

Notification Thread

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Meeting number (access code): 2761 748 8734
Meeting password: MjdFissq569


  • Grace Llewellyn
  • Nga Chung
  • Joseph Jacob
  • Kevin Marlis
  • Marjorie Lucas
  • Megan Bull
  • Riley Kuttruff
  • Thomas Loubrieu
  • William Phyo
  • Stepheny Perez

Discussion Topics

Future Meetings

Can we continue to use webex?

Should we switch to something more public like Google Meet?

Riley will check - Yes we can; just avoid talking about sensitive stuff (ie ITAR) -R


Riley will look at addressing some of the website items identified on

SDAP Logo - Marjorie will provide sample logos for next monthly meeting

1.2.0 release

  • nexusproto - Should this be included if we only updated DISCLAIMER-WIP? 
    • Will ask general@incubator mailing list
  • In the future, if we want to release nexusproto as part of SDAP 1.3.0, we will skip intermediate versions and bump nexusproto to 1.3.0
    • If we go with this versioning, then new repositories added to SDAP will have a version that might not make sense. For example, in-situ-data-services will be 1.3.0?
    • Let's start discussion on dev@sdap mailing list regarding versioning
nginx ingress

Original discussion about the error with SDAP's nginx:

error was: " Failed to list *v1beta1.Ingress: the server could not find the requested resource."

Changes to helm chart for nginx ingress

-  - name: nginx-ingress
-    version: 1.28.2
-    repository:
+  - name: ingress-nginx
+    version: 4.7.1
+    repository:

Is there an nginx chart available from bitnami?

SDAP regression tests would be very useful for testing dependency upgrades

  • Can we package regression tests with small set of test data used exclusively for the regression?
API Documentation

Kevin has started working on populating OpenAPI specification and will open PR:

Deploy Swagger UI (or an alternative) to SDAP homepage or SDAP readthedocs

Image build issues
  • Problems with nexusproto build & install
    • Can be fixed by bumping base image, but can't find original Dockerfile for webapp base image
      • Past effort to recreate the webapp Dockerfile was not successful but we will locate a version of it and add this to the repository
    • Should maybe mitigate by publishing (released) nexusproto versions to PyPI and installing them in the image build through there
      • Do we have ownership of this pypi repository now?
  • Look at Github Action Pipeline for automated builds (work previously started by Josh Garde)
    • Expand to include automated testing
    • Linting
    • We need to define a proper branching strategy
      • Simple branching strategy that is consistency applied across all repositories e.g. master versus dev versus develop
      • Does Apache have any guidance on branching strategy?
Topics for Next Meeting
  • Demo of SDAP integration with OGC DAPA

Action Items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

  • No labels