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The Intro page provides an overview and describes the motivation for the features described below.


The page CODI Modules provides an overview about CODI modules and how to add them to your project.

For using the features described in this page, you have to add the core and the JSF module for the JSF version you are using.


Conversation Scope

First of all it's important to mention that CODI starts (grouped) conversations automatically as soon as you access conversation scoped beans. Furthermore, the invocation of Conversation#end* leads to an immediate termination of the conversation.

A CODI conversation scoped bean
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.core.api.scope.conversation.ConversationGroup;

public class DemoBean1 implements Serializable

... leads to a conversation which contains just one bean with the group DemoBean1.

Grouped Conversations

(In case of CDI std. conversations there is just one big conversation which contains all conversation scoped beans.)
The grouped conversations provided by CODI are completely different. By default every conversation scoped bean exists in an "isolated" conversation. That means there are several parallel conversations within the same window.


Separated CODI conversations
public class DemoBean2 implements Serializable

public class DemoBean3 implements Serializable

... leads to two independent conversations in the same window (context).
If you end the conversation of DemoBean2, the conversation of DemoBean3 is still active.

If you have an use-case (e.g. a wizard) which uses multiple beans which are linked together very tightly, you can create a type-safe conversation group.

Grouped conversation scoped beans
interface Wizard1 {}

public class DemoBean4 implements Serializable

public class DemoBean5 implements Serializable

You can use @ConversationGroup to tell CODI that there is a logical group of beans. Technically @ConversationGroup is just a CDI qualifier. Internally CODI uses this information to identify a conversation. In the previous example both beans exist in the same conversation (group). If you terminate the conversation group, both beans will be destroyed. If you don't use @ConversationGroup explicitly, CODI uses the class of the bean as conversation group.

Injecting a conversation scoped bean with an explicit group
public class CustomBean1
  private CustomBean2 demoBean;

  private CustomBean2 demoBean;

Since @ConversationGroup is a std. CDI qualifier you have to use it at the injection point. You have to do that esp. because it's possible to create beans of the same type which exist in different groups (e.g. via producer methods).


Producer methods which produce conversation scoped beans with different groups
interface Group1 {}
interface Group2 {}

public class CustomBean2
  public CustomBean2 createInstanceForGroup1()
    return new CustomBean2();

  public CustomBean2 createInstanceForGroup2()
    return new CustomBean2();

Terminating Conversations

You can inject the conversation via @Inject and use it to terminate the conversation immediately (see *) or you inject the current WindowContext which can be used to terminate a given conversation group.

Injecting and using the current conversation
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.core.api.scope.conversation.ConversationScoped;
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.core.api.scope.conversation.Conversation;

public class DemoBean6 implements Serializable
  private Conversation conversation; //injects the conversation of DemoBean6 (!= conversation of DemoBean7)


  public void finish()

public class DemoBean7 implements Serializable
  private Conversation conversation; //injects the conversation of DemoBean7 (!= conversation of DemoBean6)


  public void finish()
Injecting and using the explicitly grouped conversation
interface Wizard2 {}

public class DemoBean8 implements Serializable
  private Conversation conversation; //injects the conversation of Wizard2 (contains DemoBean8 and DemoBean9)


  public void finish()

public class DemoBean9 implements Serializable
  private Conversation conversation; //injects the conversation of Wizard2 (contains DemoBean8 and DemoBean9)


  public void finish()
Terminating a grouped conversation outside of the conversation
public class DemoBean10 implements Serializable
  private WindowContext windowContext; //injects the whole window context (of the current window)


  public void finish()
    this.windowContext.endConversationGroup(Wizard2.class);  //ends the conversation of group Wizard2.class
Terminate all conversations
public class DemoBean11 implements Serializable
  private WindowContext windowContext;


  public void finish()
    this.windowContext.endConversations();  //ends all existing conversations within the current window (context)


Since the View-Access scope is just a different kind of a conversation #endConversations also terminates all view-access scoped beans.
There will be a SPI to customize this behavior. Usually you will need #endConversations e.g. if the user triggers a navigation via the main-menu and in such a case you usually exit the current use-case. So it makes sense that all kinds of conversations will be ended.


* Please note that all methods which starts with #end might change until alpha1 - see EXTCDI-57

Restarting conversations

Instead of destroying the whole conversation the conversation stays active and only the scoped instances are destroyed. (The conversation will be marked as accessed.) As soon as an instance of a bean is requested, the instance will be created based on the original bean descriptor. This approach allows a better performance, if the conversation is needed immediately (e.g. if you know in your action method that the next page will/might use the same conversation again).

Restarting a conversation
public class DemoBean12 implements Serializable
  private Conversation conversation;


  public void finish()


Compared to std. CDI conversations CODI provides completely different conversation concepts. "Just the name is the same."
So please don't try to use the same implementation patterns which you might have learned for std. conversations.
CDI conversations are comparable to MyFaces Orchestra conversations.

View Access Scope

In case of conversations you have to un-scope beans manually (or they we be terminated automatically after a timeout). However, sometimes you need beans with a lifetime which is as long as needed and as short as possible - which are terminated automatically (as soon as possible). In such an use-case you can use this scope. The simple rule is, as long as the bean is referenced by a page - the bean will be available for the next page (if it's used again the bean will be forwarded again). It is important that it's based on the view-id of a page (it isn't based on the request) so e.g. Ajax requests don't trigger a cleanup if the request doesn't access all view-access scoped beans of the page. That's also the reason for the name @*View*AccessScoped.

Access scoped bean
public class WizardBean implements Serializable

The usage of this scope is very similar to normal conversations. Only the cleanup strategy is different and the concept itself doesn't need/support the usage of @ConversationGroup.

Window Scope

The usage of this scope is very similar to normal conversations. Only the cleanup strategy is different and the concept itself doesn't need/support the usage of @ConversationGroup.

Window scoped bean
public class PreferencesBean implements Serializable

Terminating the Window Scope/ window scoped Beans

Since WindowContext#endConversations doesn't affect window scoped beans we need a special API for terminating all window scoped beans.
If you don't use qualifiers for your window scoped beans, you can just inject the conversation into a window scoped bean and invoke the methods discussed above. If you don't have this constellation, you can use the WindowContext to terminate the window scoped beans or the whole window context. If you terminate the whole window, you also destroy all conversation and view-access scoped beans automatically.

Terminate the whole content of the window
public class CustomWindowControllerBean1
  private WindowContext windowContext;


  public void closeWindow()
Terminate all window scoped beans
public class CustomWindowControllerBean2
  private WindowContext windowContext;


  public void finish()

View Scope (JSF 2+ only)

Dependency Injection

CODI allows using @Inject within the following JSF (1.2 and 2.0) artifacts:

  • Converter
  • Validator
  • PhaseListener

As soon as a converter or a validator is annotated with @Advanced it's possible to use @Inject.

Example for a validator:

@Inject within a JSF validator
//@FacesValidator("...") //in case of JSF 2.0
public class DependencyInjectionAwareValidator implements Validator
  private CustomValidationService customValidationService;

  public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent, Object value) throws ValidatorException
    Violation violation = this.customValidationService.validate(value);

Example for a converter:

@Inject within a JSF converter
//@FacesConverter("...") //in case of JSF 2.0
public class DependencyInjectionAwareConverter implements Converter
  private OrderService orderService;

  public Object getAsObject(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent, String value)
      throws ConverterException
    if (value != null && value.length() > 0)
      return this.orderService.loadByOrderNumber(value);
    return null;


Life-cycle Annotations

Phase-Listener Methods


CODI provides an annotation for phase-listeners:

PhaseListener configured via annotation
public class DebugPhaseListener implements PhaseListener
  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DebugPhaseListener.class);

  private static final long serialVersionUID = -3128296286005877801L;

  public void beforePhase(PhaseEvent phaseEvent)
        LOG.debug("before: " + phaseEvent.getPhaseId());

  public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent phaseEvent)
      LOG.debug("after: " + phaseEvent.getPhaseId());

  public PhaseId getPhaseId()
    return PhaseId.ANY_PHASE;

If you have to specify the order of phase-listeners you can us the optional @InvocationOrder annotation.
In combination with @Advanced it's possible to use dependency injection.


@Inject within a JSF phase-listener
@InvocationOrder(1) //optional
public class DebugPhaseListener implements PhaseListener
  private DebugService debugService;

  public void beforePhase(PhaseEvent phaseEvent)

  public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent phaseEvent)

  public PhaseId getPhaseId()
    return PhaseId.ANY_PHASE;



Type-safe Navigation

Type-safe View Config

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