Hadoop repository provides two use-cases:

  1. We have a base image which includes all the required dependency and scripts to handle configuration but it doesn't include any hadoop. It is used to start development builds in containers
  2. Images which includes hadoop and make possible to download and run hadoop in one step.

Container images in use:

apache/hadoop-runnerhadoopdocker-hadoop-runnerBase image to run any hadoop (configuration management scripts, runtime envrinment,...)
apache/hadoop:3hadoopdocker-hadoop-3Latest hadoop 3 packaged together with the base image.
apache/hadoop:2hadoopdocker-hadoop-2Latest hadoop from the 2.x line, on top of the base image.
build containerhadooptrunk/2.xdev-support/docker/Dockerfile is used by Apache Yetus to provide stable build environment. The image is not uploaded to the dockerhub as it's rebuilt for each build to handle username mapping.

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