
  • QA done 95% of planned validation
  • Planned to close by EOD Friday PST 10/05
  • If any minor issues remain, will attend to those over weekend

Installation pending tasks

  • 2214 upgrade will be done today
  • Documentation defect will be filed for 302 upgrade – new step for ASF CS has been introduced with rename of files and force install of scripts post upgrade. This need to be documented

Mgmt server – closing today

  • Do we need to fix snapshots on KVM. Looks like this is important feature and some discussion is happening whether to be fixed or not. Need resolution – Alex/ Edison
  • Cluster mgmt. server test cases in progress


  • 1 defect – cloudstack-254 filed yesterday has been fixed by Rohit. Will close that today
  • Cloudstack – 255 has been moved out as this is not a straight forward case 
  • All networking to be done by Friday. 
  • Other pending features are completed

Host Maintenance and guest network

  • Will be done by end of the area
  • KVM migration of VMs are not happening in one scenario – resolved now


  • Prasanna mentioned that automation can be run now.
  • Sudha to send out final set of metrics on Monday after closing cycle and will baseline for future reference.
  • Send mail to community mailing list if there are any blockers that need to be addressed on Friday / Weekend.

Meeting Schedule:

  • Starting Monday 10/08 will have call only on Demand as cycle will be closed by Friday EOD PST
  • Will announce the meeting schedule to the community if there is a scheduled meeting.
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