To check out the latest version of Axis2 from the Foundation's Subversion repository, you must use one of the following URLs depending on your level of access to the Axis2 source code:
- If you are not a committer:
- If you are a committer:
- If you are a committer, make sure that you have selected an svnpasswd. To do this, you must log into For more information, please read the ASF Source Code Repositories page .
Once you have successfully installed Subversion, you can check out Axis2 trunk by following these steps:
Run svn co <repository URL> axis2 where the repository URL is one of the URLs from the previous list.
This step will check out the latest version of the Axis2 Java codebase to a directory named "axis2". The second parameter to the svn co selects a directory to create on your local machine. If you want to checkout Axis2 to a different directory, feel free to change axis2 to any other directory name.
To update your working copy to the latest version from the repository, execute the svn update command.
If you would like to submit a patch, you can execute svn diff to create a unified diff for submission to the Axis2 JIRA issue tracker.