
Zeppelin is a collaborative data analytics and visualization tool for distributed, general-purpose data processing systems such as Apache Spark and Apache Flink.

It has two main features:

  • the data analytic phase
  • the data visualization phase.

This project is an improvement or a re-design of the Data Visualization Component.

Zeppelin front-end web application already have rich visualization library based on D3, but is not made to allow other libraries and charts.

The goal of this Google Summer of Code project is to make the visualization module pluggable in order to benefit from the wide range of existing visualization libraries.


Corneau Damien

BEZZUBOV Alexander



JIRA Issues


Original GSOC Issue
Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.
Feature Issue Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.




Issue Milestones


Milestone-1June 1st - June 5th
Milestone-2June 5th - June 19th
Milestone-3June 19th - June 26th
Milestone-4June 26th - July 3rd
Milestone-5July 3rd - July 13th
Milestone-6July 13th - July 27th
Milestone-7July 27th - August 4th
Milestone-8August 4th - August 17th
Milestone-9 August 17th - August 20th






This Milestone is to study different charting libraries and understand how we can make a pluggable system.

Since this milestone works as some POC, the source code will be found in the student public repository



Feature List
  • Reading CSV files from d3
  • Support three chart types
    • Google Chart
    • High Chart
    • NVD3 Chart
  • Drawing same chat (bar) from 3 charting libraries.
    • car.csv file contains data set
  • Switching chart types (bar and line)


Task List
  • Update Milestone-1 in Zeppelin Wiki
  • Milestone - PoC Web Application(does not depend on Zeppelin codebase as Spring restructuring)
  • All charts read one CSV file
  • Three different charting library (NVD3, Google Chart, High charts)
  • Switching between Line and Barchart
  • Must create a Pull Request to have conversation going


Use case:

  • User can pick charting library that he preferred
  • User have to enter CSV file name. (no need to enter file extension)
  • Then user have to load data for particular charting library or all the charting libraries
  • Final he can pick chart type he need.
  • User can switch the chart type (bar or line) and also the chatting library.





This Milestone an update of previous Milestone. Instead of making the scope bigger, it was decided that it would be more beneficial to work on code quality.

Since this milestone works as some POC, the source code will be found in the student public repository



Feature List
  • Improve the UI
  • Adding grunt for project and build
  • Adding Test
  • Refactoring using controller pattern
  • Separate the code in smaller functional entities


Task List

Change on UI:

  • Have one loading button for each data set
  • Make the Navbar .active state using angular
  • Make the action steps and status easier to understand (order the steps, add explanations maybe, add css to selected options...)

Using Zeppelin Tools:

  • Use grunt in the project (
  • Include and use lodash when possible (Resources are Followed)

Improving Code:

  • Try to create reusable functions instead of duplicating code
        - Chart Controller Improved on DRY
  • Separate the controller into smaller logical elements and files (controllers, services, factory...)
    • Global Chart Factory have generic chart pattern  and each chart library will have it is own factory
  • Implement the controller pattern (
    • Services 
    • Controllers (Factory model)


Git Flow Process

  • Make a PR from milestone-2 to milestone-1

Architecture Improvements

  • Generic data model for all three chart types
    • Global Chart Factory contains the Global chart model and it is extended by each charting factory.
  • Use grunt
    • grunt serve --> start the server
    • grunt test --> run the test
    • grunt build --> build the application  
  • Revamp code to "controller pattern"
  •  Implement a few tests


  • Handling PR with screen shoots and task items
  • Use JS 'strict' mode (mainly in controllers)
  • Avoid 'global' variables 
  • Coding style, follow Google JavaScript

Project is using grunt so you can test application from grunt test (Few test cases are developed)

It contains industrial standard plugins for grunt (clean, wiredep, concurrent, karma. etc.). Grunt serve will start the server

It will start app and open the home page as below

Now you can check milestone in the menu. You will have select the data set from click as button. Data set is store as csv file. D3 is used to read it.


 After you picked the 'Data Set' (Car or Bike), You can pick charting library then chart type as below




This Milestone will try to make the chart libraries totally pluggable (no hard coded configuration).

We also want to push the project to have more test and be an example when it comes to web testing.

Since this milestone works as some POC, the source code will be found in the student public repository



Feature List
  • Make library and charts pluggable (Remove hard coded code, and simulate loading libraries)
  • Fixes and code improvement
  • Bigger Test Cover
  • Scenario Tests
  • Remove unused files


Task List


  • Missing the steps: Bower install and npm install


  • No button style (just text) when we run grunt serve
  • Need similar width for all charts (NVD3 is smaller than others for example)
  • Need to have meaningful legends


  • After selecting a dataset, then a chart library, it will draw the chart. However if you click again on the same chart type that the one shown, there won't be any data in the chart.

Code Style:

  • Fix trailing spaces
  • Make code on multiple lines when html line are too long (~100-120 columns)
  • Fix google-chart-factory indentation
  • Fix Typos

Html reduction:

  • Reduce HTML lines repetitions, use ng-repeat with a configuration object instead
  • Remove unused files

Make code scalable for pluggable libraries:

  • Remove hard coded library names etc... from javascript code. Only an Array with Library Names should be used as configuration to refer to.
  • Include the Chart Html only when needed (ng-include of a {{library}}.html file)

Fix a few bad things:

  • Remove the dummy Data from chart factories
  • loadData should not be inside of ChartCtrl
  • Change hardcoded loadChartLibrary function parameter inside the HTML: loadChartLibrary(2) -> should be loadChartLibrary($index) or (


  • Implement more tests, and change code if necessary
  • Implement some scenario type of tests

20 Test Cases are written 'grunt test'

Updated UIs




Controller should work with any chart library and it should be abstracted. Therefore no library switches in Dev.  Writing the steps how to add new chart type (such as pie chart) and steps to be followed for adding a new chart library to application are main task for documentation. Since this milestone works as some POC, the source code will be found in the student public repository



Feature List
  • Adding new chart type

  • Writing the steps how to add new chart type and library 


Task List


  • Readme for steps to add a new chart
  • Readme on steps to add a new library



  • Bower dependencies versions need to be persisted in bower.json
  • Consistency between rendered graphs: titles, axis, buttons, etc
  • Removed debug logs
  • Footer position is to be absolute



  • In every milestone, deploy to repository `gh-pages`


Test Cases:

  • Update naming pattern for test cases
  • Remove repeating test
  • Better separation / mapping for src to test
  • Few Test Use cases


  • Adding New Chart Type (Read Me)
    • eg: Adding new chart type Pie Chart  


  • Adding New Chart Library (Read Me)
  • Test Coverage (50 Test covered Factories/ Services/ Controllers/ User cases )

Site : 




In this milestone, we will start working on Zeppelin Code Base. It will also help you being more familiar with the source code of the project.

Feature List
  • Adding suitable geographic information system (GIS Mapping visualization) library that respects the license of Apache Zeppelin
  • Setup Testing system for Zeppelin


Task List

  • Research existing Map Visualizations, and propose a suitable one that respects the license limitations of Apache Zeppelin
  • Make a JIRA issue and start a conversation in the mailing list
  • Implement the new visualization as much as possible outside of the paragaph.js file (new file)
  • Add the testing system to our Grunt process
  • Make tests for the new Map visualization
  • Make 2-3 scenario tests for Zeppelin

'grunt test' is working after the fix

Decisions can be found in email thread subjected "[GSOC] Map Visualization for Zeppelin" in

Libraries was on  the list for decision

  •  Google Map Chart
  • Geochart
  • Highmaps
  • OpenLayers
  • Leaflet


JIRA on Map Visualizations Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.  




In this milestone, we will work on Zeppelin Code Base. Adding leafletJS library for (World Map) Mapping visualization and sample tutorial 

Feature List
  • Adding Leaflet of Apache Zeppelin
  • Add 'Data Validator' for the Map graph input format
  • Improving test for CI integration


Task List
  • Adding `./grunt buildSkipTest` and  `./grunt buildWithTest`

  • Create an Issue on zeppelin for CI integration

  • Finding GIS sample data set and read it (Build a tutorial, which can be run from the clean environment)

  • Adding Leaflet for Mapping library

  • Define 'default schema' for the Map graph input format - structure

  • Add 'validator' for the Map graph input format

    • Schema validator expose as services 
  • Integrating query result + pivot system in map (maybe even custom pivot value)

  • Making tests


Tutorial script will download the sample data set and draw the map.

Sample tutorial in clean pack.

Sample Data set in table view.

Makers on Map after results querying 

Data validation is exposed as services. (you can set schema for data model and called with the services)




In this milestone, we will work on Zeppelin Code Base. Improve Data Validation factory for generalize mode and where it can be extendable. 

Feature List
  • Build Data validation method for other charts in zeppelin (Basic Validation)
    • eg: Bar chart, Line chart, Bubble chart.. etc. (string and number validation)
  • Adding Type validation for Map and charts in zeppelin.
  • Adding Map Data Validated for latitude and longitude (data range validation)


Task List
  • Data Validation factory for generalize mode
    • Adding Basic type validation feature for `DataValidator` factory
    • Exposing data validation as services in `DataValidatorService`
    • Schema are configured in data-validator-schema.js
  • Adding Type validation for Map and charts in zeppelin.
    • chart-data-validator-factory for validate d3 basic chart data model
    • map-data-validator-factory for map data model
    • scatter-data-validator-factory for scatter and bubble chart data model
  • Adding Map Data Validated for latitude and longitude (data range validation)Paragraph controller will using data validation before chart drawing (since error services is not in zeppelin it is using console.log at the moment)
    • longitudeValidator : .Longitude measurements range from 0° to (+/–)180°

    • latitudeValidator : Latitude measurements range from 0° to (+/–)90°.


Drawing map with data validation

Above is the data set, Data validation will check is Longitude and Latitude is in valid range. Here Map with above data sert




In this milestone, we will work on Zeppelin Documentation, Code Polishing and Test Spec

Feature List



  • Documentation
    • Writing a new documentation in gh-pages[2]
    • How to add new chart library (steps that contains for adding new chart JS)
    • How added new data validator
  • Code Polishing 

  • Adding Test spec regard to Map implementations
    • Fixing Grunt Test in zeppelin and upgrading it to build




Task List
  • Documentation for Zeppelin
  • Writing a new documentation in gh-pages[2]
    • How to add new chart library with sample codes
    • How added new data validator with sample codes
  • Code Polishing
  • Using data validation for all the chart types in zeppelin
    • Bar, Pie, Area and Line chart
    • Scatter and Bubble chart
    • Map (GIS) date set
  • Code reviewing on PR#152, PR#160, PR#147 and PR#179
  • Adding Test spec regard to Map implementations
    • Fixing Grunt Test in zeppelin and upgrading it to build
  • Adding Few Custom Validator samples 
    • Adding Range validator for map-data-validator-factory.js
    • Complex JS object validator for chart-data-validator-factory.js

Here is sample schema for Map data model

'MapSchema': {
type: ['string', 'string', 'number', 'number', 'number'],
range: {

Unknown macro: { low}


Unknown macro: { low}


Updating Map feature for zeppelin with data validator

Test Spec for build and grunt test improvement

New 12 Test Specs are added with covering data validation user cases. 



Documentation updating 




In this milestone, we have completed  all the work on Zeppelin (Coding, Documentation and Test Case). It mainly improve documentation

Feature List
  • Improve Documentation
    • With sample codes


Task List

Improving Documentation 

  • Data Validation Document is Updated with below sub titles.
    • Where, Why  the data validator is used in zeppelin?
    • Why the data validator is important?
    • How Data Validation is done?
  • Adding new Data Range Validation Sample for Doc
  • Cleaning the code (logs etc.)


  • No labels