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3.1 Identify the Party

The first step is to establish which Party is placing the order.

.3.1.1 From the Order Manager

. Working with existing orders

Upon opening the Order Manager, your first screen will be List Orders. Using the check boxes and the [Submit] link, you will bring up a list of all orders in any category selected.
To narrow your search, use the FindOrders tab. This brings up a search screen which will take any parameter and use it to find the one you want to work with.

. OrderList tab

. Find Orders tab

. Action on a previous order ...
If your intent is to take further action on an existing order, enter information about the order and click on [Lookup Order]. You will be taken to the appropriate screen in the Order Manager for that order. If specifics about the order are not known, you might prefer to find it through the Party. In that case, select [Lookup Party]. The Party Manager can link you back to previous orders.

. When Find Orders tab is selected ...

. To identify the Party ...
Select an existing Order and complete it or modify it, if that is what the customer is calling for.
Or, reduce the number or Orders presented by entering parameters in the search screen, above (you may need to click [Show Lookup Fields] and trying to find what you want more specifically.
Or, open a previous order from this customer. There will be a link from that order to the PartyID; click on the ID and you are in the Party Manager > Profile page for the customer. One of the links there is [New Order] which takes you back to the initial Order Entry screen, discussed below.

. Order Entry tab

. When Order Entry tab is selected ...

. Lookup Party Popup tool

. Search Tool
Notice the link to the Popup search tool to the right of the Party ID box in the Sales Order section? Click on that and you have the search tool shown above.
Here you can either scroll the listing of known Parties or enter the information you might have and let the search find the party for you.

. Discussion

Basically, you cannot place an order until the Party is identified. There are several ways to establish the Party ID from within the Order Manager. Since several of those ways take you back through the Party Manager, it might be just as easy to begin with the Party Manager. See the next topic, From the Party Manager.

.3.1.2 From the Party Manager

. Locating the Party First

Using the Party Manager, you have several means to reach the PartyID for the person or company which wishes to place an order.

  1. Enter the PartyID or LoginID directly if either of those are known. OR
  2. Enter the known information, such as name, address, etc., in the search fields; the return will appear in the table as shown below. OR
  3. Search the table of all Parties after clicking on [Show All Records].

. Searching for the Party!FindParty.gif!

. Updating Information

Before taking the order, you might want to update the party's information: is the address and phone number current, how will they be paying for the order (credit card number current? EFT information correct?), or perhaps review their ordering history (are there an excessive number of returns?). To look at their file, either click on the [Party ID] or the [Details] link.
If the contact from your customer is specifically about a previous order, you can click on the [Orders] link which will take you to a table of all their previous orders.

. Placing a New Order

Once you click on the [New Order] link, you have begun the order taking process through the Order Manager. The internal, 'behind the scenes' processing of the order is very similar to the Ecommerce order.
Unlike the Ecommerce ordering process, the customer will not see all of the screens you have available; only the person taking the order can see all the special offers and the details presented. This is why it is important when taking an order over the phone or completing a transcription from a hard copy or email order, that the processor be alert to special offers or to error messages that might appear.

.3.1.3 From the Ecommerce Application

. Customer enters identity

When a customer first enters the Ecommerce website, they are challenged for a Username and a Password. If they are first time visitors, they are provided an opportunity to create an account. If they have visited before, they are asked for their username and password. All of their entries are automatically logged into the OFBiz databases for your review in OFBiz and for their ordering processes. They never see any part of OFBiz except the Ecommerce interface which includes the content posted from OFBiz to the Ecommerce portion as called up by their preferences. The Ecommerce ordering path is discussed below.

. Login

.3.2 Sales Order Entry

. Discussion of two paths

The company's order entry process is discussed below under the Order Manager Path. You may jump there directly if you wish. Both the ecommerce entry and the Order Manager entry methods are discussed in this section to the point where the order entry is finished and Order Approval is needed before proceeding.
It is valuable for you to be familiar with the ecommerce order entry process so that when a customer writes or calls in with a problem from that process you can be understanding and helpful.

Remember that an order can be canceled anytime up to the final confirmation point! Encourage your staff, especially your customer service people, to walk through an on-line order. They should try to see what happens when clicking on links or following paths that they wouldn't ordinarily follow, just to see what happens! Then, when a customer describes their situation, you can relate to what they are seeing on their screen.

.3.2.1 Ecommerce Entry Path

. First Screen after Login

. Customer-centered sections

. Language
If your site is available in more than one language, this user-friendly feature should be very much appreciated.

. Mini-Poll Poll
You can do surveys with your customers here.

. Did you know?
Marketing facts, comparisons, plugs, promos, whatever, can be introduced here in a low-key setting.

. Browse Forums
Links to forums, boards, or other websites are gathered here.

. Special Offers
Discounts and special promotions are presented here to reward the customer for purchases she has made and to encourage additional purchases. He can click on the link [View All Promotions] to see even more offers than what are presented here.

. Ordering Process

. Choose Catalog
Your customer might be ordering from your Spring catalog, your Outdoor Specials catalog, or whatever electronic Catalog he may have come across online or through email. Establish or confirm the Catalog here so that details (including prices!) reflect the Catalog he has seen.
You might need additional login programming to arrive at the correct catalog if the customer is referred here through internet solicitation and linkage; asking the customer to specify the catalog he saw in the ad is not always productive.
The catalog specified here will govern what products, special offers, discounts, and other details of the marketing process are presented in this screen and for the order itself. All of your marketing efforts must be coordinated with the presentation now seen by the customer. Your default catalog needs to be broad enough to cover all the instances where a customer's choices or the login protocol bring him to the default.

. Find Product
Opportunities to select and order product abound on this screen. The customer can follow whichever path attracts his interest or matches his needs. Those sections of the screen are each discussed below, not necessarily in order of appearance.

. Featured Products
The center of the screen is a list of all or most of the products under the heading of Featured Products. These can include a photo, description, price, promotional information, discounts, links to the catalog page, link from Virtual products to their variations, place to specify quantity being ordered and the most important link: [Add To Cart]. If more than one page of products is needed, scrolling links are given.
This section of the page is replaced by other functions when in use, such as search engines, category lists, etc. The customer can always return to this portion of the screen by clicking on the Main link on the upper Menu bar.

. Additional information
Clicking on the product name either here or anywhere in the screen will bring up the product detail screen as shown below.

. Click product name for details

. Last Products

. Quick Reorder

. Why offer re-orders?
Previously ordered items are displayed here. Studies have indicated that repeat customers are like gold. By presenting them with reminders of their previous purchases, you are both flattering them and providing an opportunity for another purchase of the same items.
This section also saves the customer from having to lookup the items she previously ordered. All are presented here.
Doesn't this make the Shopping List concept unneccessary? Not really, because the Shopping Lists can carry 'Wish Lists' as well as previously ordered items. Also, Shopping Lists can be plugged into the order 'en masse' rather than item by item. There could be dozens of different Lists, each tailor-designed for a specfic purpose.

For regular, heavy-hitter customers, you might want to limit the list of previously-ordered items to only the most recent 10 or so.

. Browse Categories
Categories are collections of related items. If the customer is looking for Books, for example, this would quickly get him to that portion of the inventory with presentations of Book titles or sub-catgories from which to choose.
Another way to consider this section: whereas the initial screen might show all the products (with scrolling), the Category selection will eliminate all products displayed except those in the Category he has chosen.

. Search in Category

. How it works
When the [Search In Category] link is selected, a simple but powerful search tool opens in the center screen. By making a few choices and entering a keyword or two, the customer can look for products that exist in the Featured Products category. That tool is shown below.
After a successful find, the customer is presented with the second screen shown below, titled productFound. Here she has a couple of choices. If the returns are too extensive, she could refine the search. If she sees what she wants, a quick click on [Add To Cart] will select the product in whatever quantity she enters.

. Last Categories

As the Customer browses around the screen, looking into various products, categories, or other content, this section is constantly updated with links back to previously-viewed screens. Therefore, he will be able to quickly return to something that has stayed in his memory.

. Browse Content
Brings up a powerful tool for searching Content which could be documents, case studies, test results, testimonials, additional graphics, specifications, or whatever Content you choose to have accessible to the customer.

. Search Catalog

. How it works
Customers will use this to search the catalog by keywords, such as the name of the product or one of its features. You can help their search by keeping the Thesaurus updated.

. Walk through an order

Let's assume that our phantom customer, Sherry Shopper, has logged in, selected the Demo Catalog, and is ready to order. We will now follow her through the ordering process.

. Sherry selects her products
Clicking on items displayed or searching through and then selecting from the catalog, Sherry's items are added to her shopping cart. Only the Cart Summary reflects these choices at this time.

. Selecting from previous orders

. First, a click on the Order History link

. Then select a previous order

. She selects the item(s) wanted
By checking on the item she wants to re-order, then clicking on [Add Checked to Cart], the item (in the same quantity as before) is added to her shopping cart. The screen will not clear out the earlier order, however, until she selects another process for finding her items. This gives her time to consider possibly re-ordering another item from the same list.

. Power shoppers use Quick Add

. Quick Add screen

. Choices from Quick Add
Now Sherry can select from the drop-down screen to find a different Quick Add screen, she can add all of the items on this screen, or she can do what she wants -- she elects to click on the link to the Giant Widget, bringing up the next screen.
. Choices among the variants

. Final Choices
For her last two items, Sherry chose a His/Her Gizmo (GZ-9290) from the list of Quick Reorder items in the left-hand panel. Note how each time an item is selected, the display of that item is removed from the panel. Finally, on impulse, she added a Round Gizmo from the items listed under 'You might be interested in these as well:' You can see all these purchases now reflected in the Cart Summary.
. Cart Summary reflects selections

. View Cart

. Shopping Cart discussion
First, note how even at this point of viewing the cart, there is an option to quick add another product! From here, the customer can recalculate her cart or continue shopping (which returns her to the previous screen), or proceed with Checkout.
Second, there are various promotional messages around this screen to encourage further shopping.

Finally, many primary links are available. Notice that the shopper can go into her Profile, she can view established Shopping Lists that she might have created before, she can look at her own Shopping History, etc.

. Proceed to Checkout

. Confirm the shipping address

. Shipping address and details

. Payment particulars

. Review the Order to Checkout

. Submit the order

. Some comments on the process

The process is or should be as intuitive as possible so the customer is not frustrated or confused. Note the many links provided for shopping, searching for products, finding promotions, and so forth. You might want to add a link to a Customer Service bot where on-line help could answer their immediate questions. The final screen even shows a large [Continue Shopping] link, but the [logout] link is rather inconspicuous.

Also not discussed yet are the links to [Requests] and [Quotes]. Mechanisms are in place to let the customer go from the ecommerce screen to check on a Request or to view a Quote using links on the top menu bar.

. Final discussion of the Ecommerce Path

What we show here is the generic look and feel of an on-line ordering system. The applications are there for you to make this reflect your image while maintaining the underlying tools. You do not need to use all of the marketing or redundant convenience processes shown, but it is good to practice running through this system as a shopper to understand how the customer will interface with your store. Let your customer be treated as you would like to be when you shop online.

.3.2.2 Order Manager Path

. Discussion

We will describe the process but not details of each step here. For a detailed description of the many screens and associated fields in the Order Manager, see the Manager Reference: Order.

. Customer order entry process begins.

. First screen with customer specified.

. Sales Order vs. Purchase Order
Disregard the Purchase Order section of this screen. That is only used when you (as a representative of your company) are ordering product or services from another vendor for your company's use.

. Product Store
It is probable that your CSR (Customer Service Representative) is processing orders for more than one 'Store' which could be an actual physical presence or a virtual shopping center seen on-line by the customer. Confirming the correct Store at this point is critical.

. Sales Channel
How did this order reach you? Here are some possibilities:

  1. The customer is standing in front of you at your terminal, probably in an actual store front -- POS Channel.
  2. The customer called in the order and you are on the phone with them at this time -- phone channel.
  3. You are reading from a fax sheet, an e-mail printout, a letter or order form -- FAX channel, e-mail channel, or snail mail channel, as appropriate.
  4. Some other party gathered one or more orders together and has forwarded a consolidated order to you -- affiliate channel.
  5. You are not taking the order but it is being processed through the ecommerce website -- defaults the category to web channel.

. Add products to the order.

. Primary order entry screen is complex.

. Order Header Info
Before proceeding with the order entry, confirm that the Party is correctly identified, and that the Currency is in the correct denomination.
Click on the Party ID number to go to the Party Manager for confirming or updating information about the Party.
A running total of the current order is displayed for quick reference.

. Shortcuts

. Quotes
If the customer refers to a quotation submitted to them from your company, go here to locate the Quote.

. Create New Quote From Cart
Use the items accumulated in the Shopping Cart and, rather than fulfilling an order, prepare a Quotation for the customer. This Quote would go into the system established for Quotes as discussed under the Order Manager.

. Create a Request for Quote
This more formal process provides a vehicle to identify products of interest to the Customer and assemble a Quotation based upon the Request initiated here. The Request is initially based upon products identified in the Customers Cart, and is created for this named Customer. To follow through on this, see the Requests tab under the Order Manager.

. Find Party
Takes you to the Party Manager - Find Party screen.

. Create Customer
If this Order is for a new Customer, here is the link to the Party Manager to establish the information needed in the system.

. Change Party
Cancels the current Sales Order process and takes you to the initial Order Entry screen where you need to identify the Party.

. Create New Product
If your customer asks for a product which has not yet been established in the system, and you know you can get it for them, this link allows you to quickly create the product identity within OFBiz before proceeding with the order.

. Quick Add
Let's say that you are dealing with a customer who knows what he wants and you do not need many of the features and links given on this particular screen. By choosing [Quick Add] you are taken to a simplified ordering screen (shown below) where the order taking can be quickly accomplished. Compare this screen (as shown above) with the Quick Add screen (below) to visualize the differences.

. Quick Add Screen

. Shopping List

. Table of existing Shopping lists for this Party

. Choose single items from a selected Shopping List

. Choose Catalog
Your customer might be ordering from your Spring catalog, your Outdoor Specials catalog, or whatever Catalog you may have placed into his hands. Establish the Catalog here so that prices reflect the Catalog he sees. This will also govern what products, special offers, discounts, and other details of the marketing process are presented in this screen and for the order itself.

. Search Catalog
While talking with the customer, this will give you access to the Catalog to help him locate what he wants.

. Browse Categories
Here is another way to find products within categories.

. Create Sales Order section

. Links to processes
Across the top bar are these link buttons:
Clear Order which removes all data from the screen except the Party ID.

Recalculate Order which is selected when a quantity or other adjustment has been made.

Quick Finalize Order which consolidates several steps into one screen for faster completion. Finalize Order which should not be selected until all entries have been made on this page. This one takes you to the next step in the order process.

. Product ID

. Enter the Product ID

. Quick Lookup link

. Popup Search tool finds products quickly.

. Quantity
How many are wanted?

. Desired delivery date
Note that this does not say Promised delivery dated. If the customer indicates a date when he would like to have the delivery, this date can serve as a guide to when to process the order in house. It also guides you to recommend the appropriate shipping method, ensuring compliance with this date but at the lowest cost to the customer.
Use the popup calendar to find the date.

Use as default desired delivery date for next entry, if checked, will keep this date for all the items ordered.

. Comment
Be judicious what you write here: this may appear on paperwork reaching the customer such as packing slips, invoices, etc.
This may be the place for comments such as 'wrap each item separately' when several units of the same item are being sent in an order to the same address but are intended for different recipients, for example.

If the comment applies to more than this item in the order, check the box labeled Use as default comment for next entry

. Add To Order
This button should not be clicked until all details in this section are confirmed: quantity, product, dates, etc. It updates the totals and enters particulars into the next section. It does NOT clear the fields, however, so if it is pressed twice the order will be doubled.

. Add Order Items to Shopping List
First select a list from the drop-down box, then click on [Add To Shopping List]. All of the ordered items to that point will be added to the selected List, in the quantity ordered.

. Order Items section

. Promotion/ Coupon Codes
Enter the code number from other Promotions or Coupons and click on [Add Code]. Appropriate discounts or promotional consideration will be calculated into the order if the Code is currently valid.

. Special Offers

. Details

. View All Promotions

. You might also be interested in
Strictly a promotional tool, here is a selection of items which you can offer to the customer before moving past this screen. Simply enter the quantity and [Add to Cart] when he indicates acceptance.

. Promotion Information
In the left-hand portion of this section, all those Promotions which have been applied to the order are given. Select [Details] to obtain more information.
In the right-hand portion, the ordered items which made the customer eligible for a promotion are given. Promotion opportunities not yet applied are also indicated. Every item being shipped as a promotional giveaway is listed as well.

. Finalize Order

. Shipping

. Ship To address

. Options

. Additional details about the shipping the order

. Shipping methods
Select the radio button for the preferred shipping method. Consider the customer's desired delivery date, the availability of product, your order processing time, and the transportation time required before agreeing with the customer to a specific mode of shipping.
Note how the cost of each method is already determined and displayed for you. Let the customer know the cost involved and obtain his consent to the cost.

. Single or multiple shipments
Sometimes the customer needs to have all parts of the order available at the same time; they will elect to wait until all of the items are available before shipping. Others want whatever items are available immediately and prefer not to wait for the rest. Select the radio button to match their preference, but explain that an additional shipping cost might be incurred.

. Special Instructions
If you get them, record any special instructions here. These will appear on the Pick Sheets.

. PO Number
If this order is being completed from a numbered Purchase Order, enter that number here. Otherwise, disregard.

. Gift? / Gift Message
The Yes radio button selection will direct packers to Gift Wrap if that was requested in the order. Also, it directs them to attach the Message which follows in the next section.

. Ship Before / After Date
The customer could have any one of many different reasons for wanting the order to be shipped before or after a specific date. For example, budget that must be spent within a certain quarter would require the order be fulfilled before the end of the quarter. Similarly, if the item is not budgeted until next quarter, but they want to receive it early within that quarter, they might specify the first day of the next business quarter.
Use the popup calendar to identify and insert the date, else enter with the format: yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00.0

. Payment

. How will they pay?

. Offline / Payment Received

. Credit/Debit card

. Electronic Fund Transfer

. Parties
There may be reasons for associating another Party or Group with the order. For example, the person placing the order might be an member of an existing customer group, such as a shopping club, or they might be a purchasing agent for a company and need to be identified with that company.
When you select to identify another group or individual for association, a process will be followed. You will be returned automatically to complete the rest of the order.

. Review Order

. Create Order

. Order confirmation screen

. Order Entry is now completed.
Congratulations! You have completed all the aspects of entering an order into the system. Be sure the customer receives the Order Confirmation number. You might wish to mail or fax a copy of this screen to the customer for their reference.
Work has just begun behind the scenes for processing the order, however. The next step will be giving Acceptance and/or Approval for the order which will trigger the processes needed to get the product out the door.

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