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Camel 2.x - Debugger API

Available as of Camel 2.4

There is a new org.apache.camel.spi.Debugger API which allows 3rd party to attach a debugger tooling to debug Exchanges in Camel routes.
There is a default implementation in camel-core as the org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultDebugger.


You can enable the debugger from the CamelContext using the setDebugger. We may add a nicer API for this in the future.


There is a org.apache.camel.spi.Breakpoint API in which the 3rd party tooling implement logic what should happen when the breakpoint is hit.

The breakpoint can be invoked in 2 kind of styles in Camel:

  • processing based
  • event based

The processing is based on a before and after callback when the Exchange is being routed and thus a Processor is invoked.

The event is based on the EventNotifier emitting events such as ExchangeCreatedEvent, ExchangeFailureEvent etc. This allows you to have breakpoints when a given Exchange has failed. Or when they are done, so you can inspect the result etc.

There is a org.apache.camel.impl.BreakpointSupport class which can be used to extend, to avoid implementing all the methods from the interface.


There is a org.apache.camel.spi.Condition API in which the 3rd party tooling can provide conditions when the breakpoints should apply. For example a conditional breakpoint which only triggers if the message body is a certain message / type etc.

The condition can be invoked in 2 kind of styles in Camel:

  • processing based
  • event based

Where there is a match method for each style.

There is a org.apache.camel.impl.ConditionSupport class which can be used to extend, to avoid implementing all the methods from the interface.


For example we can have this breakpoint

        breakpoint = new BreakpointSupport() {
            public void beforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition) {
                String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
                logs.add("Breakpoint at " + definition + " with body: " + body);

In which we want to trigger when the message contains Camel. So we can create this Condition:

        camelCondition = new ConditionSupport() {
            public boolean matchProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition) {
                return body().contains("Camel").matches(exchange);

And to use this we just tell the Debugger as follows:

    public void testDebug() throws Exception {
        context.getDebugger().addBreakpoint(breakpoint, camelCondition);

        getMockEndpoint("mock:result").expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World", "Hello Camel");

        template.sendBody("direct:start", "Hello World");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "Hello Camel");


        assertEquals(2, logs.size());
        assertEquals("Breakpoint at To[log:foo] with body: Hello Camel", logs.get(0));
        assertEquals("Breakpoint at To[mock:result] with body: Hello Camel", logs.get(1));

Which then will only invoke the breakpoint callback for the "Hello Camel" message.

Single step

In the Java editor the debugger is capable of single stepping when a breakpoint is hit. The idea in Camel is that you want to single step an Exchange so you can step through how its routed and follow it from the 3rd party tooling.

Only one single step active

The Debugger only allows one active breakpoint during single step, which means that if you try to activate a 2nd single step, then it will disregarded. In this case the addSingleStepBreakpoint method will return false to indicate this.

The Debugger has API for single stepping. For example to single step the first message arrived in Camel you can do


However what if you have multiple routes or the likes and only want to single step from route X, well you can just add a Condition:

This beerCondition will only match Exchange coming from the beer route:

        beerCondition = new ConditionSupport() {
            public boolean matchProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition) {
                return "beer".equals(exchange.getFromRouteId());

So you just provide the condition when adding the breakpoint:

        // we only want to single step the beer route
        context.getDebugger().addSingleStepBreakpoint(breakpoint, beerCondition);

And the routes could be as follows:

            public void configure() throws Exception {
                // use debugger
                context.setDebugger(new DefaultDebugger());



Which will cause the debugger to only single step when a message arrives on beer route:

    public void testDebug() throws Exception {
        // we only want to single step the beer route
        context.getDebugger().addSingleStepBreakpoint(breakpoint, beerCondition);

        getMockEndpoint("mock:result").expectedBodiesReceived("Hello World", "Carlsberg");

        template.sendBody("direct:start", "Hello World");
        template.sendBody("direct:beer", "Carlsberg");


        assertEquals(2, logs.size());
        assertEquals("Single stepping at log:beer with body: Carlsberg", logs.get(0));
        assertEquals("Single stepping at mock:result with body: Carlsberg", logs.get(1));
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