Sometimes the project loading produces some notifications: a bubble will pop up from the status bar, and a message appears in Notifications window. Use Windows →  IDE Tools → Notifications to display it explicitly. 

Error inspecting property outputLocation: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ....

This warning is not fatal, the rest of the project information should load (or produce similar warnings), but before filing a bug report a better diagnostic could be produced.  If you want to collect more diagnostic messages, for example for a bug report, exit the NetBeans IDE and run it again with the following parameter on the commandline:


When you load the project a log of messages that trace processing and gathering of project information will appear in your $userdir/var/log/messages* files. Please note, that there may be several files with the messages (a new log file is created when the old log reaches a certain size). When filing bug report, include those log files.

NOTE: the log file may contain information from the project(s) opened in the IDE or local paths on your computer. Check the log for information that you might consider sensitive before posting to an inssue.

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