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Camel 2.11.0 release (currently in progress)

Unknown macro: {div}

Unknown macro: {div}

New and Noteworthy

Welcome to the 2.11.0 release with approximately XXX issues resolved - including new features, improvements, and bug fixes, such as:

  • Added support for SOAP 1.2 in SOAP data format.
  • Cache operation for add/update now supports expiry headers to control time to live/idle/eternal.
  • Added allowNullBody option to JMS to configure whether sending messages with no body is allowed.
  • Added connectOnStartup option to HDFS to allow to connect on demand, to avoid having Hadoop block for long time connecting to the HDFS cluster, as it has a hardcoded 15 minute retry mechanism.
  • Added support for daily and weekly trends to Twitter component.
  • The Camel Maven Archetypes now generates projects without any license headers.
  • Added 'rejectOld' option to the Resequencer to prevent out of order messages from being delivered after capacity/timeout events occur
  • Further optimized XPath under concurrent load, and as well ensured resources are cleaned up eagerly
  • Added options allowNullBody and readLockMinLength to the File and FTP components.
  • Made changed read lock strategy on FTP go faster (eg when the FTP server has a lot of files in the directory) if you enable the fastExistsCheck=true option as well. Notice that some FTP server may not support this.
  • HL7 moves the HAPI 2.0 and supports Parser instance into unmarshal and "Terser" language and expression to be able to extract fields from a parsed message. HL7 also upgraded to now use Apache Mina 2.x.
  • Add an option HttpMethodRestrict to restrict HTTP method in Jetty and SERVLET
  • Add support for selection of Direct-VM consumers by using ant-like path expression.
  • The POJO Producing, and POJO Consuming with @Consume, @Produce, @EndpointInject now supports a new {{property} attribute to get the endpoint configuration from a bean property (eg using a getter method); this allows you to configure this on the bean using conventional bean configuration.
  • Testing with camel-test-blueprint on Windows no longer tries to cleanup after testing taking up 5 seconds and logging WARNs.
  • The File, and FTP components now support fileExist=Move option to move any existing files before writing a file.
  • Added option loadStatisticsEnabled on Camel JMX to allow to disable load statistics if not needed (avoids a background thread being in use, to calculate the load stats).
  • Enabled "lazy connections" for XMPP providers via the testConnectionOnStartup option
  • Added a connection monitor to detect and fix dropped XMPP consumer connections at configurable connectionPollDelay intervals
  • Added an ExchangeBuilder to build the exchange in a fluent way.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed RoutePolicy used from Spring XML with routePolicyRef may not invoke all callbacks on the policy.
  • Fixed MINA consumer to force disconnect upon timeout when doing request/reply, as late replies may cause side effects otherwise.
  • Fixed Simple language with empty quoted literals in predicates, so you can compare against empty strings.
  • Fixed SOAP data format to set SOAP 1.1 namespace when marhsalling faults.
  • Fixed SEDA producer to send to the right BlockingQueue being attached on the SEDA endpoint so that the sent messages don't get lost.
  • Fixed using sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle=true on a batch consumer such as File now working with Aggregate EIP when using completionFromBatchConsumer
  • Fixed MockEndpoint.expectedBodiesReceivedInAnyOrder to allow asserting on multiple arrival of the same/equal bodies.
  • Fixed MyBatis to demarcate the running transactions properly while reading/writing from/to database.
  • Fixed Jetty, HTTP, HTTP4, and AHC http components not working in bridge mode if content path have spaces
  • Fixed the CXF fallback convertor issue which camel will unregister it when the converter return null.
  • Fixed the issue that File2 endpoints on windows without volume name in the path url.
  • Fixed the issue of unmarshaling pgp messages encrypted with ElGamal.
  • Fixed random Load Balancer to be even spread (before was a little less likely to pick the 1st)
  • Fixed Timer to not fire during starting CamelContext
  • Fixed XMLSecurity DataFormat to enable retrieval of password-protected private keys for asymmetric decryption

New Enterprise Integration Patterns

New Camel Karaf Command

New Components

DSL Changes

  • Added LoggingErrorHandler fluent builder to Scala DSL.

New Annotations

New Data Formats

New Languages

  • VTD-XML - for fast and efficient XPath evaluation/splitting using the VTD-XML Library. camel-vtdxml hosted at Camel Extra

New Examples

  • ActiveMQ Camel Tomcat example shows how to embed Apache ActiveMQ and Camel in a web application running on Apache Tomcat.

New Tutorials

API changes/breaking

  • HL7 upgraded to now use Apache Mina 2.x.
  • Renamed org.apache.camel.component.hbase.HBaseContats to org.apache.camel.component.hbase.HBaseConstants
  • Added getter/setter methods for loadStatisticsEnabled on org.apache.camel.spi.ManagementStrategy

Internal/Non API refactorings that may affect users

  • The Camel Test Kit provides a default Properties component out of the box; which mean using addComponent("properties", ...) is no longer needed; instead get the component using getComponent("properties") and configure the component instead.

Known Issues

  • The Tracer may not output all details for some situations, such as when using onCompletion or intercept, etc.
  • The project cannot fully build the site using Maven (e.g. running "mvn site"). There is no plan to fix this, as the project does not use maven site.
  • JBoss 7 may log a WARNing when running Camel as a WAR file.

Dependency Upgrades

  • Async Http Client 1.7.5 to 1.7.6
  • Axiom 1.2.10 to 1.2.12
  • BeanIO 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
  • Commons Exec 1.0.1 to 1.1
  • ConcurrentLinkedHashMap 1.2 to 1.3.1
  • Ehcache bundle 2.5.1_1 to 2.5.2_1
  • Groovy 1.8.6 to 2.0.1
  • GSon 2.1 to 2.2.2
  • Hazelcast 2.0.2 to 2.3
  • HTTP Client 4.1.3 to 4.2.1
  • Icu4j 4.0.1 to
  • Jackson 1.9.7 to 1.9.9
  • Jaxen 1.1.3 to 1.1.4
  • Jettison 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
  • JRuby 1.6.7 to
  • Krati 0.4.5 to 0.4.6
  • Lucene 3.6.0 to 3.6.1
  • Netty 3.5.1 to 3.5.5
  • Ognl bundle 3.0.4_1 to 3.0.5_1
  • Pax Logging 1.5.3 to 1.6.10
  • QPid 0.16 to 0.18
  • Quartz 1.8.5 to 1.8.6
  • Restlet 2.0.14 to 2.0.15
  • Saxon to
  • Shiro 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
  • Solr 3.6.0 to 3.6.1
  • Spring Framework 3.1.1 to 3.1.2
  • Spring Integration 2.1.2 to 2.1.3
  • SSHD 0.6.0 to 0.7.0
  • TestNG 6.0.1 to 6.7
  • Woodstox 4.1.2 to 4.1.3
  • XStream 1.4.2 to 1.4.3

    Important changes to consider when upgrading

  • camel-mina2 now uses OrderedThreadPoolExecutor by default. There is a new option orderedThreadPoolExecutor you can configure it to false to revert back to unordered if needed. Mina that using SSL etc. requires ordered.
  • The default value of delay option on Timer has been changed from 0 to 1000


  • Maven 3.0.2 or better is required to build the Source
  • If you want to deploy Apache Camel 2.11.0 into Apache Karaf, we highly recommend to use the '' configuration, which is part of Apache Karaf 2.2.5 onwards. For example camel-cxf, camel-mail, and camel-spring-ws requires this to be installable; as well other features may as well.

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