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Part 4


This section is about regular Camel. The examples presented here in this section is much more in common of all the examples we have in the Camel documentation.
So if you have read the previous section then you must unlearn what you have learned.

So we start all over again!


Camel is particular strong as a light-weight and agile routing and mediation framework. In this part we will introduce the routing concept and how we can introduce this into our solution.
Looking back at the figure from the Introduction page we want to implement this routing. Camel has support for expressing this routing logic using Java as a DSL (Domain Specific Language). In fact Camel also has DSL for XML and Scala. In this part we use the Java DSL as its the most powerful and all developers know Java. Later we will introduce the XML version that is very well integrated with Spring.

Before we jump into it, we want to state that this tutorial is about Developers not loosing control. In my humble experience one of the key fears of developers is that they are forced into a tool/framework where they loose control and/or power, and the possible is now impossible. So in this part we stay clear with this vision and our starting point is as follows:

  • We have generated the webservice source code using the CXF wsdl2java generator and we have our file where we as a Developer feels home and have the power.

So the starting point is:

 * The webservice we have implemented.
public class ReportIncidentEndpointImpl implements ReportIncidentEndpoint {

     * This is the last solution displayed that is the most simple
    public OutputReportIncident reportIncident(InputReportIncident parameters) {
        // WE ARE HERE !!!
        return null;


Yes we have a simple plain Java class where we have the implementation of the webservice. The cursor is blinking at the WE ARE HERE block and this is where we feel home. More or less any Java Developers have implemented webservices using a stack such as: Apache AXIS, Apache CXF or some other quite popular framework. They all allow the developer to be in control and implement the code logic as plain Java code. Camel of course doesn't enforce this to be any different. Okay the boss told us to implement the solution from the figure in the Introduction page and we are now ready to code.


RouteBuilder is the hearth in Camel of the Java DSL routing. This class does all the heavy lifting of supporting EIP verbs for end-users to express the routing. It does take a little while to get settled and used to, but when you have worked with it for a while you will enjoy its power and realize it is in fact a little language inside Java itself. Camel is the only integration framework we are aware of that has Java DSL, all the others are usually only XML based.

As an end-user you usually use the RouteBuilder as of follows:

  • create your own Route class that extends RouteBuilder
  • implement your routing DSL in the configure method

So we create a new class ReportIncidentRoutes and implement the first part of the routing:

import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;

public class ReportIncidentRoutes extends RouteBuilder {

    public void configure() throws Exception {
        // direct:start is a internal queue to kick-start the routing in our example
        // we use this as the starting point where you can send messages to direct:start
            // to is the destination we send the message to our velocity endpoint
            // where we transform the mail body


What to notice here is the configure method. Here is where all the action is. Here we have the Java DSL langauge, that is expressed using the fluent builder syntax that is also known from Hibernate when you build the dynamic queries etc. What you do is that you can stack methods separating with the dot.

In the example above we have a very common routing:

  • From Endpoint To Endpoint
  • from("endpointA").to("endpointB")
  • from("direct:start").to("velocity:MailBody.vm");

from("direct:start") is the consumer that is kick-starting our routing flow. It will wait for messages to arrive on the direct queue and then dispatch the message.
to("velocity:MailBody.vm") is the producer that will receive a message and let Velocity generate the mail body response.

So what we have implemented so far with our ReportIncidentRoutes RouteBuilder is this part of the picture:

Adding the RouteBuilder

Now we have our RouteBuilder we need to add/connect it to our CamelContext that is the hearth of Camel. So turning back to our webservice implementation class ReportIncidentEndpointImpl we add this constructor to the code, to create the CamelContext and add the routes from our route builder and finally to start it.

    private CamelContext context;

    public ReportIncidentEndpointImpl() throws Exception {
        // create the context
        context = new DefaultCamelContext();

        // append the routes to the context
        context.addRoutes(new ReportIncidentRoutes());

        // at the end start the camel context

Okay how do you use the routes then? Well its just as before we use a ProducerTemplate to send messages to Endpoints, so we just send to the direct:start endpoint and it will take it from there.
So we implement the logic in our webservice operation:

     * This is the last solution displayed that is the most simple
    public OutputReportIncident reportIncident(InputReportIncident parameters) {
        Object mailBody = context.createProducerTemplate().sendBody("direct:start", parameters);
        System.out.println("Body:" + mailBody);

        // return an OK reply
        OutputReportIncident out = new OutputReportIncident();
        return out;

Notice that we get the producer template using the createProducerTemplate method on the CamelContext. Then we send the input parameters to the direct:start endpoint and it will route it to the velocity endpoint that will generate the mail body. Since we use direct as the consumer endpoint (=from) and its a synchronous exchange we will get the response back from the route. And the response is of course the output from the velocity endpoint.

We have now completed this part of the picture:


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