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This document describes the steps required to build ApacheTrafodion software.

Supported Platforms

  • Red Hat or Centos 6.x (6.4 or later) versions are supported as development and production platforms.


Install the following packages:

    sudo yum install epel-release
    sudo yum install alsa-lib-devel ant ant-nodeps boost-devel cmake \
 device-mapper-multipath dhcp flex gcc-c++ gd git glibc-devel \
glibc-devel.i686 graphviz-perl gzip java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel \
libX11-devel libXau-devel libaio-devel \
libcurl-devel libibcm.i686 libibumad-devel libibumad-devel.i686 \
libiodbc libiodbc-devel librdmacm-devel librdmacm-devel.i686 \
libxml2-devel log4cxx log4cxx-devel lua-devel lzo-minilzo \
net-snmp-devel net-snmp-perl openldap-clients openldap-devel \
openldap-devel.i686 openmotif openssl-devel openssl-devel.i686 \
openssl-static perl-Config-IniFiles perl-Config-Tiny \
perl-DBD-SQLite perl-Expect perl-IO-Tty perl-Math-Calc-Units \
perl-Params-Validate perl-Parse-RecDescent perl-TermReadKey \
perl-Time-HiRes protobuf-compiler protobuf-devel python-qpid \
python-qpid-qmf qpid-cpp-client \
qpid-cpp-client-ssl qpid-cpp-server qpid-cpp-server-ssl \
qpid-qmf qpid-tools readline-devel saslwrapper sqlite-devel \
unixODBC unixODBC-devel uuid-perl wget xerces-c-devel xinetd 

Check the following before continuing

  1. Java version is compatible, it must be 1.7.x. To check your version, do "java -version". Ensure JAVA_HOME environment variable exists and set to your JDK installation.

  2. Verify that Trafodion source is downloaded and un-tarred,  or cloned from github.  In these instructions, this location is referred to as <trafodion source directory>.
  3. Download, build and install additional development tools via  Additional Build Tools.
  4. Maven version 3.0.5 or greater is installed and part of your path. To check your version, do "mvn --version".

Check your system limits.  Some of them may need to be increased or Trafodion will not start.
The following are the recommended values:

 ulimit –a

  •  core file size                    (blocks, -c) 1000000
  • data seg size                    (kbytes, -d) unlimited
  • scheduling priority            (-e) 0
  • file size                             (blocks, -f) unlimited
  • pending signals                (-i) 515196
  • max locked memory         (kbytes, -l) 49595556
  • max memory size             (kbytes, -m) unlimited
  • open files                          (-n) 32000
  • pipe size                           (512 bytes, -p) 8
  • POSIX message queues  (bytes, -q) 819200
  • real-time priority               (-r) 0
  • stack size                         (kbytes, -s) 10240
  • cpu time                           (seconds, -t) unlimited
  • max user processes         (-u) 267263
  • virtual memory                 (kbytes, -v) unlimited
  • file locks                           (-x) unlimited

Build Steps

If you are downloading a source tar file, then, by default,  your <trafodion source directory> is apache-trafodion-1.3.0-incubating.  If you are getting source from the git repository, then, by default, your <trafodion source directory> is incubator-trafodion.

Set up Trafodion tool locations

Additional development tools are required before building Trafodion  as described Additional Build Tools.  A convenience script script exists that downloads, installs, and builds all these tools in a common directory.  It is recommended that you use this convenience script.  Once completed, export your TOOLSDIR:

   export TOOLSDIR=<tools installation directory>

If this convenience script is not used, then you need to export the location of each tool as follows:


   export BISON="<bison-location>/bison_3_linux/bin/bison"
export LLVM=<llvm-location>/dest-llvm-3.2"
export UDIS86="<udis-location>/udis86-1.7.2"
export ICU="<icu-location>/icu4.4"
export MPICH_ROOT="<mpich-location>/dest-mpich-3.0.4"
export ZOOKEEPER_DIR="<zookeeper-location>/zookeeper-3.4.5"
export THRIFT_LIB_DIR="<thrift-location>/thrift-0.9.0/lib"
export THRIFT_INC_DIR="<thrift-location>/thrift-0.9.0/include"

Build Trafodion

Start a new ssh session

    cd <trafodion source directory>
export $TOOLSDIR=<tools installation directory>
  source ./

Note:  if you don't export  TOOLSDIR before sourcing in, Trafodion sets this variable to /opt/home/tools.  If the additional tools are not found in this location, the build will fail.

Build using one of the following options:

        make all          (Build Trafodion, DCS, REST) OR
        make package      (Build Trafodion, DCS, REST, Client drivers)  OR
        make package-all  (Build Trafodion, DCS, REST, Client drivers and Tests for all components

Verify build by executing the sqvers request with the -u option.  It reports that seven jar files exist.

    sqvers -u

Prepare the test environment

It is recommended that you test Trafodion by setting up a local version of Hadoop and installing Trafodion on top.  This is enabled by running the 'install_local_hadoop' script.

Use install_local_hadoop

This section describes the steps to use the Trafodion installation script called 'install_local_hadoop' that downloads compatible versions of Hadoop, HBase, Hive, and MySql and starts Trafodion.

Start a new ssh session and set environment

     make sure you have set up password less authentication. You should be able to "ssh localhost" without having to enter a password
    cd <trafodion source directory>
     source ./

Install Hadoop, HBase, Hive, MySql, and Trafodion

     cd $MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts

Verify that the install completed by running the following command - should report: 6 java servers and 2 mysqld processes are running



The 'install_local_hadoop' script downloads Hadoop, HBase, Hive, and MySql jar files from the internet. To avoid this overhead, you can download the required files into a separate directory and set the environment variable MY_LOCAL_SW_DIST to point to this directory.

The following options are available with 'install_local_hadoop'. Use the -p option if the default Hadoop ports are already in use on your machine:

install_local_hadoop' — will use default port numbers for all services
'install_local_hadoop -p fromDisplay' - will start Hadoop with a port number range determined from the DISPLAY environment variable OR
install_local_hadoop -p rand' —  will start with any random port number range between 9000 and 49000 OR
install_local_hadoop -p < specify a port # >'  will start with port number specified OR

When this script completes, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, and MySql (used as Hive's metadata repository) have been installed and are started. 

To start/stop/check Hadoop environment using Trafodion supplied scripts, you can execute  ‘swstartall’ ,  ‘swstopall’ and ‘swstatus’, and if you need to remove the installation, execute the 'swuninstall_local_hadoop'. 

Use pre-installed Hadoop

<TBD - section to be added>

Run Trafodion

This section describes how to start Trafodion and run operations. 

Steps to perform after each source code refresh

Start a new ssh session and set up environment:

    cd <trafodion source directory>
    source ./
cd $MY_SQROOT/etc
# delete ms.env, if it exists
rm ms.env
    cd $MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts

Start up Trafodion

    cd <trafodion source location>
    source ./
    cd $MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts

Note: In case of any issues and if there is a need to stop and restart a specific Trafodion component, you can use the component based  start/stop scripts.


Start script

Stop script

For all of Trafodion



For DCS (Database Connectivity Service)



For REST server



For LOB server



For RMS server






Checking the status of Trafodion and its components

There are several health check scripts that are available which will provide the status of Trafodion. They are :

sqcheck   (For all of Trafodion)
dcscheck  (For Database Connectivity Service)
rmscheck  (For RMS Server)

Create Trafodion metadata

Trafodion is up and running, you can now start up a SQL command line  interface and initialize Trafodion

    cd <trafodion source directory>
    source ./

Perform the following statements:

    initialize trafodion;


Test your setup by using "sqlci" or "trafci" (uses DCS to connect to the SQL engine):

    get schemas;
create table table1 (a int);
invoke table1;
insert into table1 values (1), (2), (3), (4);
select * from table1;

You are done and ready to go!


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