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Currently client (e.g. producer, consumer) fetches metadata from the least loaded node. Because Kafka Controller sends UpdataMetadataRequest to brokers concurrently and there may be difference in when brokers process the UpdateMetadataRequest, it is possible that client fetches a metadata that is older than the existing metadata in its cache. This can cause OffsetOutOfRangeException in consumer even if there is no log truncation in the Kafka cluster (See KAFKA-6262 for more detail). For MirrorMaker whose offset reset policy is oldest, it can cause MM to rewind back to consume from the oldest offset. This increases the latency of transmitting the data from source to destination cluster and duplicates many data in the destination cluster.

In this KIP we propose to add leader_epoch and partition_epoch fields in the MetadataResponse so that client can refresh metadata if the incoming metadata is older than the existing metadata in its cache.

Public Interfaces


1) Add znode /topic_epoch with the following json format

  "version" : int32,
  "topic_epoch" : int32


2) Update the znodes /brokers/topics/[topic] to use the following json format

  "version" : int32,
  "partitions" : {
    partition -> [int32]   // partition has type int32. This maps partition to list of replicas
  "topic_epoch" : int32  // This is newly added

Request/Response protocol

1) Add topic_epoch to UpdateMetadataRequest

UpdateMetadataRequest => controller_id controller_epoch partition_states live_brokers
  controller_id => int32
  controller_epoch => int32
  partition_states => [UpdateMetadataRequestPartitionState]
  live_brokers => [UpdateMetadataRequestBroker]
UpdateMetadataRequestPartitionState => topic partition controller_epoch leader leader_epoch topic_epoch isr zk_version replicas offline_replicas
  topic => string
  partition => int32
  controller_epoch => int32
  leader => int32
  leader_epoch => int32
  topic_epoch => int32        <-- NEW
  isr => [int32]
  zk_version => int32
  replicas => [int32]
  offline_replicas => [int32]


2) Add leader_epoch and topic_epoch to MetadataResponse

MetadataResponse => throttle_time_ms brokers cluster_id controller_id topic_metadata
  throttle_time_ms => int32
  brokers => [MetadatBroker]
  cluster_id => nullable_str
  controller_id => int32
  topic_metadata => [TopicMetadata]
TopicMetadata => topic_error_code topic is_internal topic_epoch partition_metadata
  topic_error_code => int16
  topic => str
  is_internal => boolean
  topic_epoch => int32            <-- NEW
  partition_metadata => [PartitionMetadata]
PartitionMetadata => partition_error_code partition_id leader replicas leader_epoch topic_epoch isr offline_replicas
  partition_error_code => int16
  partition_id => int32
  leader => int32
  replicas => [int32]
  leader_epoch => int32           <-- NEW
  isr => [int32]
  offline_replicas => [int32]


3) Add leader_epoch field and topic_epoch to OffsetCommitRequest

OffsetCommitRequest => group_id generation_id memeber_id retention_time topics
  group_id => str
  generation_id => int32
  member_id => str
  retention_time => int64
  topics => [OffsetCommitRequestTopic]
OffsetCommitRequestTopic => topic partitions
  topic => str
  topic_epoch => int32            <-- NEW
  partitions => [OffsetCommitRequestPartition]
OffsetCommitRequestPartition => partition offset leader_epoch topic_epoch metadata
  partition => int32
  offset => int64
  leader_epoch => int32           <-- NEW
  metadata => nullable_str


4) Add leader_epoch and topic_epoch to OffsetFetchResponse

OffsetFetchResponse => throttle_time_ms response error_code
  throttle_time_ms => int32
  responses => [OffsetFetchResponseTopic]
  error_code => int16
OffsetFetchResponseTopic => topic partition_responses
  topic => str
  topic_epoch => int32            <-- NEW
  partition_responses => [OffsetFetchResponsePartition]
OffsetFetchResponsePartition => partition offset leader_epoch topic_epoch metadata error_code
  partition => int32
  offset => int64
  leader_epoch => int32           <-- NEW
  metadata => nullable_str
  error_code => int16

Offset topic schema

Add leader_epoch and topic_epoch to the schema of the offset topic value.

OFFSET_COMMIT_VALUE_SCHEMA => offset leader_epoch topic_epoch metadata commit_timestamp expire_timestamp 
  offset => int64
  leader_epoch => int32           <-- NEW
  topic_epoch => int32            <-- NEW
  metadata => str
  commit_timestamp => int64
  expire_timestamp => int64

Consumer API

1) Add error INVALID_LEADER_EPOCH. This will be a non-retriable error which may be thrown from consumer's API.

2) Add error INVALID_TOPIC_EPOCH. This will be a non-retriable error which may be thrown from consumer's API.

3) Add the following method and class to the interface org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.Consumer

void seek(TopicPartition partition, long offset, String internalMetadata);

OffsetAndMetadata positionWithInternalMetadata(TopicPartition partition);

4) Add two fields to the class org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata

public class OffsetAndMetadata {
  // This is the newly-added internal metadata used by Kafka client implementation. User should not need to interpret this value.
  private final String internalMetadata;
  // The existing metadata variable used by user. Kafka client or broker should not need to interpret this value.
  private final String metadata;
  .... // Other existing variables and methods


Proposed Changes

1) Topic creation and partition expansion.

When broker creates topic, broker will increment the global topic_epoch in the znode /topic_epoch by 1 and write this partition epoch in the znode /brokers/topics/[topic] according to its new json format.

2) Metadata propagation from controller to brokers and from brokers to clients.

Controller should include the topic_epoch and leader_epoch for each partition in the UpdateMetadataRequest. Broker should also include topic_epoch and leader_epoch for each partition in the MetadataResponse to clients.

3) Client's metadata refresh

After client receives MetadataResponse from a broker, it compares with the MetadataResponse with the cached metadata to check whether the MetadataResponse is outdated. The MetadataResponse is outdated if, for all those partitions that the client is interested in, there exists a partition such that the following is true:

metadataResponse[partition].topic_epoch < cachedMetadata[partition].topic_epoch || 
 (metadataResponse[partition].topic_epoch == cachedMetadata[partition].topic_epoch && 
  metadataResponse[partition].leader_epoch < cachedMetadata[partition].leader_epoch)

The client will be forced to refresh metadata again with the existing backoff mechanism if the MetadataResponse is determined to be outdated.

Note that producer is interested in all partitions. Consumers can potentially be interested in only partitions that it has explicitly subscribed to. The purpose of checking only a subset of partitions is to avoid unnecessary metadata refresh when the metadata is only outdated for partitions not needed by client. In other words, it is for optimization and it is not needed for correctness.

4) Offset commit

When consumer commits offset, it looks up leader_epoch and topic_epoch in the cached metadata and includes this value in the OffsetCommitRequest. The leader_epoch and topic_epoch will then be written in the message to the offset topic.

When coordinator receives the OffsetCommitRequest, for each partition in the OffsetCommitRequest, it will additionally check whether the leader_epoch or topic_epoch in the request. If the topic_epoch from the OffsetCommitRequest is smaller than the last known value, the error for this partition in the OffsetCommitResponse is INVALID_topic_epoch. Otherwise, if the topic_epoch is the same but the leader_epoch from the OffsetCommitRequest is smaller than the last known value, the error for this partition in the OffsetCommitResponse is INVALID_LEADER_EPOCH.

If the client/broker library is old, both the leader_epoch and the topic_epoch are assumed to be -1 and broker will preserve the existing behavior without doing this additional check.

5) Consumer rebalance or initialization using the offset and epoch from the Kafka offset topic

After consumer receives OffsetFetchResponse, it remembers the leader_epoch and the topic_epoch for each partition it needs to consume. Then the consumer needs to repeatedly refresh metadata if a metadata is considered outdated, which is determined using the similar criteria as introduced in the above subsection "Client's metadata refresh". The only difference is that, instead of using the leader_epoch and topic_epoch from the cached metadata, the consumer uses the values from the OffsetFetchResponse.

For existing version of the offset topic, leader_epoch and topic_epoch will not be available in the value of the offset topic message. Both the leader_epoch and the topic_epoch are assumed to be -1 and the client will preserve the existing behavior without doing the additional metadata refresh.

6) Consumer initialization if offset is stored externally.

When committing offset, user should use the newly added API positionWithInternalMetadata(...) to read the internal_metadata (which encodes leader_epoch and topic_epoch) as well and store them together with the offset.

When initializing consumer, user should read the externally stored internal_metadata together with the offset. Then user should call the newly added API seek(partition, offset, internalMetadata) to seek to the previous offset. Later when consumer.poll() is called, the consumer needs to repeatedly refresh metadata if a metadata is considered outdated, which is determined using the similar criteria as introduced in the above subsection "Client's metadata refresh". The only difference is that, instead of using the leader_epoch and topic_epoch from the cached metadata, the consumer uses the values that extracted from the internalMetadata provided by the seek(...).

If user calls existing API seek(partition, offset) and there is not committed offset/leader_epoch/topic_epoch from the Kafka offset topic, both the leader_epoch and the topic_epoch are assumed to be -1 and the client will preserve the existing behavior without doing the additional check.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The KIP changes the inter-broker protocol. Therefore the migration requires two rolling bounce. In the first rolling bounce we will deploy the new code but broker will still communicate using the existing protocol. In the second rolling bounce we will change the config so that broker will start to communicate with each other using the new protocol.

Rejected Alternatives

- Use a global per-metadata version.

This can be a bit more complicated by introducing a new state in Kafka. leader_epoch is an existing state we already maintain in zookeeper. By using per-partition leader_epoch the client will only be forced to re-fresh metadata if the MetadataResponse contains out-dated metadata for those partitions that the client is interested in.

Future work

1) We can use the topic_epoch to detect that the partition used in the seek() has been deleted. Then we can thrown proper exception to the user so that user can handle it properly.

2) We can use the leader_epoch to better handle the offset reset in case of unclean leader election.




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