This capability is currently under development.
Get List of Views
Gets the list of all available Views
GET /api/v1/views 200 - OK
Once you have a list of views, you can drill-into a view and see the available versions.
GET /api/v1/views/FILES 200 - OK
You can go a level deeper and see more information about that specific version for the view, such as the parameters and the archive name, and a list of all instances of the view.
GET /api/v1/views/FILES/versions/0.1.0 200 - OK
Creating a View Instance
The following example shows creating an instance of the FILES view, version 1.0.0 view called "MyFiles".
Create the view instance.
POST /api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/MyFiles 201 - CREATED
Set view properties.
PUT /api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/MyFiles [ { "ViewInstanceInfo" : { "properties" : { "dataworker.defaultFs" : "webhdfs://" } } } ] 200 - OK
Restart Ambari Server to pick-up the view instance and UI resources.
ambari-server restart
Confirm the newly created view instance is available.
GET /api/v1/views/FILES/ { "href" : "", "ViewInfo" : { "archive" : "/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/files-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar", "label" : "Files", "parameters" : [ { "name" : "dataworker.defaultFs", "description" : "FileSystem URI", "required" : true } ], "version" : "1.0.0", "view_name" : "FILES" }, "instances" : [ { "href" : "", "ViewInstanceInfo" : { "instance_name" : "MyFiles", "view_name" : "FILES" } } ] }
Browse to the view instance.