The resume feature matches people to a resume(s). Each entry has a unique identifier that can be user entered or a system generated sequence number. The identifier links a person to an instance of their resume. The resume itself can be entered in text in the Resume Text field, identified by a Content Id or both.

The Content Id is from the Content Manager (CM) application. CM offers a richer set options for tracking resumes. CM was designed for acquiring, storing and retrieving electronic data in varying formats - such as text, images, MS Word, PDF or even web URL's.




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Resumes

Usage - Use the Resume screen to create a resume, search for an existing resume and view a list of resumes. Use Search Options to refine the search. Select a resume from the Search Results to update resume information.


  • Resume Id - Use the Resume Id to narrow your search to a single resume.

  • .Party Id - Use the Party Id to narrow your search to a single person.

  • Content Id - The content identifier for content in the Content Manager application.

  • Resume Date - A date can be entered to suite the business needs. For example the date could be a date a resume was received or the date it was entered into the system. If empty will default to the current date.

  • Resume Text - User entered text of the resume.


  • New Party Resume button: Click to open the screen to create a new Party Resume for a person.

  • Find button: Click for a list of resumes. Displays a list of resumes in the Search Results screenlet.

  • Resume Id:

  • Party Id button: Click to open HR App Profile of the subject of the resume.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the item. The item is deleted and can not be restored.




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Resume > Click button New Party Resume

Usage - Create a New Party Resume.


  • Resume Id - Unique identifier that associates a party with a resume.

  • .Party Id - Party Id of the person who is the subject of the resume.

  • Content Id - The content identifier for content in the Content Manager application.

  • Resume Date - A date can be entered to suite the business needs. For example the date could be a date a resume was received or the date it was entered into the system. If empty will default to the current date.

  • Resume Text - User entered text of the resume.

Action Create button: Click to create a Resume




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Resume > In Search Results Click text link Resume Id

Usage Edit and update a resume.


  • Resume Id - Unique identifier that associates a party with a resume. Can not be changed

  • Content Id - The content identifier for content in the Content Manager application. See for additional information

  • Resume Date - A date can be entered to suite the business needs. For example the date could be a date a resume was received or the date it was entered into the system. If empty will default to the current date.

  • Resume Text - User entered text of the resume.

Action Update button: Click to save changes to a resume record.




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