The testsuite should consist of two types of tests:

  • Conept tests (testing general features of the plugin)
  • Issue tests (Used to reproduce issues that were reported to the plugins Jira)

The framework for actually executing the tests will most probably be TestNG.

The tests should be located in a package structure, that identifies them as concept or issue tests.

The tests rely on little maven projects that are configured to use the feature a concept test is using or to reproduce the bug an issue test should verify.

Inside the tests the Invoker Plugin is used to trigger a maven build using the current version of the maven-flex-plugin (

This plugin is able to setup a test-local-repo and to have maven execute a build.

To make it easier to configure the creation of the local-repo, I would suggest using a so-called Mock Repository Manager as described here (

The TestNG test for an issue or a concept should contain a detailed description of the Concept being tested or the Issue that the test shoud reproduce. In Flexmojos the testsuite was missing this information and it was a nightmare to maintain the tests, if you don't really know what they should be doing.

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