
  • Allow routing measurements to statistics, Micrometer meters, or both as appropriate, to allow publishing each measurement to the appropriate places.
  • Minimize the intrusiveness of new and existing metrics instrumentation.
  • Minimize the amount of code that must know how to route measurements to stats and meters.
  • Maintain Geode performance.
  • Not preclude any options for deprecating and removing Geode’s statistics mechanism in the future. And take steps to make deprecating and removing the existing statistics mechanism easier.


  • Continue to use Geode’s existing style of instrumentation class (e.g. CachePerfStats) to instrument code.
  • Enhance the instrumentation classes to create and register meters when appropriate, and to route each measurement to the appropriate stats and meters.
  • When we want to route a given measurement to both a statistic and a meter, use the "legacy meter" wrapper mechanism (described below).
  • Incrementally improve the instrumentation classes to focus more on reporting domain events (e.g. regionAdded()) and less on reporting measurements (e.g. incRegions()).

Legacy Meter Wrappers

To route a given measurement to both a Micrometer meter and a Geode statistic, do the following in the instrumentation class's constructor:

  • Create and register a normal Micrometer meter in the cache's meter registry.
  • Wrap the registered meter in a custom "legacy meter" that reads and writes the stat, and also writes to the registered meter.

In the instrumentation methods (e.g. endPut()):

  • Use the legacy meter to report measurements.


These diagrams show an example of how the wrapper mechanism works for "counter" style stats and meters. The first is a class diagram, showing how the parts relate in general. The second is a sequence diagram that shows in some detail how the parts interact to route a given measurement to both a meter and a stat. Legacy Meter Structure MeterRegistry Counter increment(amount)count() InstrumentationClass MeterRegistry registryStatistics statistics e.g. CacheServerStats LegacyCounterBuilder intStatistic(statistics, id)longStatistic(statistics, id)register(registry) LegacyCounter Counter counterStatisticsBinding binding LegacyCounter(counter, binding)increment(amount)count() StatisticsBinding Statistics statisticsint statId increment(amount)long longValue()double doubleValue() InstrumentedCode Statistics New class New class (implements Counter) New class increment(amount) increment(amount) increment(amount) incInt(id, amount) Legacy Meter Information Flow InstrumentedCode registry new(registry, …) MyStatistics new statistics Creating a Legacy Meter new(name) LegacyCounter.Builder intStatistic(statistics, statId) register(registry) counter(id, …) new(id, …) counter counter new(statistics, statId) statisticsBinding new(counter, statisticsBinding) legacyCounter legacyCounter Updating a Legacy Meter myEventJustHappened() increment() increment() incInt(statId, 1) increment() Reading a Legacy Meter getMyEventCount() count() getInt(statId) stat value stat value stat value Deleting a Legacy Meter close() remove(legacyCounter) Note: legacyCounter hasthe same Id as counter

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