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This page is prepared for Hive committers. You need committer rights to create a new Hive release.


  1. Bulk update Jira to unassign from this release all issues that are open non-blockers and send follow-up notification to the developer list that this was done.


Skip this section if this is NOT the first release in a series (i.e. release X.Y.0).

  1. Notify developers on the #hive IRC channel that you are about to branch a release.
  2. Update CHANGES.txt to include the release version and date (use Unreleased for the date if it is unknown) and remove Trunk (unreleased changes).
  3. Commit these changes to trunk.
    svn commit -m "Preparing for release X.Y.Z"
  4. Create a branch for the release series:
    svn copy \ -m "Branching for X.Y releases"
  5. Update CHANGES.txt to add back in Trunk (unreleased changes).
    1. Increment the value of the version property the file on trunk. For example, if the current value is 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT, the new value should be 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT. Please note that the SNAPSHOT suffix is required in order to indicate that this is an unreleased development branch.
  6. Commit these changes to trunk.
    svn commit -m "Preparing for X.Y+1.0 development"

Updating Release Branch

These operations take place in the release branch.

  1. Check out the release branch with:
    svn co
  2. Update CHANGES.txt to include the release version and date (this change must be committed to trunk and any intermediate branches between trunk and the branch being released).
  3. Update the version property value in the file. You should remove the SNAPSHOT suffix and set version equal to hive-X.Y.Z where Z is the point release number in this release series (0 for the first one, in which case this step is a no-op since you already did this above when creating the branch).
  4. Commit these changes.
    svn commit -m "Preparing for release X.Y.Z"
  5. If not already done, merge desired patches from trunk into the branch and commit these changes. You can find the revision numbers using svn log CHANGES.txt in the branch and in trunk. We don't currently use svn merge for this, but if we did, the script would be
    cd branch-X.Y
    svn merge -rR1:R2 ../trunk .
    svn commit -m "Merge -r R1:R2 from trunk to X.Y branch. Fixes: HIVE-A, HIVE-B."
  6. You probably also want to commit a patch (on both trunk and branch) which updates README.txt to bring it up to date (at a minimum, search+replacing references to the version number). Also check NOTICE to see if anything needs to be updated for recent library dependency changes or additions.
    1. Likewise, use JIRA's Release Notes link to generate content for the RELEASE_NOTES.txt file. Be sure to select 'Text' format. (It's OK to do this with a direct commit rather than a patch.)
  7. Tag the release candidate (R is the release candidate number, and also starts from 0):
    svn copy \ -m "Hive X.Y.Z-rcR release."


  1. Build the release (binary and source versions) after running unit tests. Note that this will generate MD5 checksum files automatically.
    % ant -Dversion=X.Y.Z clean test tar binary
  2. Verify that the MD5 checksums are valid:
    % md5sum -c hive-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.md5 
    hive-X.Y.Z.tar.gz: OK
    % md5sum -c hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz.md5 
    hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz: OK
  3. Check that release file looks ok - e.g. install it and run examples from tutorial.
  4. Sign the release (see Step-By-Step Guide to Mirroring Releases for more information).
    % gpg --armor --output hive-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig hive-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
    % gpg --armor --output hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig hive-X.Y.Z-bin.tar.gz
  5. Copy release files to a public place.
    % ssh mkdir public_html/hive-X.Y.Z-candidate-0
    % scp -p hive-X.Y.Z*.tar.gz*
  6. Publish Maven artifacts to the Apache staging repository:
    % ant -Dversion=X.Y.Z -Dmvn.publish.repo=staging maven-build
    % ant -Dversion=X.Y.Z -Dmvn.publish.repo=staging maven-publish
  7. Login to the Apache Nexus server and "close" the staged repository. This makes the artifacts available at a temporary URL.
  8. Call a release vote on dev at
    Subject: [VOTE] Apache Hive X.Y.Z Release Candidate N
    Apache Hive X.Y.Z Release Candidate N is available here:
    Maven artifacts are available here:
    HIVE-XXXX. ...
    HIVE-XXXX. ...
    Voting will conclude in 72 hours.
    Hive PMC Members: Please test and vote.


Once three PMC members have voted for a release, it may be published.

  1. Tag the release:
    svn move \ -m "HiveX.Y.Z release."
  2. Copy release files to the distribution directory and make them writable by the hive group.
    cp -pR public_html/hive-X.Y.Z-candidate-0/ /www/
    cd /www/
    chgrp -R hive hive-X.Y.Z
    chmod -R g+w hive-X.Y.Z
  3. The release directory usually contains just two releases, the most recent from two branches, with a link named 'stable' to the most recent recommended version.
    cd /www/
    rm -rf hive-A.B.C; rm stable
    ln -s hive-A.B.D stable
  4. Wait 24 hours for release to propagate to mirrors.
  5. Prepare to edit the website.
    svn co
  6. Copy the new release docs to publish/docs/rX.Y.Z:
    tar xvf hive-X.Y.Z.tar.gz '*/docs'
    mv hive-X.Y.Z/docs publish/docs/rX.Y.Z
    svn add publish/docs/rX.Y.Z
  7. If this is a bugfix release, delete the documentation for the obsoleted release.
    svn rm publish/docs/rX.Y.Z-1
  8. Update the documentation links in author/src/documentation/content/xdocs/site.xml.
  9. Update the release news in author/src/documentation/content/xdocs/releases.xml.
  10. Update {{publish/.htaccess} with the current release and any new redirects for obsoleted releases.
  11. Regenerate the site, review it, then commit it. The live site is automatically deployed from subversion after a few minutes.
    ant -Dforrest.home=/usr/local/forrest -Djava5.home=/usr/local/jdk1.5
    firefox publish/index.html
    svn commit -m "Updated site for release X.Y.Z."
  12. Update JIRA
    1. Ensure that only issues in the "Fixed" state have a "Fix Version" set to release X.Y.Z.
    2. Release the version. Visit the "Administer Project" page, then the "Manage versions" page. You need to have the "Admin" role in Hive's Jira for this step and the next.
    3. Close issues resolved in the release. Disable mail notifications for this bulk change.
  13. Send a release announcement to Hive user and dev lists as well as the Apache announce list. This email should be sent from your Apache email address:
    Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Hive X.Y.Z Released
    The Apache Hive team is proud to announce the the release of Apache
    Hive version X.Y.Z.
    The Apache Hive (TM) data warehouse software facilitates querying and
    managing large datasets residing in distributed storage. Built on top
    of Apache Hadoop (TM), it provides:
    * Tools to enable easy data extract/transform/load (ETL)
    * A mechanism to impose structure on a variety of data formats
    * Access to files stored either directly in Apache HDFS (TM) or in other
      data storage systems such as Apache HBase (TM)
    * Query execution via MapReduce
    For Hive release details and downloads, please visit:
    Hive X.Y.Z Release Notes are available here:
    We would like to thank the many contributors who made this release
    The Apache Hive Team

See Also

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