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Flink ETL job consumes data from Source Table and produces result to Sink Table. Source Table creates relationship with Sink Table through Flink ETL job. Flink needs a mechanism for users to report these relationships to external systems, such as meta system Datahub [1], Atlas [2] and meta store we mentioned in FLIP-276 [3].

This FLIP aims to introduce listeners interface in Flink, users can implement them to report the progress of jobs and meta data to external systems. Flink SQL and Table jobs are supported in the first stage, and DataStream will be consider in the future. The main information is as follows

1. Source and Sink information, such as table name, fields, partition keys, primary keys, watermarks, configurations

2. Job information, such as job id/name, execution mode, scheduler type, logical plan

3. Relationship between Source/Sink and jobs, such as source and sink tables, columns in tables for job

4. Job execution information, such as job status, checkpoints

Public Interfaces


DDL operations such as register catalog, create/alter/drop tables and etc will generate different events and notify CatalogEventListener . All events for CatalogEventListener extend the basic interface CatalogEvent and listeners can get catalog from it. Some general events for catalog/database/table are defined as follows and more events can be implemented based on the requirements in the future.

 * Different events will be fired when a catalog/database/table is modified. The customized listener can receive these events and then do some specific operations according to the event type.
public interface CatalogEventListener {
    /* Event fired after a catalog/database/table is modified. */
    void onEvent(CatalogEvent catalogEvent);

    /* The basic class for catalog related event. */
    public interface CatalogEvent {
        /* The catalog of the event. */
        Catalog catalog();
        /* The name of catalog. */
        String catalogName();

    /* Event for catalog registration. */
    interface RegisterCatalogEvent extends CatalogEvent { }
    /* Event for catalog unregistration. */ 
    interface UnregisterCatalogEvent extends CatalogEvent {
        boolean ignoreIfNotExists();

    /* Event for database creation. */
    interface CreateDatabaseEvent extends CatalogEvent {
        CatalogDatabase database();
        String databaseName(); 
        boolean ignoreIfExists();

    /* Event for dropping database. */
    interface DropDatabaseEvent extends CatalogEvent  {
        String databaseName(); 
        boolean ignoreIfExists();

    /* Base table event, provides column list, primary keys, partition keys, watermarks and properties in CatalogBaseTable. The table can be source or sink. */
    interface BaseTableEvent extends CatalogEvent {
        ObjectIdentifier identifier();  
        CatalogBaseTable table();

    /* Event for table creation. */
    interface CreateTableEvent extends BaseTableEvent {
        boolean ignoreIfExists();

    /* Event for altering table, provides all information in old table and new table. */
    interface AlterTableEvent extends BaseTableEvent {
        List<TableChange> tableChanges();
        boolean ignoreIfExists();

    /* Event for dropping table. */
    interface DropTableEvent extends BaseTableEvent {
        boolean ignoreIfExists();   


There is an existing JobListener which will be notified when job is submitted. Before job is submitted, Flink should create an event with source/sink list for the job and notify the listener, then users can do their customized validation such as whether a table is written by multiple jobs. JobSubmissionEvent is created for the listener and onEvent method is added to the listener  as follows.

public interface JobListener {
    /* Event is fired before a job is submitted. */
    void onEvent(JobSubmissionEvent submissionEvent);

    /* Event for job submission. */
    public interface JobSubmissionEvent {
        JobID jobId();
        String jobName();
        JobLogicalPlan plan();

    /* Use JobSubmittedEvent instead. */
    void onJobSubmitted(@Nullable JobClient jobClient, @Nullable Throwable throwable);

    /* Use JobExecutedEvent instead. */
    void onJobExecuted(
            @Nullable JobExecutionResult jobExecutionResult, @Nullable Throwable throwable);

    public interface JobPreSubmitEvent extends JobSubmissionEvent { }

    public interface JobSubmittedEvent extends JobSubmissionEvent {
        @Nullable JobClient jobClient();
        @Nullable Throwable throwable();

    public interface JobExecutedEvent extends JobSubmissionEvent {
        @Nullable JobExecutionResult jobExecutionResult();
        @Nullable Throwable throwable();


JobManager generates events when status of job is changed or checkpoint is started and notify JobExecutionListener .  JobStatusEvent indicates the status of Flink job in JobStatus with old status, new status and job logical plan.

In addition to status, JobManager would generate CheckpointEvent  for checkpoint when it is started/completed/aborted and notify JobExecutionListener. All checkpoint related events extend CheckpointEvent and more events can be added in the future.

 * When job status is changed in job manager, it will generate job event and notify job execution listener.
public interface JobExecutionListener {
    /* Event fired after job status has been changed. */ 
    void onJobStatusChanged(JobStatusEvent jobStatusEvent);

    /* Event fired when a checkpoint is started/completed/aborted. */
    void onCheckpoint(CheckpointEvent checkpointEvent);

    /* Job status event with plan. */
    public interface JobStatusEvent {
        JobLogicalPlan plan();
        JobStatus oldStatus();
        JobStatus newStatus();

    /* Event for job checkpoint. */
    public interface CheckpointEvent {
        /* Snapshot type, checkpoint or savepoint. */
        String snapshotType(); 
        long checkpoint();
        @Nullable String externalSavepointLocation();
        boolean isPeriodic;
        long timestamp();
        Map<String, String> config(); 

    /* Checkpoint started/completed/aborted event. */
    public interface CheckpointStartedEvent extends CheckpointEvent {}
    public interface CheckpointCompletedEvent extends CheckpointEvent {}
    public interface CheckpointStartedEvent extends CheckpointEvent {} 

Job Logical Plan

There is JobLogicalPlan in above events for different listeners. Users can get the plan to report more information about the job, such as source/sink tables in the job, column relation between source/sink tables and topology of the job. JobPlanVertex  in the logical is built on JobVertex in JobGraph and provides basic information.

In addition, JobPlanVertex also require additional information, such as schema for source/sink in Table and SQL job. JobPlanTableVertex  for Table and SQL job extends the basic JobPlanVertex , and vertex for DataStream  job can be added in the future.

 * Job logical plan is built according to JobGraph. Users can get sources, sinks and the relationship between nodes from plan.
public interface JobLogicalPlan {
    JobID jobId();
    String jobName();

    /* Scheduler type such as Default/Adaptive/AdaptiveBatch. */
    String scheduler();

    ExecutionMode executionMode();

    /* Job type, BATCH or STREAMING. */
    String jobType();

    /* Source vertex list. */
    List<JobPlanVertex> sources();

    /* Sink vertex list. */
    List<JobPlanVertex> sinks();

    /* Get all vertex list. */
    List<JobPlanVertex> getVerticesSortedTopologicallyFromSources();

    /* Get specific vertex by id. */
    JobPlanVertex vertex(String id); 

    /* Job configuration. */
    Configuration jobConfiguration();

    /* Vertex in job logical plan based on JobVertex. */
    public interface JobPlanVertex {
        String id();
        String name();
        String operatorName();
        String operatorDescription();
        int parallelism(); 
        String invokableClassName();
        boolean supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts();
        List<JobPlanEdge> inputs();

    /* Edge between vertexes in the logical plan. */
    public interface JobPlanEdge {
        JobPlanVertex source();
        JobPlanVertex target();
        String distribution();
        String shipStrategyName();
        boolean isBroadcast();
        boolean isForward();

/* Table scan source and sink base interface, datastream source/sink vertex can be added based on the requirements in the future. */
public interface JobPlanTableVertex extends JobPlanVertex {
    /* `catalog`.`database`.`table` for scan source. */
    ObjectIdentifier table();

    /* For Scan source, the type is Values or Table; for sink, the type is CollectSink or ModifySink. */
    String type();

    /* Table options. */
    Map<String, String> config();

    /* For scan source, columns which are consumed by source; for sink, columns which are produced by sink. */
    List<JobTableColumn> columns();

    /* Column with name and type in the table. */
    public interface JobTableColumn extends Serializable {
        String name();
        LogicalType type();
    /* Table scan source vertex. */
	public interface JobPlanTableSourceVertex extends JobPlanTableVertex {}
    /* Table sink vertex. */
	public interface JobPlanTableSinkVertex extends JobPlanTableVertex {
        /* Modify type, INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE. */
        String modifyType();

        /* Update mode, APPEND/RETRACT/UPSERT. */
        String updateMode();
        boolean overwrite();
        Map<String, String> staticPartitions();

Config Customized Listener

Users should add their listeners to the classpath of client and flink cluster, and config them in the following options

# Config catalog event listeners.
table.catalog.listeners: {job catalog listener class1},{job catalog listener class2}

# Existing config job submission listeners.
execution.job-listeners: {job submission listener class1},{job submission listener class2}

# Config job execution listeners.
jobmanager.execution.listeners: {job execution listener class1},{job execution listener class2}

Proposed Changes

Changes for CatalogEventListener

TableEnvironmentImpl creates customized CatalogEventListener according to the option table.catalog.listeners , and put the listener into CatalogManager and AbstractCatalog. TableEnvironmentImpl can use the External component such as Sql-Gateway can create listeners and CatalogManager itself and create TableEnvironmentImpl with them. When DDL related operations are executed in CatalogManager and AbstractCatalog , they should notify the listeners.

Changes for JobExecutionListener

Flink sql or table jobs are created from Planner which contains exec nodes, then it is converted to Operation , Transformation and StreamGraph. Finally, the jobs are submitted as JobGraph and job managers create ExecutionGraph from it. The operations of source/sink list are as follows.

SourceScan in Planner contains source information such as table name, fields and configurations. But these information is hidden in the Source which is an interface when the SourceScan  is converted to Transformation. We should add source information in the conversion of SourceScan->Operation->Transformation->StreamNode.

Similar to sources, Sink and DataStreamSink contain sink information such as table names and configuration. We should add sink information in the conversion of Sink->Operation->Transformation->StreamNode, then we can add Map<JobVertexID, JobSinkVertexInfo> sources in JobGraph and ExecutionGraph too.

After completing the above changes, JobManager can create JobLogicalPlan  from JobGraph  for JobExecutionListener . When the status of job is changed, DefaultExecutionGraph  in JobManager  will notify the listener. At the same time, this listener will also listen to the execution of checkpoint. When CheckpointCoordinator starts/completes/aborts a specific checkpoint, it will notify the listener too.

Listener Construction and Execution

While the current JobListener is created by an empty constructor, all customized listeners above can be created by a constructor with Configuration or an empty constructor. Flink takes precedence over constructors with Configuration if it is exist.

Multiple listeners are independent, and client/JobManager will notify the listeners synchronously. It is highly recommended NOT to perform any blocking operation inside the listeners. If blocked operations are required, users need to perform asynchronous processing in their customized listeners.

Plan For The Future

  1. We add column relationships between job vertex in JobLogicalPlanInfo, but it is not supported in Flink at present. We'd like to implement them in the next FLIP. 
  2. Source/Sink relationships for SQL/Table jobs are supported, DataStream  jobs will be supported later.

  3. Currently we only supports scan source, lookup join source should be supported later.

  4. Add Job vertex listener for batch mode, such as scheduling and execution status of vertex, execution status of subtask, etc.



[3] FLIP-276: Data Consistency of Streaming and Batch ETL in Flink and Table Store

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