
Awesome ServiceMix Article

This article gives a nice overview of JBI and ServiceMix:

Servicemix 3.0-SNAPSHOT

ServiceMix version is now 3.0-SNAPSHOT.
Packages have been renamed to org.apache.servicemix.
Nightly snapshots of the distribution can be downloaded from

We have now moved the Source of ServiceMix to Apache. You can surf and checkout the latest code from here

Also we now have a set of Apache based Mailing Lists

There is a new discussion forum now open to dicusss all things ServiceMix, ESB or JBI.

ServiceMix 2.0.2 Release

The ServiceMix team is pleased to announce the ServiceMix 2.0.2 Release.
This release provides a few bug fixes.

We're continually trying to improve our documentation; here's a bunch of new documents and guides to help you get started with ServiceMix

We are pleased to announce the ServiceMix 2.0 Release. New features include...

  • Improved JBI support including both interface based routing as well as service based routing together with improved WSDL parsing
  • Support for Publish Subscribe Routing
  • Improved JAX WS support
  • Migration to XBean as the XML configuration mechanism which works with any Spring release and allows us to mix and match ServiceMix configuration with other XML configuration mechanisms like ActiveMQ and Jencks
  • Migration to backport.util.concurrent to make it easier to move direct to a pure Java 5 solution.
  • a new Loan Broker example from the EIP Patterns Book
  • a new simpler POJO based deployment model
  • build reorganised to make ServiceMix more modular
  • a new ChainedComponent which implements simple pipelines of components easily

We're proud to announce the ServiceMix 1.1 Release

New in this release

  • JAX WS support
  • Publish Subscribe Routing for 1-many message dispatching
  • a new RSS outbound component as well as inbound so you can generate RSS feeds from message flows
  • new JMS flow for reliable asynchronous message pipelines
  • WS Notification support into and out of JBI

In addition a number of bug fixes and performance enhancements were made.

For more information please see the Release Notes

As well as our support and contributions to both Celtix and Apache Synapse, we're happy to announce our support for the Eclipse SOA Tooling Project to provide tooling for ESB and JBI. Our Team is looking forward to working with the other supporters to make some great Eclipse tooling.

BTW if you've not seen it yet the current WebTools project provides good JSP, web, XML, XSD, WSDL support and BIRT provides good reporting.

We are pleased to announce the 1.0 release of ServiceMix! New and noteworthy in this release:-

  • a new RSS component for integrating and processing RSS news feeds in JBI
  • a sophisticated XPath and XSLT based XPath Router and transformer JBI component
  • migrated the JCA components to work with Jencks the Spring based JCA container which integrates with Geronimo JTA and JCA connector components.

For more details please see the Release Notes

Read about the new feature article discussing the ServiceMix open source ESB

The ServiceMix Team are pleased to announce the 1.0 M2 Release of ServiceMix - the first Apache 2.0 licensed open source ESB based from the ground up on JBI.

This release includes

For more information see the Release Notes

We are pleased to announce the 1.0-M1 release of ServiceMix!

ServiceMix is an open source ESB designed from the ground up on JBI (JSR 208) principles, semantics and APIs. ServiceMix includes a complete JBI container including the Normalised Message Service and Router, the JBI Management MBeans support for JBI deployment units and Ant tasks to install components and manage the container.

In addition ServiceMix contains a suite of JBI components

SOAP Bindings:

  • SAAJ & Apache Axis, WSIF, ActiveSOAP and XFire

Transport components:

  • JMS, HTTP, email, FTP, Jabber, Mule

JBI services:

  • caching via JCache
  • transformation via XSLT
  • timing & scheduler services using JCA and Quartz,
  • validation through XSD/RelaxNG
  • scripting via JSR 223 and Groovy
  • WS-BPEL support via PXE (

For more detail see the Components list.

ServiceMix has support for straight through processing, SEDA based process flows or fully clustered process flows.

ServiceMix includes a fully integrated JCA container for high performance inbound message consumption (e.g. via JMS) with connection & thread pooling, transaction management, exception and retry handling and support for highly concurrent processing.

ServiceMix is completely integrated into Apache Geronimo, which allows you to deploy JBI components and services directly into Geronimo and ServiceMix will be JBI certified as part of the Geronimo project.

We welcome contributions, please do come and join our team.

For more information see the getting started guide.


ServiceMix now has integrated support for the Java Connector Architecture inbound message consumption. This means that you can get efficient pooling of threads and connections (e.g JMS connections and sessions) as well as full transaction handling (JMS transactions or XA) and exception handling & retry. In addition you can efficiently perform parallel processing of inbound messages if you want high performance. See this article for more details of why you should use JCA when consuming from JMS.

Here is an example of configuring an inbound JMS consumer in ServiceMix...

Error formatting macro: snippet: java.lang.NullPointerException

Further reading

Its a good read - it describes JBI pretty well.