    KStream<K, V> setHeader(final SetHeaderAction<? super K, ? super V> action, final Named named);

    KStream<K, V> setHeader(final SetHeaderAction<? super K, ? super V> action);

    KStream<K, V> removeHeaders(final Iterable<String> headerKeys, final Named named);

    KStream<K, V> removeHeaders(final Iterable<String> headerKeys);

    KStream<K, V> removeHeader(final String headerKey, final Named named);

    KStream<K, V> removeHeader(final String headerKey);

    KStream<K, V> removeAllHeaders(final Named named);

    KStream<K, V> removeAllHeaders();

    KStream<K, ValueAndHeaders<V>> withHeaders(final Named named);

    KStream<K, ValueAndHeaders<V>> withHeaders();

public interface SetHeadersAction<K, V> {
    Iterable<Header> apply(final K key, final V value);

public interface SetHeaderAction<K, V> {
    Header apply(final K key, final V value);

This new APIs will allow usages similar to:

kstream.withHeaders() // headers mapped to value
       .filter((k, v) -> v.headers().headers("k").iterator().hasNext())
       .filter((k, v) -> Arrays.equals(v.headers().lastHeader("k").value(), "v".getBytes())) // filtering based on header value
       .groupByKey(Grouped.with(Serdes.String(), new ValueAndHeadersSerde<>(Serdes.String()))) // val/headers serialization
       .reduce((oldValue, newValue) -> {
         newValue.headers().add("reduced", "yes".getBytes()); // user deciding how to merge headers
         return new ValueAndHeaders<>(oldValue.value().concat(newValue.value()), newValue.headers());
       .mapValues((k, v) -> {v.headers().add("foo", "bar".getBytes()); return v;}) // mutate headers
       .setHeader((k, v) -> new RecordHeader("newHeader", "val".getBytes())) // add more headers
       .mapValues((k, v) -> v.value()) // return to value

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

  • New functions will be supported since 2.0+, as KIP-244 adopted.
  • No existing stores or functions are affected.

Potential next steps

Rejected Alternatives

  1. Expand KeyValue to support headers. This will affect all current APIs, from KStream/KTable to Stores.
  2. Adding mergeHeaders functions to join/aggregation. Although this will extend support for headers, will add complexity to existing functions.

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