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Part 3


Lets just recap on the solution we have now:

public class ReportIncidentEndpointImpl implements ReportIncidentEndpoint {

    private CamelContext camel;
    private ProducerTemplate template;

    public ReportIncidentEndpointImpl() throws Exception {
        // create the camel context that is the "heart" of Camel
        camel = new DefaultCamelContext();

        // get the ProducerTemplate thst is a Spring'ish xxxTemplate based producer for very
        // easy sending exchanges to Camel.
        template = camel.createProducerTemplate();

        // start Camel

     * This is the last solution displayed that is the most simple
    public OutputReportIncident reportIncident(InputReportIncident parameters) {
        // transform the request into a mail body
        Object mailBody = template.sendBody("velocity:MailBody.vm", parameters);

        // store the mail body in a file
        String filename = "mail-incident-" + parameters.getIncidentId() + ".txt";
        template.sendBodyAndHeader("file://target/subfolder", mailBody, FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME, filename);

        // return an OK reply
        OutputReportIncident out = new OutputReportIncident();
        return out;


This completes the first part of the solution: receiving the message using webservice, transform it to a mail body and store it as a text file.
What is missing is the last part that polls the text files and send them as emails. Here is where some fun starts, as this requires usage of the Event Driven Consumer EIP pattern to react when new files arrives. So lets see how we can do this in Camel. There is a saying: Many roads lead to Rome, and that is also true for Camel - there are many ways to do it in Camel.

Adding the Event Driven Consumer

We want to add the consumer to our integration that listen for new files, we do this by creating a private method where the consumer code lives. We must register our consumer in Camel before its started so we need to add, and there fore we call the method addMailSenderConsumer in the constructor below:

    public ReportIncidentEndpointImpl() throws Exception {
        // create the camel context that is the "heart" of Camel
        camel = new DefaultCamelContext();

        // get the ProducerTemplate thst is a Spring'ish xxxTemplate based producer for very
        // easy sending exchanges to Camel.
        template = camel.createProducerTemplate();

        // add the event driven consumer that will listen for mail files and process them

        // start Camel

The consumer needs to be consuming from an endpoint so we grab the endpoint from Camel we want to consume. It's file://target/subfolder. Don't be fooled this endpoint doesn't have to 100% identical to the producer, i.e. the endpoint we used in the previous part to create and store the files. We could change the URL to include some options, and to make it more clear that it's possible we setup a delay value to 10 seconds, and the first poll starts after 2 seconds. This is done by adding ?consumer.delay=10000&consumer.initialDelay=2000 to the URL.

URL Configuration

The URL configuration in Camel endpoints is just like regular URL we know from the Internet. You use ? and & to set the options.

When we have the endpoint we can create the consumer (just as in part 1 where we created a producer}. Creating the consumer requires a Processor where we implement the java code what should happen when a message arrives. To get the mail body as a String object we can use the getBody method where we can provide the type we want in return.

Camel Type Converter

Why don't we just cast it as we always do in Java? Well the biggest advantage when you provide the type as a parameter you tell Camel what type you want and Camel can automatically convert it for you, using its flexible Type Converter mechanism. This is a great advantage, and you should try to use this instead of regular type casting.

Sending the email is still left to be implemented, we will do this later. And finally we must remember to start the consumer otherwise its not active and won't listen for new files.

    private void addMailSendConsumer() throws Exception {
        // Grab the endpoint where we should consume. Option - the first poll starts after 2 seconds
        Endpoint endpint = camel.getEndpoint("file://target/subfolder?consumer.initialDelay=2000");

        // create the event driven consumer
        // the Processor is the code what should happen when there is an event
        // (think it as the onMessage method)
        Consumer consumer = endpint.createConsumer(new Processor() {
            public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                // get the mail body as a String
                String mailBody = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);

                // okay now we are read to send it as an email
                System.out.println("Sending email..." + mailBody);

        // star the consumer, it will listen for files

Before we test it we need to be aware that our unit test is only catering for the first part of the solution, receiving the message with webservice, transforming it using Velocity and then storing it as a file - it doesn't test the Event Driven Consumer we just added. As we are eager to see it in action, we just do a common trick adding some sleep in our unit test, that gives our Event Driven Consumer time to react and print to System.out. We will later refine the test:

    public void testRendportIncident() throws Exception {

        OutputReportIncident out = client.reportIncident(input);
        assertEquals("Response code is wrong", "OK", out.getCode());

        // give the event driven consumer time to react

We run the test with mvn clean test and have eyes fixed on the console output.
During all the output in the console, we see that our consumer has been triggered, as we want.

2008-07-19 12:09:24,140 [mponent@1f12c4e] DEBUG FileProcessStrategySupport - Locking the file: target\subfolder\mail-incident-123.txt ...
Sending email...Incident 123 has been reported on the 2008-07-16 by Claus Ibsen.

The person can be contact by:
- email:
- phone: +45 2962 7576

Summary: bla bla

more bla bla

This is an auto generated email. You can not reply.
2008-07-19 12:09:24,156 [mponent@1f12c4e] DEBUG FileConsumer - Done processing file: target\subfolder\mail-incident-123.txt. Status is: OK
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