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December Reports (see ReportingSchedule)


Apache ActiveMQ is a messaging broker and client.

The ActiveMQ team has put out several release since it last reported:

  • ActiveMQ 4.0.2 - was a small bug fix release.
  • ActiveMQ 4.1.0 - was a major feature enhancement release.
  • ActiveMQ CPP 1.0 - was the first release of the C++ client for ActiveMQ

We are now focusing on the next 4.1.1 bug fix release but also making major enhancements to trunk for better scalability and that will either be released as ActiveMQ 4.2 or 5.0.

The project has discussed graduating and feels that ActiveMQ is ready and would prefer to become a TLP.

ADF Faces / Trinidad

Apache Trinidad is a library of JavaServer Faces components, runnable with every JSF-compliant implementation.

The Trinidad (ADF Faces) project solved lot's of todos. We also worked on lot's of jira issue, like:

  • Improving the client side validation
  • Moving some internal classes to API
  • cleanup of notices and licenses for compliance with the ASF
  • improved PDA support (got patches from users here)
  • JSF 1.2 compliant

One of the biggest technical working points these days is the JSF 1.2 branch to be compliant against a JSF 1.2 impl. One of the artifacts (the maven plugins) is currently used by the MyFaces team to work on their JSF 1.2 impl. We added a new committer to the project.


Apache Cayenne is component-oriented persistence framework, providing object-relational mapping (ORM), remoting services, and a JPA-compatible persistence provider (JSR-220). Cayenne entered incubation in March 2006.

Top items to resolve before graduation:

  • The Cayenne community has completed all incubator tasks, the Incubator has voted for the graduation of the Apache Cayenne podling, and the text of the board resolution has been sent to the ASF Board.

What has been done for incubation since the last report:

  • We rewrote remaining code (originally by Gary Jarrel) to finish out IP issues.
  • We released Apache Cayenne 2.0.1.
  • We added Tore Halset as a Cayenne PPMC member.
  • We added Malcolm Edgar as as Cayenne committer.
  • We worked through the graduation process and the Incubator PMC has voted to recommend Cayenne for graduation to the ASF Board.

Plans and expectations for the next period

  • We expect to graduate Cayenne to a TLP during the December 20th ASF Board meeting.


Apache ODE is an implementation of the BPEL4WS and WS-BPEL specifications for web services orchestration. ODE entered incubation in March 2006.

Activity related to incubation:

Activity related to project development:

  • We've created a much better site at We still need to add more documentation but the principal is already there.
  • We've added a connector for JBI (ServiceMix) and another one with SCA (Tuscany) is in progress.
  • Development is still very active, we've added more features and also improved stability.

To complete before graduation:

  • Now that most IP issues have been resolved we need to release. This will hopefully help us for the next point.
  • We need to attract more committers and encourage diversity.

So the plan for the next period is to finish the transition to OpenJPA and build a release most probably in January.


Apache OFBiz ("The Apache Open For Business Project") is an open source enterprise automation software project.

OFBiz entered incubation in January 2006.

Top items to resolve before graduation:

  • the OFBiz community has completed all the incubation's tasks, the Incubator has positively voted for the graduation of OFBiz podling and the text of the the board resolution has been sent to the ASF Board.

What has been done for incubation since the last report:

  • the Incubator vote has approved the Apache OFBiz 4.0.0 TS5 test snapshot release
  • the Incubator has positively voted for the graduation of OFBiz podling

Plans and expectations for the next period

  • we are all hoping to get a positive vote for graduating OFBiz to a TLP during the next ASF Board meeting (happening on 20, December)
  • if OFBiz will graduate, we will work, together with the Infrastructure guys to the migration of mailing lists, issue tracker, svn server, web site

See the Incubator status page ( for more details.


log4net is an implementation of the Apache log4j for the .NET Framework.

Incubating since: 2004-01-15

Items to complete before graduation:

  • Continue to expand the community


  • User mailing list maintaining good activity
  • We have an open ended discussion on the use and storage of strong name assembly signing keys. This may need further discussion at wider level, and probably requires some sort of consensus amongst all the Apache .NET projects.


  • No important development news to report.
  • The next planned release will be a point release fixing issues reported since the last release.
  • Several user contributed patches are waiting to be reviewed and integrated.


NMaven develops plugins and integration for Maven to make building and using .NET languages a first-class citizen in Maven.

Incubating since: 2006-11-17

This is the first report for this podling.

Completed setup:

  • Mailing lists and ppmc established
  • SVN area set up
  • Software grant and CLA received, account created
  • Moved existing Maven sandbox code to the podling
  • Reach out to to look for additional contributors
  • Tidied up and imported NMaven code
  • Some discussion has started to take place about the best way forward

Next steps:

  • start working on a roadmap and looking for further interest


OpenEJB is an open source, modular, configurable, and extendable EJB Container System and EJB Server.

Incubating since: 2006-07-10

Additions to the PPMC: David Blevins, David Jencks Additions to the committer roster: Rick McGuire, Mohammed Nour (not yet processed)

All remaining infra has been migrated to ASF hardware:

  • JIRA
  • Confluence
  • Website

As hoped the JIRA migration tool we created has helped other Incubator projects migrate as well, most recently Ivy.

All IP was cleared.

Recent new contributors: Manu George and Filippo Diotalevi contributed their first patches.

Recent activity has centered around producing a 2.2-incubating release. The spread of workload and commitment to getting all of the process right (including updates to the source headers) was very encouraging. A vote was held, and recently passed, including the 3 binding votes from the incubator PMC (by the mentors of the podling).


Web development framework focusing on pure OO coding, making the creation of new components very easy. Wicket entered the incubator in October 2006.

Top three items to resolve

Community aspects:

Code aspects:

  • Work on 1.3 has started
  • Work continues steadily on 2.0


  • Removed LGPL date picker component from extensions (1.3 branch, 2.0 still todo)
  • Started to replace License headers in source files
  • Discussion on css/javascript/html file license headers. Wicket contains and distributes many (small) css, javascript and html files that are also downloaded to the browser. Point of dispute is the fact that the license is larger than several of the files, and that it increases the download sizes of resources for all users of Wicket applications.


  • Work has started to generate the website using confluence


UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such as text, audio and video.

Things are proceeding well, there is a lot of activity on the dev list, a lot of coding activity. We're pretty much settled in with the Apache infrastructure, have figured out how we want to use Jira in conjunction with SVN etc.

Some recent activity:

  • Infrastructure setup complete, barring some minor JIRA admin issues
  • Website in good shape now, using Anakia
  • Settled on Confluence for Wiki
  • M2 build done
  • Documentation has been converted to DocBook, although there are still some formatting issues to address
  • Sample code has been updated
  • Moving known issues from previous issue tracking systems to Jira
  • Created sandbox as a place to contribute UIMA analysis components, tooling
  • We've posted messages at the previous UIMA download locations notifying our user base that development has moved to the ASF incubator

Our priorities for the coming weeks:

  • We are hoping to be able to do our first Apache incubator release early next year. There is a lot of work to be done to make that happen, and we're still in the process of figuring out what that work is exactly (wink)
  • Get the sandbox off to a running start
  • Discuss ways to attract new committers


Woden is a Java class library for reading, validating, manipulating, creating and writing WSDL documents, initially to support WSDL 2.0 and with the longer term aim of supporting past, present and future versions of WSDL.

Woden entered the Incubator in April 2005. The Woden team have made six releases since then and have been included in the release of the Apache Axis2 project. Our current set of active committers consists of four from IBM, one from WSO2 and one from University of Moratuwa. If there are any concerns on whether we would graduate if a vote was put to the Incubator PMC, then it is diversity of the committer base. We would appreciate feedback on this point.

Recent activity since our last report in August:

  • Woden M6 was released in October which introduced a StAX parser based implementation of the Woden API and improved the compliance with the WSDL 2.0 specification.
  • In November, three of the Woden committers attended the W3C Web Services Description Working Group "Second Interoperability Event on WSDL 2.0" in Dinard, France. Two others participated remotely. Some highlights of the event:
    • Fixed numerous Woden bugs,
    • Added a number of good test cases,
    • Conducted a message exchange testing,
    • Identified a number of ambiguities and potential issudes in
    • Generally ate too much (smile)
  • In Novermber, we added one more committer, Graham Turrell, subsequent to his contribution of significant patches in the area of a URI resolution framework.
  • Woden M6 jar has been included in the Axis2 1.1 release.
  • We have a healthy dev list with a large increase in activity recently.
  • Woden has made progress lately wrt conformance to the WSDL 2.0 spec, which can be seen in the WSDL working group's dashboard [1]

Our immediate priorities are:

  • deliver M7 to rollup the significant progress made during the interop event.
  • continue development of Woden extension mechanism so that specifications that extend the core WSDL spec can extend Woden to parse and validate their extensions.



mod_ftp is an FTP protocol module for Apache 2.0 and 2.2.

Incubating since: 2005-08-06

Mentor: Jim Jagielski

Additions to the PPMC: None

Additions to the committer roster: None

Recent activity has been around tying up the loose ends for graduation. Also significant work has been done in porting to the latest rev of APR, to allow for building against 2.2. More work is required on this front, but this should not affect graduation.

Documentation has undergone serious improvement, both in the form or normal httpd server docs as well as traditional README-type docs.

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