This page introduces common frameworks, which enable us to efficiently write unit test in StreamPipes:

JUnit: Framework to write unit tests in Java.

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Test;

public class ClassNameTest {
    public static void beforeClass() {
        // before each

    public void before() {
        // before each

    public void after() {
        // after each

    public static void afterClass() {
        // after each

    public void test() {
        // set up
        String expected = "test";

        // perform test
        String result = callMethodUnderTest();

        assertEquals(expected, result);

Mockito: Create mocks for classes and services which are used in the tested method.

public class ClassName {

    private AddService service;

    public ClassName(AddService service) {
        this.service = service;

    public Integer calculate(Integer i, Integer j) {
        return service.add(i, j) * 5;


import org.mockito.Mockito.when;

public class ClassNameTest {

    public void test() {
        // set up
        AddService service = mock(AddService.class);
        when(service.add(any(Integer.class), any(Integer.class))).thenReturn(6);
        ClassName testClass = new ClassName(service);

        // perform test
        Integer result = testClass.calculate(2, 3);

        assertEquals(30, result);

Powermock: Extension of Mockito to mock static methods

Mock static method:

@PrepareForTest({ WorkerRestClient.class })
public class ExampleTest {
    public  void before() {

    public void test() {
        // void method
        doNothing().when(WorkerRestClient.class, "stopAdapter", anyString(), any(), anyString());

       // return String


Mock Enum:

import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox;

import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.*;

@PrepareForTest({ TestEnum.class })
public class Test1 {

    public void  enumTest() throws Exception {
        TestEnum testEnum = mock(TestEnum.INSTANCE.getClass());
        Whitebox.setInternalState(TestEnum.class, "INSTANCE", testEnum);

        assertEquals("lalala", TestEnum.INSTANCE.a());

public enum TestEnum {


    public String a() {
        return "";

Mock creating Object:

@PrepareForTest({ProcessorManager.class, PmmlProcessorController.class})
public class ProcessorManagerTest {
    public void createProcessor() throws Exception {    
        processorManager.createProcessor(null, "");


public class ProcessorManager {

    public boolean createProcessor(PMMLConfigDescription configDescription, String username) throws PMMLConfigException {
         PmmlProcessorController controller = new PmmlProcessorController(configDescription);


Rest-assured: Framework to test REST APIs

public class ClassNameTest {

    private Server server;

    public void before() {
        ResourceConfig config = new ResourceConfig().register(new ResourceToTest());

        URI baseUri = UriBuilder

        server = JettyHttpContainerFactory.createServer(baseUri, config);

    public void after() {

    public void test() {
        // POST request to URL "baseUri + /v1/testapi"
        // response must be json that contains key success with value true
        given().contentType("application/json").body("data body").when()
                .body("success", equalTo(true));


public class ClassName {
    public Integer calculate() {
        // makes a rest call to "ENDPOINT/"

public class ClassNameTest {

    public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(PORT);

    public void test() {
        // this

        ClassName className = new ClassName();

        Integer result = className.calculate();

        assertEquals(30, result);

    public void test() {
        // POST request to URL "baseUri + /v1/testapi"
        // response must be json that contains key success with value true
        given().contentType("application/json").body("data body").when()
                .body("success", equalTo(true));

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