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There are a number of usability issues that are related to the current need to edit possibly large XML topology files within the Apache Knox Admin UI and within

Apache Ambari. Some of these issues are:

  1. The hierarchical structure of our provider configuration
  2. Having to specify the correct URL of the services being proxied
  3. Redundantly configuring the same LDAP configuration across different topologies
  4. Redundantly configuring and picking up changes to cluster configuration such as HA enablement for one or more proxied services
  5. Difficulty in providing topology management within Ambari given the typical name value pair style of Ambari

By providing a Service Discovery service in Knox, we can provide a more dynamic mechanism for generating, populating or realizing service details such as URL, HA enablement, etc.

By introducing a greatly simplified descriptor that can be combined with service discovery at deployment time, we can provide much simpler user experience in Ambari and the Knox Admin UI.

This KIP will propose an approach to achieving the above.

Service Discovery

1. Service Registry

As some background information, in the early days of Apache Knox, we had the idea of a service registry as part of the gateway itself.

The idea was that as services spun up they would acquire a registrationCode and sign it for registration.

Service URLs could then be looked up for each "cluster" (topology) from this global registry.

There is an internal representation of this registry in Knox now and it is populated today by the deployment machinery - signed registration code and all.

The registry is serialized to the {GATEWAY_HOME}/data/security/registry file.

It is later deserialized on restart of the gateway in order to have the in-memory model needed by the gateway but since the deployment machinery doesn't run on restart for existing topologies we need to preserve the previous state.

There are a couple things that aren't great about this mechanism:

  1. The fact that it is tied to topologies initial deployment necessitates the serialized registry. If we can remove this file it would be very good. It introduces backward compatibility challenges at times.
  2. The fact that this gateway service is a global namespace for topology/services means that the management of the central registry is more tedious than it would be if each topology has its own specific namespace that came and went with the topology itself.
  3. The whole signed registrationCode is not needed since when Knox is being its own registry it doesn't really need authentication to be done for each

This whole thing may be able to be eliminated or replaced by Service Discovery or may need to continue to be supported with some improvements for deployments that do not have another registry like Ambari available.

We will need to make sure that we continue to meet the needs that this existing mechanism provides.

2. Simplified Topology Descriptor

Addressing item #3 from the Motivation section, a simplified topology descriptor must allow the following details to be specified:

  • Service discovery type
    An identifier indicating which type of discovery to apply (e.g., Ambari, etc...)
  • Service discovery address
    The associated service registry address
  • A provider configuration reference (a unique name, filename, etc...)
    A unique name representing a set of provider configuration
  • A list of services to be exposed through Knox (with optional URL value)
  • A list of UIs to be proxied by Knox (per KIP-9)


YAML offers more structure than a properties file, but the representation is not important so long as the necessary contents can be expressed clearly.

Proposed YAML
# Discovery info source
discovery-type : AMBARI
discovery-address :

# Provider config reference, the contents of which will be
# included in (or referenced from) the resulting topology descriptor.
# The contents of this reference has a <gateway/> root, and
# contains <provider/> configurations.
provider-config-ref : ambari-cluster-policy.xml

# The cluster for which the service details should be discovered
cluster: mycluster

# The services to declare in the resulting topology descriptor,
# whose URLs will be discovered (unless a value is specified)
    - OOZIE
    - HIVE
    - AMBARI :
    - AMBARIUI :

# UIs to be proxied through the resulting Knox topology (see KIP-9)
#    - AMBARIUI :


3.Topology Generation

In order to simplify what management UI's need to manage, we should support a much simpler descriptor that contains what is needed to generate an actual topology file at deployment time.

Given that we will have a Service Discovery service that can integrate with Ambari as well as other sources of needed metadata, we should be able to start with merely service and UI names and a reference to a named provider configuration. Once the deployment machinery finds the descriptor it can pull in the provider configuration, iterate over each of the services, UIs, applications and lookup the details for each. With the provider configuration and service details we can then generate a fully baked topology.

Let's assume a properties file for now:

Listing 1.

The above properties file should result in the provider config being pulled in, each servicen and ui (an other KIP) with its appropriate URLs and details added and should results in something like the following:

Listing 2. sample.xml Sample Topology
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


We should also consider how we will discover simple descriptors and I think that we may want to have multiple ways.

Just as we do for topology files, we can monitor a directory for new or changed descriptors and trigger deployment upon such events. This is great for development and small cluster deployments but for production and larger deployments, we need to be able to accommodate multiple instances of Knox better.

My proposal is that for such deployments we also implement a Zookeeper based discovery mechanism. Then all instances will pick up the change from ZK as the central source of truth.

4. Service Discovery

In order to transform the simple descriptor described in #2 into a full topology, we need some source for the relevant details and metadata.

Knox is often deployed in clusters with Ambari and with ZooKeeper also deployed and both contain some level of the needed metadata about the service URLs wtihin the cluster.

The Zookeeper based service registry has promise but we need to invetigate the level of use from a registered services perspective and details available for each service.

Ambari should contain everything we need to flesh out a full topology from a minimal description of what resources that we want exposed and how we want access to those resources protected.

4.1 Apache Ambari API

These are some excerpts of responses from the Ambari REST API which can be employed for topology discovery:

(CLUSTER_NAME is a placeholder for an actual cluster name)

Identifying Clusters - /api/v1/clusters
  "href" : "",
  "items" : [
      "href" : "",
      "Clusters" : {
        "cluster_name" : "CLUSTER_NAME",
        "version" : "HDP-2.6"
Service Component To Host Mapping - /api/v1/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME/services?fields=components/host_components/HostRoles
“items” : [
    “href” : "http://AMBARI_ADDRESS/api/v1/CLUSTER_NAME/CLUSTER_NAME/services/HIVE",
    “components” : [
        “ServiceComponentInfo” : { },
        “host_components” : [
            “HostRoles” : {
              “cluster_name” : “CLUSTER_NAME”,
              “component_name” :  “HCAT”,
              “host_name” : “”
        “ServiceComponentInfo” : { },
        “host_components” : [
            “HostRoles” : {
              “cluster_name” : “CLUSTER_NAME”,
              “component_name” :  “HIVE_SERVER”,
              “host_name” : “”
    “href” : "http://AMBARI_ADDRESS/api/v1/CLUSTER_NAME/CLUSTER_NAME/services/HDFS",
    “ServiceInfo” : {},
    “components” : [
        “ServiceComponentInfo” : { },
        “host_components” : [
            “HostRoles” : {
              “cluster_name” : “CLUSTER_NAME”,
              “component_name” :  “NAMENODE”,
              “host_name” : “”
Service Configuration Details (Active Versions) - /api/v1/clusters/ CLUSTER_NAME /configurations/service_config_versions?is_current=true
/api/v1/clusters/ CLUSTER_NAME /configurations/service_config_versions?is_current=true
"items" : [
      "href" : "http://AMBARI_ADDRESS/api/v1/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME/configurations/service_config_versions?service_name=HDFS&service_config_version=2",
      "cluster_name" : "CLUSTER_NAME",
      "configurations" : [
          "Config" : {
            "cluster_name" : "CLUSTER_NAME",
            "stack_id" : "HDP-2.6"
          "type" : "ssl-server",
          "properties" : {
            "ssl.server.keystore.location" : "/etc/security/serverKeys/keystore.jks",
            "ssl.server.keystore.password" : "SECRET:ssl-server:1:ssl.server.keystore.password",
            "ssl.server.keystore.type" : "jks",
            "ssl.server.truststore.location" : "/etc/security/serverKeys/all.jks",
            "ssl.server.truststore.password" : "SECRET:ssl-server:1:ssl.server.truststore.password"
          "properties_attributes" : { }
          "Config" : {
            "cluster_name" : "CLUSTER_NAME",
            "stack_id" : "HDP-2.6"
          "type" : "hdfs-site",
          "tag" : "version1",
          "version" : 1,
          "properties" : {
            "dfs.cluster.administrators" : " hdfs",
            "" : "AES/CTR/NoPadding",
            "dfs.hosts.exclude" : "/etc/hadoop/conf/dfs.exclude",
            "dfs.http.policy" : "HTTP_ONLY",
            "dfs.https.port" : "50470",
            "dfs.journalnode.http-address" : "",
            "dfs.journalnode.https-address" : "",
            "dfs.namenode.http-address" : "",
            "dfs.namenode.https-address" : "",
            "dfs.namenode.rpc-address" : "",
            "dfs.namenode.secondary.http-address" : "",
            "dfs.webhdfs.enabled" : "true"
          "properties_attributes" : {
            "final" : {
              "dfs.webhdfs.enabled" : "true",
              "dfs.namenode.http-address" : "true",
              "" : "true",
              "" : "true",
              "dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated" : "true",
              "" : "true"
      "href" : "http://AMBARI_ADDRESS/api/v1/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME/configurations/service_config_versions?service_name=YARN&service_config_version=1",
      "cluster_name" : "CLUSTER_NAME",
      "configurations" : [
          "Config" : {
            "cluster_name" : "CLUSTER_NAME",
            "stack_id" : "HDP-2.6"
          "type" : "yarn-site",
          "properties" : {
            "yarn.http.policy" : "HTTP_ONLY",
            "yarn.log.server.url" : "",
            "yarn.log.server.web-service.url" : "",
            "yarn.nodemanager.address" : "",
            "yarn.resourcemanager.address" : "",
            "yarn.resourcemanager.admin.address" : "",
            "yarn.resourcemanager.ha.enabled" : "false",
            "yarn.resourcemanager.hostname" : "",
            "yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address" : "",
            "yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.delegation-token-auth-filter.enabled" : "false",
            "yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.https.address" : "",
          "properties_attributes" : { }
Cluster Service Components - /api/v1/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME/components
"items" : [
    "href" : "",
    "ServiceComponentInfo" : {
      "cluster_name" : "CLUSTER_NAME",
      "component_name" : "HCAT",
      "service_name" : "HIVE"
    "href" : "",
    "ServiceComponentInfo" : {
      "cluster_name" : "CLUSTER_NAME",
      "component_name" : "HIVE_SERVER",
      "service_name" : "HIVE"
    "href" : "",
    "ServiceComponentInfo" : {
      "cluster_name" : "CLUSTER_NAME",
      "component_name" : "NAMENODE",
      "service_name" : "HDFS"
    "href" : "",
    "ServiceComponentInfo" : {
      "cluster_name" : "CLUSTER_NAME",
      "component_name" : "OOZIE_SERVER",
      "service_name" : "OOZIE"


4.2 Zookeeper Service Registry

  • TODO: provide some sense of completeness, APIs and examples

5. Provider Configurations

KIP-1 touched on an improvement for Centralized Gateway Configuration for LDAP/AD and the ability to import topology fragments into other topologies by referencing them by name within the topology.

While we haven't actually implemented anything along these lines yet, we are touching on something very similar in this proposal. We need to be able to author a set of Provider Configurations that can be referenced by name in the simple descriptor, that can be enumerated for inclusion in a dropdown for UIs that need to be able to select a Provider Configuration and a set of APIs added to the Admin API for management of the configuration with CRUD operations.

Whether we import the common Provider Configuration or pull in the contents of it into a generated topology can certainly be a design discussion. I think that importing at runtime would be best as we wouldn't have to regenerate all the topologies that included them if something is changed in the Provider Configuration. Though there would need to be some way to reimport the Provider Config at runtime if something changes.






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