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Current state: Under Discussion

Discussion thread

JIRA: KAFKA-15348 

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


The main goal is supporting interactive queries in presence of versioned state stores (KIP-889) in AK. This KIP is the successor of KIP-960 and KIP-969
For this KIP, the following query types are considered to be implemented.  

Range Queries

  1. key-range latest-value query
  2. key-range with lower bound latest-value query
  3. key-range with upper bound latest-value query
  4. all-keys (no bound) latest-value query
  5. key-range query with timestamp (upper) bound
  6. key-range with lower bound with timestamp (upper) bound 
  7. key-range with upper bound with timestamp (upper) bound
  8. all-keys (no bound) with timestamp (upper) bound
  9. key-range query with timestamp range
  10. key-range query with lower bound with timestamp range
  11. key-range query with upper bound with timestamp range
  12. all-keys (no bound) with timestamp range
  13. key-range query all-versions
  14. key-range query with lower bound all-versions
  15. key-range query with upper bond all-versions
  16. all-keys query (no bound) all-versions (entire store)

Public Interfaces

In this KIP we propose the public classes, MultiVersionedRangeQuery that will be described in the next section. 

Proposed Changes

For supporting range queries, MultiVersionedRangeQuery class is used.

  • The methods are composable. The from and asOf methods specify the time range while the withLowerKeyBound and withUpperKeyBound methods specify the key bounds. 
    • If a user applies the same time limit multiple times such as MultiVersionedRangeQuery.withLowerKeyBound(k1).from(t1).from(t2), then the last one wins (it will be translated to MultiVersionedRangeQuery.withLowerKeyBound(k1).from(t2)).

    • Defining a query with time range (empty, t1] will be translated into [0, t1]
    • Defining a query with time range (t1, empty) will be translated into [t1, MAX)
    • A query with no specified time range will be translated into [0, MAX). It means that the query will return all the versions of all the records with specified key range.
  • As explained in the javadocs, the query returns all valid records within the specified time range.
    • The fromTimestamp specifies the starting point. There can be records which have been inserted before the fromTimestamp and are valid in the time range. 
    • The asOfTimestamp specifies the ending point. Records that have been inserted at asOfTimestamp are returned by the query as well.
  • The overall order of the returned records is by Key. The method orderByTimestamp() can make the overall order by timestamp.
    • The order for both key and timestamp is by default ascending. They can be changed by the methods withDescendingKeys() and withDescendingTimestamps() respectively.
package org.apache.kafka.streams.query;

 * Interactive query for retrieving a set of records with keys within a specified key range and time
 * range.

public final class MultiVersionedRangeQuery<K, V> implements
    Query<KeyValueIterator<K, VersionedRecord<V>>> {

  private final Optional<K> lower;
  private final Optional<K> upper;
  private final Optional<Instant> fromTimestamp;

  private final Optional<Instant> asOfTimestamp;
  private final boolean isKeyAscending;
  private final boolean isTimeAscending;
  private final boolean isOrderedByKey;

  private MultiVersionedRangeQuery(
      final Optional<K> lower,
      final Optional<K> upper,
      final Optional<Instant> fromTimestamp,
      final Optional<Instant> asOfTimestamp,
      final boolean isOrderedByKey,
      final boolean isKeyAscending,
      final boolean isTimeAscending) {
    this.lower = lower;
    this.upper = upper;
    this.fromTimestamp = fromTimestamp;
    this.asOfTimestamp = asOfTimestamp;
    this.isOrderedByKey = isOrderedByKey;
    this.isKeyAscending = isKeyAscending;
    this.isTimeAscending = isTimeAscending;

   * Interactive range query using a lower and upper bound to filter the keys returned. * For each 
   * key the records valid within the specified time range are returned. * In case the time range is 
   * not specified just the latest record for each key is returned. 
   * @param lower The key that specifies the lower bound of the range 
   * @param upper The key that specifies the upper bound of the range 
   * @param <K> The key type 
   * @param <V> The value type 
   public static <K, V> MultiVersionedRangeQuery<K, V> withKeyRange(final K lower, final K upper);

   * Interactive range query using a lower bound to filter the keys returned. * For each key the
   * records valid within the specified time range are returned. * In case the time range is not
   * specified just the latest record for each key is returned.
   * @param lower The key that specifies the lower bound of the range
   * @param <K>   The key type
   * @param <V>   The value type
  public static <K, V> MultiVersionedRangeQuery<K, V> withLowerKeyBound(final K lower);

   * Interactive range query using a lower bound to filter the keys returned. * For each key the
   * records valid within the specified time range are returned. * In case the time range is not
   * specified just the latest record for each key is returned.
   * @param upper The key that specifies the lower bound of the range
   * @param <K>   The key type
   * @param <V>   The value type
  public static <K, V> MultiVersionedRangeQuery<K, V> withUpperKeyBound(final K upper);

   * Interactive scan query that returns all records in the store. * For each key the records valid
   * within the specified time range are returned. * In case the time range is not specified just
   * the latest record for each key is returned.
   * @param <K> The key type
   * @param <V> The value type
  public static <K, V> MultiVersionedRangeQuery<K, V> allKeys();

   * Specifies the starting time point for the key query. The range query returns all the records
   * that are valid in the time range starting from the timestamp {@code fromTimestamp}.
   * @param fromTimestamp The starting time point
  public MultiVersionedRangeQuery<K, V> from(Instant fromTimestamp);

   * Specifies the ending time point for the key query. The range query returns all the records that
   * have timestamp <= {@code asOfTimestamp}.
   * @param asOfTimestamp The ending time point
  public MultiVersionedRangeQuery<K, V> asOf(Instant asOfTimestamp);

   * Specifies the overall order of returned records by timestamp
  public MultiVersionedRangeQuery<K, V> orderByTimestamp();

   * Specifies the order of keys as descending.
  public MultiVersionedRangeQuery<K, V> withDescendingKeys();

   * Specifies the order of the timestamps as descending.
  public VersionedRangeQuery<K, V> withDescendingTimestamps();

   * The lower bound of the query, if specified.
  public Optional<K> lowerKeyBound();

   * The upper bound of the query, if specified
  public Optional<K> upperKeyBound();

   * The starting time point of the query, if specified
  public Optional<Instant> fromTimestamp();

   * The ending time point of the query, if specified
  public Optional<Instant> asOfTimestamp();

   * @return true if the query orders the returned records by key 
  public boolean isOrderedByKey();

   * @return true if the query returns records in ascending order of keys
  public boolean isKeyAscending();

   * @return true if the query returns records in ascending order of timestamps
  public boolean isRangeAscending();


package org.apache.kafka.streams.state;
public interface VersionedKeyValueStore<K, V> extends StateStore {
     * Get the record associated with this key as of the specified timestamp (i.e.,
     * the existing record with the largest timestamp not exceeding the provided
     * timestamp bound).
     * @param lowerKeyBound           The key that specifies the lower key bound of the range
     * @param upperKeyBound           The key that specifies the upper key bound of the range
     * @param fromTimestamp The timestamp lower bound. The records that have been inserted at
                            or before this timestamp and did not become tombstone at or before
                            this timestamp will be retrieved and returned.
     * @param asOfTimestamp The timestamp bound. This bound is inclusive; if a record
     *                      (for the specified key) exists with this timestamp, then
     *                      this is the record that will be returned.
     * @return The value and timestamp (along with the validTo timestamp) of the records with keys within the specified key range
     *         as of the provided timestamp, or {@code null} if no such record exists
     *         (including if the provided timestamp bound is older than this store's history
     *         retention time, i.e., the store no longer contains data for the provided
     *         timestamp).
     * @throws NullPointerException       If null is used for lowerKeyBound or upperKeyBound.
     * @throws InvalidStateStoreException if the store is not initialized
    VersionedRecord<V> get(K lowerKeyBound, K upperKeyBound, long fromTimestamp, long asOfTimestamp);


The following example illustrates the use of the VersionedKeyQuery class to query a versioned state store.

final MultiVersionedRangeQuery<Integer, Integer> query =
        MultiVersionedRangeQuery.withKeyRange(1, 2).from(Instant.parse(2023-08-03T10:37:30.00Z)).asOf(Instant.parse(2023-09-04T10:37:30.00Z));
final StateQueryRequest<KeyValueIterator<Integer, VersionedRecord<Integer>>> request =
final StateQueryResult<KeyValueIterator<Integer, VersionedRecord<Integer>>> versionedRangeResult = kafkaStreams.query(request);
// Get the results from all partitions.
final Map<Integer, QueryResult<KeyValueIterator<Integer, VersionedRecord<Integer>>>> partitionResults = versionedRangeResult.getPartitionResults();
for (final Entry<Integer, QueryResult<KeyValueIterator<Integer, VersionedRecord<Integer>>>> entry : partitionResults.entrySet()) {
    try (final KeyValueIterator<Integer, VersionedRecord<Integer>> iterator = entry.getValue().getResult()) {
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
          final KeyValue<Integer, VersionedRecord<Integer>> record =;
          Integer key = record.key;
          Integer value = record.value.value();
          Long timestamp = record.value.timestamp();

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

  • Since this is a completely new set of APIs, no backward compatibility concerns are anticipated. 
  • Since nothing is deprecated in this KIP, users have no need to migrate unless they want to.

Test Plan

The range interactive queries will be tested in versioned stored IQv2 integration test (like non-versioned range queries).

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