How to steve vote…

  1. Announcement that voting process is soon starting, outlining timeline of following phases
  2. Nomination period starts. Nominations are emailed as new threads with subject "[NOMINATION] <name> "
  3. Nomination period closes, and Nomination acceptance period starts. Nominees accept or decline their nomination in the corresponding thread. A position statement is in the same email.
  4. Nomination acceptance period closes.
  5. The main vote monitor creates the STeVe vote. 
    1. Create an INFRA ticket asking for access to, e.g. INFRA-22955
    2. Log into
    3. Click on "Create a new election"
  6. Fill out details for the new election
    1. Fill out fields according to screenshot…
    2. Owner is your apache ID
    3. Add three other monitors. Each monitor must also fill out a INFRA ticket requesting access to vote.a.o
    4. Add the start and end dates

  7. Add Issue.
    1. Fill out fields according to screenshot.
    2. Add candidates, one per line. (Alphabetical by surname is the precedence.) 

  8. Hit Create Issue.
  9. Cue Monitors.
  10. Invite people.
    1. If this is a private PMC vote, gather everyone's apache IDs from 
  11. The voting period starts.
    1. Send an announcement to the appropriate mailing list that a vote is in progress and everyone should have received their ballot by email.
  12. The voting period closes.
    1. Hit "Close election"
  13. The votes are tallied, the results announced.
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