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Camel 2.8.0 release (currently in progress)

Unknown macro: {div}

Unknown macro: {div}

New and Noteworthy

Welcome to the 2.8.0 release which approx XXX issues resolved (new features, improvements and bug fixes such as...)

  • Fixed the OGNL support of Simple language to support dots in key for map access.
  • You can now specify type parameters in Bean to exact select method to be used when having overloaded methods (overloaded methods have same name, but vary in parameter types).
  • The SFTP component now allows you to customize keep alive settings.
  • Fixed issue if explict setting JmsMessage body to null would cause Camel to re-initialize the body from the underlying javax.jms.Message on access again.
  • Mock endpoints is now lenient, which means its easier to replace components with Mock for testing purposes. Using uri parameters which the Mock endpoint wont no longer complain about being unknown parameters.
  • Camel places a breadcrumb header in the Camel Message which allow us to keep track of messages across transports such as JMS, HTTP and many others. See more details at MDC logging.
  • Improved XPath to allow GC to kick-in a bit earlier to free memory as Camel will clear references to used Exchanges used during XPath evaluations.
  • Fixed an issue using FTP endpoints with the interceptSendToEndpoint
  • Camel Proxy supports asynchronous invocations using Future handles.
  • The endpoint cache can be configured on CamelContext.
  • Cometd supports custom security policy and extensions as documented here
  • Caches such as ProducerCache and EndpointRegistry can now be purged from JMX.
  • Added stats for number of redeliveries and handled failures to JMX.
  • Added support for JBoss 6.
  • JMS consumer uses CACHE_AUTO for default cache level. This ensure that it will automatic detect if its transacted and use CACHE_NONE which must be used for transacted. And CACHE_CONSUMER for non transacted.
  • Improved Splitter in parallel mode to be more responsive when aggregating on-the-fly under high load, and reducing number of threads in-use.
  • Added onPrepare to Multicast, Splitter, Recipient List, and Wire Tap to execute custom logic when preparing messages. For example you can use that to deep clone message bodies, or enrich messages before they are processed.
  • Added CamelSqlQuery header to SQL Component to specify (per exchange) SQL query.
  • camel-cache now works in OSGi.
  • Fixed an issue with HawtDB file store growing to large.
  • Added repeatCount option to Timer so you can limit the number of times it fires.
  • Consuming from JMS will now uses default exchange ids, instead of overring and uses ids based on JMSMessageID. This makes exchange ids consistent with all components in Camel.
  • The camel-script component now works in OSGi and being able to discover and use ScriptEngineFactory from bundles.
  • Restlet producer now supports the Asynchronous Routing Engine
  • Throttler now uses an Expression for the maximum messages per period, which means it can be adjusted dynamic at runtime.
  • Cache now supports replicating cache across nodes using listeners.
  • Fixed issue with XMPP being redeployed (hot-deploy) in Apache ServiceMix may fail.
  • CXF uses case-insensitive keys for CXF protocol headers, which Apache CXF itself also uses.\
  • Fixed issue with stopping context scoped Error Handler if a route was stopped, for example using JMX.
  • Updated documentation of each EIP to include a table with the options they support.
  • Improved the AWS-SQS, AWS-SNS and AWS-S3 components to be able to configure the region with which the Amazon client wants to work with.
  • The testConnectionOnStartup option on JMS now also checks JMS producers as well.
  • Upgraded Cometd from 1.0.1 to 2.1.0

New Enterprise Integration Patterns

New Components

DSL Changes

  • Wire Tap has now fluent builders in Java DSL to make it easier to configure.
  • Wire Tap can now set headers directly in the DSL when using the send new message mode.
  • Added skipDuplicate option to Idempotent Consumer EIP to allow end users to handle duplicate messages more easily in Camel routes.
  • Throttler now uses an Expression to set the maximum requests per period, allow that to be dynamic evaluated at runtime. This means you need to migrate if you use XML DSL.

New Annotations

New Data Formats

New Languages

New Examples

New Tutorials

API breaking

  • Added purge method to ServicePool
  • If you use Wire Tap from within a Content Based Router in Java DSL, then you need to use end() to indicate the end of the Wire Tap. See this test
  • WireTapDefinition no longer extends from SendDefinition
  • Removed maximumRequestsPerPeriod attribute on <throttle> in XML DSL. You should use an Expression instead, such as <constant>10</constant>

Known Issues

  • The Tracer may not output all details for some situations such as when using onCompletion or intercept etc.
  • Not all Examples have ANT build.xml files to run the example using ANT.
  • The project cannot fully build the site using Maven (eg running "mvn site". There is no plan to make this work as the project do not use the maven site.
  • The camel-spring-ws feature does not work in Apache ServiceMix or Apache Karaf.

Important changes to consider when upgrading

  • Upgraded to slf4j 1.6.1
  • The testConnectionOnStartup option on JMS now also checks JMS producers as well.

Getting the Distributions

Binary Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Windows Distribution

Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution



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The above URLs use the Apache Mirror system to redirect you to a suitable mirror for your download. Some users have experienced issues with some versions of browsers (e.g. some Safari browsers). If the download doesn't seem to work for you from the above URL then try using FireFox

Source Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Source for Windows

Source for Unix/Linux/Cygwin



Getting the Binaries using Maven 2

To use this release in your maven project, the proper dependency configuration that you should use in your Maven POM is:


SVN Tag Checkout

svn co


For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the:

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