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How to perform a release of the Log4j Kotlin API.

Step-by-step guide

Prerequisite Steps

  1. Run mvn clean verify on the project to make sure it builds cleanly.
  2. Make sure you have an up to date PGP key (at least 4096-bit RSA or stronger) in the Logging KEYS file along with having it mirrored in a common public PGP key repository such as
  3. Ensure you have your credentials set up in ~/.m2/settings.xml as described in Log4j 2 Release Process.
    1. TODO: insert information about using encrypted passwords.

Release Steps

  1. Edit pom.xml and change the Log4jKotlinVersion property to the new version.
  2. Update the Log4jReleaseManager and Log4jReleaseKey properties if necessary.
  3. Run mvn site && mvn site:stage -DstagingDirectory=$HOME/log4j-kotlin and make sure the site looks alright.
  4. Run mvn -Papache-release -DskipTests -Darguments="DskipTests" release:prepare release:perform -DreleaseVersion=n.n.n -DdevelopmentVersion=n.n.n-SNAPSHOT -Dtag=log4j-api-kotlin-n.n.n-rcn to start the release. Enter your GPG signing key when prompted.
  5. Login to with your ASF credentials. Select "Staging Repositories", then find the newly created orgapachelogging-* staging repository and close it.
  6. Checkout the release tag and run mvn site && mvn site:stage -DstagingDirectory=$HOME/log4j-kotlin to stage the site.
  7. Commit the generated site to GitHub Pages somewhere to stage it.
  8. Copy the archives and signatures from log4j-api-kotlin/target/ to
  9. Run for f in *.bz2 *.gz *.zip; do shasum -a 512 $f >$f.sha512; shasum -a 256 $f >$f.sha256; done to generate hashsums.
  10. Send a release vote email to with links to everything.
  11. If the release fails, drop the staging repository on repository.a.o and start over with a fresh release candidate number.
  12. Otherwise, if the release passes, complete the release on the staging repository.
  13. Move the distribution artifacts to where a new version directory should be made.
  14. Login to to record the release.
  15. Wait 12-24 hours for mirrors to propagate.
  16. Delete the previous version in
  17. See ManagingTheWebSite for committing the site to production.
  18. Update any redirect to point to new version for latest (if applicable).
  19. Send announcement email (from your email) to,, and

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