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Camel 2.20.0 Release (currently in progress)


New and Noteworthy

Welcome to the x.y.z release which approx XXX issues resolved (new features, improvements and bug fixes such as...)

  • Many internal optimisations in the Camel routing engine, such as reducing thread contention when updating JMX statistics, reducing internal state objects to claim less memory, and reducing the number of allocated objects to reduce overhead on GC etc, and much more. 
  • The Camel Maven Plugin can now validate for duplicate route ids in your source code.
  • Splitted Twitter component into 4, now directmessage, seach, streaming and timeline has its own endpoint and scheme. See documentation for more details
  • Introduced HeadersMapFactory SPI which allows to plugin different implementations, or to use case sensitive maps that are faster than the default.
  • Allow Kafka consumer to break on first unhandled exception, sync the offset from last known good, and then re-connect after one timeout cycle, to restart consuming again. This avoids loosing the failed message, but retry it again on either this consumer, or another consume which was re-balanced by Kafka. This requires to be turned on with the new option breakOnFirstError which can be set on both component or endpoint level.
  • Starting and stoping the CamelContext when used with Spring framework (SpringCamelContext) was revised to ensure that the Camel context is started last - when all resources should be available, and stopped first - while all resources are still available
  • The SQL Stored Procedure now supports specifying custom types as FQN classnames and scale in numeric values.
  • Using Camel with Spring now supports calling Bean by their FQN name and let Spring instantiate the bean using auto-wired constructor's as opposed to only supporting a no-arg constructor. 
  • Using Camel with Spring Boot can now easily filter Java RouteBuilder routes via ANT-path pattern style to either include or exclude class names, which can be configured using Spring configuration properties.
  • The Wire Tap EIP can now be configured to use static endpoint uri instead of being dynamic evaluated via the Simple language. 
  • The Wire Tap EIP will now complete any inflight wire tapped exchanges while shutting down to give them time to complete graceful.
  • The JSonPath can now split and write each row as a string value (JSon format) instead of using a Map/POJO type with the new writeAsString option.
  • The POJO Consuming Consume annotation on POJO classes now support a predicate (using simple language) to filter the message. See the camel-example-spring-boot-pojo for more.

Fixed these issues

  • Fixed a infinitive recursion in Camel's Error Handler when an onException was routing to another route using direct endpoint and this route would throw a new exception that would circle back to the same onException or at a later point, which will cause an endless recursion.
  • Fixed a potential issue with masking password from URI using RAW(xxx) would reveal part of the password if the password contains a & character.
  • The Restlet component is now internally using curly brackets for its uri patterns instead of regular parentheses so it works similar to the other REST component and as Restlet framework itself does
  • Fixed Hystrix EIP having wrong default for circuitBreakerForceClose when using camel-hystrix-starter with Spring Boot. The default should be false and not true
  • Fixed Hystrix EIP when failing and running fallback not signaling to Hystrix itself so it can keep state of the failure and react accordingly to run in half-open mode as well.
  • Fixed MDC logging loosing route id after calling a direct route from within a transacted route
  • Fixed a regression with Bean and Simple OGNL expressions causing ambiguous method call exception when calling method implemented by super class when method is defined by interface and abstract class
  • Fixed Rest DSL (server side) not returning response on all valid uri paths when clients call using a HTTP OPTIONS request
  • Fixed Rest producer not using HTTP method (verb such as PUT) from the endpoint uri when calling a remote REST service
  • Fixed Timer routes to shutdown more graceful and allow pending tasks to complete while they are in-flight.
  • Fixed configuring Rest DSL via|yaml in Spring Boot not working. 
  • Fixed Simple Language to add support negative numbers(without single or double quotes) in predicates
  • Fixed configuring Rest DSL in Spring Boot / yaml for properties to data format, component, api, cors etc to use a map structure and make it work.
  • Fixed configuring Rest DSL using property placeholders in the path parameters such as the defaultValue.

New Enterprise Integration Patterns

New Components

  • camel-crypto-cms - a component for cryptographic message syntax
  • camel-headersmap - a faster implementation of case-insenstive map (used by camel message headers) which can be added to classpath at runtime to be auto installed
  • camel-reactor - a reactor based back-end for camel's reactive streams component
  • camel-twilio - a component that allows you to interact with Twilio REST APIs to call phones, send texts, etc. from a Camel route
  • camel-caffeine - a component that allows you to interact with a Caffeine cache

New Annotations

  • Added predicate to Consume

New Data Formats

New Languages

API breaking

Known Issues

Important changes to consider when upgrading

  • Maven 3.3.3 or newer is required to build the project
  • camel-infinispan - the result is not more set in the CamelInfinispanOperationResult header but in the in body. To change this behavior you can set the header CamelInfinispanOperationResultHeader with the name of the header that should contains the result or with the resultHeader uri option

  • camel-infinispan - the uri option command has been deprecated and replaced by operation for consistency
  • camel-infinispan - the commands are now int the short form PUT, GET etc. old operation names like CamelInfinispanOperationPut, CamelInfinispanOperationGet etc have been deprecated.
  • camel-undertow - matchOnUriPrefix option is defaulted to be FALSE in order to make it consistent with other components like Camel HTTP components.
  • Splitted Twitter component into 4, now directmessage, seach, streaming and timeline has its own endpoint and scheme. See documentation for more details
  • RuntimeEndpointRegistry is no longer in extended mode by default. To use that you need to set management statistics level to Extended explicit.
  • There is no RuntimeEndpointRegistry in use by default. You need to explicit configure a registry to be used, or turn it on via management agent, or set the statics level to extended mode.
  • Camel with Spring XML routes will no longer register endpoints in the Spring registry from Camel routes where <from> or <to> have endpoints assigned with an explicit id attribute. The option registerEndpointIdsFromRoute can be set to true on <camelContext> to be backwards compatible. However this registration is deprecated, instead you should use <endpoint> to register Camel endpoints with id's in Spring registry.
  • camel-spring-dm has been removed as it was not working properly anyway and was deprecated some releases ago. For XML DSL with OSGi use camel-blueprint instead.

Getting the Distributions

Binary Distributions


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PGP Signature file of download

Windows Distribution

Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution



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Source Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Source (zip)

Getting the Binaries using Maven 2

To use this release in your maven project, the proper dependency configuration that you should use in your Maven POM is:


Git Tag Checkout

git clone
cd camel
git checkout camel-x.y.x


For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the:

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