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How do I configure SLF4J?

Add a under the directory of java test and then add the following snippets into your build.gradle file.

test {
systemProperty "log4j.configuration", ""
dependencies {
// or shadow

The second dependency shadow is not necessary if this dependency is already provided by other library. You can check the dependency tree by launching ./gradlew dependencies to see if it has been included.

If you encounter the error message like this: 

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation

It means that no SLF4J binding is found. So you need to add or in build.gradle file.

How do I automatically format code and avoid spotless errors?

You can set up a git precommit hook to always autoformat code, by putting this in .git/hooks/pre-commit and setting the executable bit.

    set -e
    ./gradlew spotlessApply

If you haven't used git hooks, the docs are here:

Using --no-verify will skip it and `chmod u-x` will disable it.

How do I run a single test?

./gradlew :examples:java:test --tests org.apache.beam.examples.subprocess.ExampleEchoPipelineTest --info

Running Java Dataflow Hello World pipeline with compiled Dataflow Java worker.

You can dump multiple definitions for gcp project name and temp folder. They are present, since different targets use different names.

Before running command, remember to configure your gcloud credentials. Add GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to your env variables.

./gradlew :runners:google-cloud-dataflow-java:examples:preCommitLegacyWorker -PdataflowProject=<GcpProjectName> -Pproject=<GcpProjectName> -PgcpProject=<GcpProjectName> -PgcsTempRoot=<Gcs location in format: gs://..., no trailing slash> -PdataflowTempRoot=<Gcs location in format: gs://...>

./gradlew :runners:google-cloud-dataflow-java:examples:preCommitFnApiWorker -PdataflowProject=<GcpProjectName> -Pproject=<GcpProjectName> -PgcpProject=<GcpProjectName>  -PgcsTempRoot=<Gcs location in format: gs://..., no trailing slash> -PdataflowTempRoot=<Gcs location in format: gs://..., no trailing slash> -PdockerImageRoot=<docker image store location in format>

Running a User Defined Pipeline (example is on Java Direct Runner). 

If you want to run your own pipeline, and in the meanwhile change beam repo code for dev/testing purpose. Here is an example.

If it is just a simple runner like directRunner, all you need to do is to put your pipeline code under example folder, and then add following build target to the related build.gradle: 

task execute(type:JavaExec) {
main = "org.apache.beam.examples.SideInputWordCount"
classpath = configurations."directRunnerPreCommit"

There are also alternative choices, with slight difference:

1) Create a maven project. And use the following command to publish changed code to local repository. 

 ./gradlew -Ppublishing -PnoSigning publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenLocal

2) Make use of Integration tests, and make your user defined pipeline part of the integration test. 

Continue on error

--continue – this flag makes compileJava task to dump all found errors, not stop on first.

IntelliJ Proto Intellisense doesn't work.

This can happen when you start IntellijJ or (in my case) after modifying protos.

This is not a solved problem yet.

Currently tried approaches:

  1. Clean build from console
  2. Build from IntelliJ
  3. Refresh Gradle Project in IntelliJ
  4. Restart IntelliJ
  5. Another option looked at that should help if index is not updated via 3 and 4:

Workaround that did the trick. Since many things were tried in process and no clear way to reproduce error, this might not be the correct/best steps. Update steps if you find shorter/cleaner way to do the trick.

  1. Refresh tradle project in IntelliJ
  2. Close intellij
  3. clean build project from console (./gradlew clean cleanTest build -x testWebsite -x :rat -x test)
  4. Open IntelliJ

What command should I run locally before creating a pull request?

We recommend running this command, in order to catch common style issues, potential bugs (using code analysis), and javadoc issues before creating a pull request. Running this takes 5-10 minutes.

./gradlew spotlessApply && ./gradlew -PenableCheckerFramework=true checkstyleMain checkstyleTest javadoc spotbugsMain compileJava compileTestJava

If you don't run this locally, they will be ran during presubmit, by Jenkins. However, if these fail during presubmit, you may not see the output of test failures. So doing this first is recommended to make your development process a bit smoother and iterate on your PR until it passes the presubmit.

How do I use a snapshot Beam Java SDK version? (To use new features prior to the next Beam release.)

To use a snapshot SDK version, you will need to add the apache.snapshots repository to your pom.xml (example), and set beam.version to a snapshot version, e.g. "2.24.0-SNAPSHOT" or later (listed here).

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