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The provisioning module is used to broker access to standalone pre-installed Linux or Solaris machines. These machines could be in an existing walk-in computer lab or racked in a server room.

There are four main parts needed to setup a standalone machine to use with the module.

  1. a non-root account called vclstaff on the target machines
  2. ssh idenitity key for vclstaff account, this key is used by the vcld process on the management node
  3. ssh service running on port 24 of the target machines
  4. vclclientd running on the target machines, vclclientd in the bin directory of the vcld release

How to setup:

All commands are run as root.

1. Create the non-root vclstaff account on target machine

 on linux: useradd -d /home/vclstaff -m vclstaff

2. Generate ssh identity keys for vclstaff account. Do not enter a passphrase for the key, just hit enter when prompted.

su - vclstaff
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/vclstaff/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/home/vclstaff/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/vclstaff/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/vclstaff/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:

At this point we have created a private key /home/vclstaff/.ssh/id_rsa and the public key /home/vclstaff/.ssh/

Copy the public key to /home/vclstaff/.ssh/authorized_keys file

cat /home/vclstaff/.ssh/ > /home/vclstaff/.ssh/authorized_keys

Copy the private key to the management node. This can be stored in /etc/vcl/lab.key. This private key is used by vcld to remotely log into the the lab machine.

Edit /etc/vcld.conf
Set the variables IDENTITY_linux_lab and IDENTITY_solaris_lab to use this new key.
It should look like:

Test out the newly created key from the vcl management node:
ssh -i /etc/vcl/lab.key vclstaff@target_lab_machine

3. Set ssh server on target machine to listen on port 24. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config on target lab machine(s).

echo "Port 24" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config

For advanced ssh configurations one may need to also add vclstaff to the AllowUsers directive or some other group which would work with ones existing campus ssh login restrictions, if any.

Restart sshd: /etc/init.d/sshd restart

retest to make sure sshd is accessible on port 24

ssh -p24 -i /etc/vcl/lab.key vclstaff@target_lab_machine

4. Copy vclclientd and vclclientd init script to target_lab_machine, from managenment node:

scp -P24 /usr/local/vcl/bin/vclclientd vclstaff@target_lab_machine:/home/vclstaff
scp -P24 /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vclclient.linux target_lab_machine:/etc/init.d/S99vclclient.linux

add this start up script to the appropriate run time levels

Start vclclientd :
/etc/init.d/S99vclclient.linux start5. Add computers to the VCL database as one normally would.

Make sure to select the Lab provisioning module it is labeled as "Computing Lab"

6. Insert an image into the image table for this lab machine:

INSERT INTO `vcl`.`image`
(`id` ,
`name` ,
`prettyname` ,
`ownerid` ,
`platformid` ,
`OSid` ,
`imagemetaid` ,
`minram` ,
`minprocnumber` ,
`minprocspeed` ,
`minnetwork` ,
`maxconcurrent` ,
`reloadtime` ,
`deleted` ,
`test` ,
`lastupdate` ,
`forcheckout` ,
`maxinitialtime` ,
`project` ,
`size` ,
`architecture` ,
`description` ,
`usage` ,
('7' , 'vmwarewinxp-base7-v1', 'No Apps (WinXP vmware)', '1', '1', '16', NULL,
'512', '1', '1024', '100', NULL , '5', '0', '0', NOW(), '1', '0', 'vcl', '1500',
'x86', NULL , NULL , '0'
INSERT INTO `vcl`.`imagerevision` (
`id` ,
`imageid` ,
`revision` ,
`userid` ,
`datecreated` ,
`deleted` ,
`datedeleted` ,
`production` ,
`comments` ,
NULL , '7', '1', '1', NOW(), '0', NULL , '1', NULL , 'vmwarewinxp-base7-v1'
INSERT INTO `vcl`.`resource` (
`id` ,
`resourcetypeid` ,
NULL , '13', '7'
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