NOTE: This page is now pretty out-of-date.  I've since switched browsers to Google Chrome, which doesn't need any particular tuning of its own.


Although I didn't think I'd have to, I actually ended up tweaking Mozilla's Firefox browser
a bit for speed. This page is intended to document that, as well as offer tips for
those who use other browsers.

Mozilla Firefox Tuning

Assuming you've followed the WebCacheProxyTuning page, and have everything up and running,
here's what I've modified within Firefox for additional performance.

First, open your browser and enter "about:config" as the URL. This will access Firefox's
internal settings. Click through the "please be careful" warning, then simply change the following:

Increase Connections

As it turns out, this first setting is artifically low on the presumption you'll be using a public proxy
on the Internet and that it's "bad etiquette" to send such a server too many connections.
Being that I'm not going to kick myself off my own proxy server, I went ahead and changed this. (wink)

The second setting allows for more connections per server, with the assumption ATS will process these in parallel.

network.http.proxy.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy user_set integer 256
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server user_set integer 128

Speculative HTTP Parsing

This setting I've had no end of annoyance finding documentation for.  I found I got a considerable performance boost with ATS by disabling this feature.

network.http.speculative-parallel-limit user_set integer 0

That's it. Go ahead and restart your browser just to be safe, then enjoy your increased surfing speeds.


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