We welcome feature requests and bug reports via our issue tracker.

Issue Planning Status

We use JIRA for tracking our issues. Here are some useful views on the current status of the project:

Issue Tracking Workflow

For most issues we follow the following general workflow:

  1. Reported
  2. Reviewed
  3. In Progress
    1. Review-Then-Commit patch reviews (non-committers)
    2. Commit-Then-Review patch reviews (committers)
  4. Closed
  5. Resolved (Verified)

In each of these states various actions are possible, such as submitting patches for review, providing comment, logging work or editing fix versions

Detailed Workflow

More specifically the possible transitions between states are:

  • Issue is reported by user
  • Issue is reviewed by a committer, with one of the following outcomes:
    • Issue is accepted
      • Accepted issues will usually be scheduled for a fix version, although some issues may be accepted as valid issues, but still be deemed out of scope for the current development team. In which case the fix version will be left as "Unknown".
    • More information is requested
      • If the comitter is not able to understand the full issue they will add a comment and ask the submitter for more information
    • Reject the issue
      • If the issue is deemed as invalid for some reason the reviewer will indicate this to be the case and will close the issue
  • Issues that have been accepted can have one of the following actions on them:
    • work may be started by a contributor
    • a patch can be marked for review
    • they may be closed
  • An issue in which work has started has the following actions:
    • a patch can be marked for review
    • more details can be requested from the submitter
    • the issue ca be closed
  • An issue awaiting a patch review can have one of the follwing actions:
    • a modification for the patch can be requested
    • the patch can be applied, and the issue closed
  • A closed issue can be either:
    • verified by another committer, thus marking it resolved, or
    • rejected by a committer, thus moving it back to the "In Progress" stage