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This wiki page has been setup to help track ASF participation at FOSDEM: who will be there, what is being organised, which projects will be represented, etc.

What is FOSDEM?

FOSDEM is a free open source conference that takes place each year in Brussels. It is free entry so many organisations and companies involved in open source attend.

WhereWhenDescriptionCFP opensCFP closes
Brussels4th & 5th February 2023FOSDEM

End October 2022

Various (November to December 2022)

Why is the ASF attending FOSDEM?

The ASF is one of the open source foundations that represent the most projects and even though FOSDEM is considered the most important Open Source event in Europe our presence has only been indirect via Apache OpenOffice (AOO) for years. In 2016 the ASF had a booth alongside AOO and helped spread the ASF message to the 4000-5000 conference attendees.

Over the years several projects have given talks at FOSDEM, the goal is give these projects (and hopefully many other projects) a home in the event. An ASF booth at FOSDEM can send a clear message that the ASF

  • is not only httpd and AOO but is a home to a 300+ projects that cover the full range of established and incubating projects where innovation happens
  • is every bit as relevant as the FSF and are the source of a HUGE amount of very important free software in use today and we need to promote and let people know about this
  • is always looking for people to become involved with its projects and communities
  • is involved with ?? projects being presented at FOSDEM

Presentations from ASF Contributors / Speakers

If you are speaking at FOSDEM then please add the details of your talk here.

1<talk title><your name><date, room>
2 Cultural Relativism: a Prism for Constructing Cross Cultural CommunitiesCladue WarrenSunday,  UB5.132, 10:15-10:45


Devrooms relevant to ASF projects

As well as the main conference tracks there are several devrooms which may be a good fit for some of our ASF projects. These are as follows:

  • Community
  • Containers
  • Free Java
  • Open Document Editors
  • Geospatial
  • HPC, Big Data, and Data Science
  • Internet of Things

Apache projects present at FOSDEM and planning 'office hours' at ASF table

If you are going to be at FOSDEM and would like to spend some time on the ASF booth talking about or promoting your project then please add your details to the table below.

Projects will typically be allotted between 2-4 hours each (depending on how many projects show up) on either Saturday or Sunday.

If you don't want to spend time on the booth but will be passing from time to time then let us know as we often get queries about your project that we can't answer ...but you can so please check in with us at the booth so we know you are around.

ProjectContactPresence at boothHours (tentative)
SetupsharanyesSat 9:00-10:00
PekkoMatthew de DetrichyesSat 16:00-18:00


We need people to be at the booth and help in general. The booth will need to be manned with at least 3 people (which of course can be different people)





Claude Warrenclaude@a.oyesSetup, Pekko, +available various times.  
Matthew de Detrich mdedetrich@a.oyesSetup, Pekko, +available various times.  
Arnout Engelenengelen@a.oyesSetup, +available at various times.

Arrival / Departure Schedule

If you are going to be at FOSDEM and want to meetup with other people from Apache projects then please add your details to the table below.

Depending on the number of people and the dates an informal social event may be organised.

NameContactArrival DateDepartureInterested in Social Event?
Claude Warren frimonyes
Matthew de Detrich @mdedetrichfrimonyes
Arnout EngelenArnout Engelen frisunyes


Due to being oversubscribed we have been granted a 1-table stand at FOSDEM in building ???.  This is 180x80x80cm wide in total, which should be enough for 2-3 people

There will be a rotation between projects, allotting each project roughly 2-4 hours to showcase their project and hand out swag etc.

We'll have an ASF banner.  Projects are welcome to bring their own banners and have them displayed when they are represented at the booth.

We will also have a chromebook for demos etc.

NOTE: Due to the size limitations here, and the many project at ASF, there will NOT be room for permanent project showcases - computers/monitors, mascots etc.


Please add your project name to the list below if you would like some of your stickers to be available at the Apache booth during FOSDEM. We do have some stickers left over from ApacheCon that we will be giving away at FOSDEM so will check if we already have some in stock.

Project NameComments
PekkoPekko needs to deliver image to Sharon


We will have a portion of ASF swag to give away:

  • Stickers
  • Pens
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Due to circumstances this will be a very limited supply when taking FOSDEM's size into account, so distribute sparsely!

Rule of thumb here: You talk to us, you get swag. If you're only there for the swag, tough luck, buddy!

The swag will be rationed, half for Saturday, half for Sunday.

Remember: Projects can bring their own marketing material to distribute on the booth

Marketing and messages

For the booth to become a success we need to do both internal and external marketing. We will be promoting FOSDEM on the Community Development mailing lists and will ask Sally to help us draw a blog post and news bulletin.

It might be good to send an email out to all our projects as the conference is completely free.


dev@community.a.o is currently being used for all FOSDEM communication.

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