New Features:

  • The release is based on JakartaEE 9.1: the javax.*  packages are migrated to jakarta .* ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )
  • Support of Spring Framework 6 / Spring Boot 3

    The Spring Framework 6 / Spring Boot 3 runtimes are compatible with Jakarta EE 9.1 and Jakarta EE 10, but may bring Jakarta EE 10 dependencies by default at build time (for example, The Apache CXF 4.0 is not yet compatible with Jakarta EE 10 (see please Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. ) and in some cases you may need to manually override the versions of the dependecies.

  • Support of ActiveMQ Artemis ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )

Major Dependency Changes:

  • The javax.* specs are replaced with jakarta .* specs ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )
  • Update to Jetty 11 ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )
  • Update to Tomcat 10.1
  • Update to Hibernate 6.1
  • Update to Hibernate Validator 7.0
  • Update to Slf4j 2.0 ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )
  • Update to Hazelcast 5.2.0
  • Update to WSS4J 3.0.0
  • Update to Atmosphere 3.0.0
  • Update to Spring Security 6
  • Update to Spring Framework 6
  • Update to Spring Boot 3
  • Update to EasyMock 5.0
  • Update to Lucene 9.4.x ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )
  • Update to Swagger 2.2.x
  • Apache HttpClient5 5.2 and HttpCore5 5.2 ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )

Removed Features:

  • OSGi support is removed ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )
  • Swagger 1.x support is removed  ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )
  • ActiveMQ 5.x support is removed  ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )
  • Legacy Jetty 9.x Continuations support is removed ( Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. )

Important Notes:

  • The default authentication scheme for the JwtAuthenticationFilter has changed from "JWT" to "Bearer".
  • The minimum JDK baseline is set to JDK-11. However, in case when Spring 6 / Spring Boot 3 integration is used, the minimum JDK version should be considered to be JDK-17.
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