This page lists the tasks the Wicket team agreed to implement for Wicket 7.0.
Ideas for Wicket 7.0 list some more ideas but to add a task in the Roadmap it has to be discussed first in the dev mailing list. Ideas with attached patch in Jira ticket or Pull Request have a bigger chance to be included in the Roadmap.
How to help us
- Pick a task from this wiki page or from Jira with "Fix Version" = 7.0.0.
- Implement it (+ tests when possible) and make a Pull Request at GitHub. We do not own the GitHub repo but it is easy to pull from your repos and apply the code. It is also easy to make code reviews and comment.
If there is no ticket in Jira for an entry in the Roadmap please create one. Always add a comment to the ticket in Jira when you start on it. Just to prevent two or more people working on the same task. - Add an entry to the Migration page with description of the change and short code sample of the old way and the new way of doing something.
Java 7 as a minimum
Java 7 has nice support for generics, better annotations, and Java 6 is reaching its end of life pretty soon.
Assignee: mgrigorov
Status: Done
Generics for org.apache.wicket.Component
Using Java 7 will allow to use the "diamonds operator", i.e.
Component<Entity> c = new SomeComponent<>("id", model);
Status: Not started
Jira: WICKET-4930
Servlet 3 as a minimum
While we opted to not require servlet 3 for wicket 6, it has bitten us a couple of times solving issues in wicket 6. Servlet 3 has been out for ages, so we should move with the times.
Assignee: mgrigorov
Status: Done
Jira: WICKET-5167
Update the quickstart archetype as well.
Should we use @WebFilter for the quickstart ?!
Tickets in Jira with "Fix Version" = 7.0
PageParameters improvements
- read-only
- make it possible to differentiate between named indexed parameters and query string ones.
See WICKET-4594,, WICKET-4441
Status: Not started
Minor API cleanups
- Rename renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer)
Assignee: mgrigorov
Status: Done
Jira: WICKET-4964
API Tweaks
SimpleFormComponentLabel should output the "required" class just like wicket:for
Assignee: mgrigorov
Status: Done
Jira: WICKET-5177
ajaxbehavior#updateAjaxAttributes() should get component passed in
otherwise referencing the component as needed in throttle settings is annoying
queryField.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onkeydown") { protected void updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes attributes) { attributes.setThrottlingSettings(new ThrottlingSettings(queryField.getMarkupId(), Duration.seconds(1))); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------^
The component is easily reachable via AbstractAjaxBehavior#getComponent()
throttling settings should be mutable to make it easier to override just the duration without having to figure out an id
Status: Done
Assignee: mgrigorov
JavaScriptResourceReference#getDependencies() should return an appendable List
so we can do
class MyReference extends JavascriptReference { getDependencies() { List<?> list=super.getDependencies(); list.add(...); return list; } }
Status: Done
Assignee: mgrigorov
Jira: WICKET-5124
XyzValidator#decorate() should work with IValidationError instead of ValidationError
Status: Done
Assignee: mgrigorov
Jira: WICKET-5174
Refactor checkgroup/radiogroup to make them non-components.
- it is awkward to require a parent container as a wicket component. most of the time it needs to be attached to wicket:container tag because there is no reason to have an actual parent tag or a parent tag is impossible (in case of trs, lis, etc)
- having groups as non-components will allow for nested sets of checks and radios
- having groups as non-components will allow for disjointed sets of checks and radios in a cleaner fashion
Assignee: ivaynberg
cdi 1.1 upgrade
wicket-cdi should use cdi 1.1 which should remove dependency onto seam-conversation module.
Assignee: ivaynberg
Jira: WICKET-4951
Upgrade dependencies to their latest stable version
Guice, Spring, JUnit, Mockito, Velocity, ...
Assignee: mgrigorov
Status: Done
Jira: WICKET-5175
Vote which experimental modules should become stable
The experimental modules can be promoted as stable and use the same version as wicket-core module.
This will make them first class citizens and may be more users will start using them, and at least will simplify their release process.
Make css class strings used in the framework configurable
- in a few places in core we have hardcoded css strings like wicket_orderUp and classes used inside the feedback panel - these should be made into application settings so they can be configured to conform to the application's css infrastructure.
- once we extract wicket_orderUp we should get rid of cssprovider and defaultcssprovider classes.
- getApplication().getCssSettings().setSortOrderDownClass("sort-order-down");
Remove deprecated in Wicket 6.x classes and methods
For example:
- the old Swing based implementation of Tree
- the backward compatibility helper methods in AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior
- WicketTester#startComponent()
- ...