
Current state: Accepted

Discussion thread: here

Voting thread: here


Pull request: PR-9107


KStream#branch method uses varargs to supply predicates and returns array of streams ('Each stream in the result array corresponds position-wise (index) to the predicate in the supplied predicates').

This is poor API design that makes building branches very inconvenient because of 'impedance mismatch' between arrays and generics in Java language.

Public Interfaces

In accordance with KStreams DSL Grammar, we introduce the following new elements:


1. The split(Named named) operation returns BranchedKStream<K,V>. Named parameter is needed so one can name the branch operator itself, and then all the branches might get index-suffixed names built from the branch operator name.

The overloaded parameterless alternative split() is also available.

2. BranchedKStream has the following methods:

Both branch and defaultBranch operations also have overloaded alternatives without the Branched parameter.

3. Branched parameter extends NamedOperation and has the following static methods:

The Map returned by defaultBranch/noDefaultBranch allows us to collect all the KStream branch objects in a single scope.

How the resulting Map is formed

The keys of the Map entries are defined by the following rules:

The values of the Map entries are formed as following:

For example:

var result = 
  .branch(predicate1,"bar"))            // "foo-bar"
  .branch(predicate2, Branched.with(ks->"A"))  // no entry: a Consumer is provided
  .branch(predicate3, Branched.with(ks->null))       // no entry: chain function returns null
  .branch(predicate4)                                // "foo-4": name defaults to the branch position
  .defaultBranch()                                   // "foo-0": "0" is the default name for the default branch

Usage Examples

The following section demonstrates some standard use cases for the proposed API

Simple Example: Direct Branch Consuming

In many cases we do not need to have a single scope for all the branches, each branch being processed completely independently from others. Then we can use 'consuming' lambdas or method references in Branched parameter:

.branch((key, value) -> value.contains("A"), Branched.with(ks->"A")))
.branch((key, value) -> value.contains("B"), Branched.with(ks->"B")))

More Complex Example: Merging Branches

In other cases we want to combine branches again after splitting. The map returned by defaultBranch /noDefaultBranch methods provides  access to the branches in the same scope:

Map<String, KStream<String, String>> branches = source.split()
  .branch((key, value) -> value == null, 
          Branched.with(s->s.mapValues(v->"NULL"), "null")

Dynamic Branching

There is also a case when one might need to create branches dynamically, e. g. one per enum value. This can be implemented the following way:

BranchedKStream branched = stream.split();
for (RecordType recordType : RecordType.values())
  branched.branch((k, v) -> v.getRecType() == recordType,

This is why 'starting' split() operation is necessary and it is better to have it rather than add new branch method to KStream directly.

Otherwise we should treat the first iteration separately, and the code for dynamic branching becomes cluttered:

RecordType[] recordTypes = RecordType.values();
if (recordTypes.length != 0) {
  BranchedKStream branched = stream.
    branch((k, v) -> v.getRecType() == recordTypes[0],

  for (int i = 1; i < recordTypes.length; i++) 
    branched.branch((k, v) -> v.getRecType() == recordTypes[i],

Proposed Changes

  1. Add the following methods to KStream:
BranchedKStream<K,V> split();
BranchedKStream<K,V> split(Named n);

2. Deprecate the existing KStream#branch method.

3. Add and implement the following Branched class:

class Branched<K, V> implements Named<Branched<K,V>> {
    static Branched<K, V> as(String name);
    static Branched<K, V> withFunction(Function<? super KStream<K, V>, ? extends KStream<K, V>> chain);
    static Branched<K, V> withConsumer(Consumer<? super KStream<K, V>> chain);
    static Branched<K, V> withFunction(Function<? super KStream<K, V>, ? extends KStream<K, V>> chain, String name);
    static Branched<K, V> withConsumer(Consumer<? super KStream<K, V>> chain, String name);

Add and implement the following BranchedKStream interface:

interface BranchedKStream<K, V> {
    BranchedKStream<K, V> branch(Predicate<? super K, ? super V> predicate);
    BranchedKStream<K, V> branch(Predicate<? super K, ? super V> predicate, Branched<K, V> branched);
    Map<String, KStream<K, V>> defaultBranch(Branched<K, V> branched);
    Map<String, KStream<K, V>> defaultBranch();
    Map<String, KStream<K, V>> noDefaultBranch();

(See for a very rough draft).

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The proposed change is backwards compatible.

The old KStreams#branch method should be deprecated.

Rejected Alternatives

  1. A KStreamsBrancher class that works the same way, but does not require KStream interface modification:
new KafkaStreamsBrancher<String, String>()
   .branch((key, value) -> value.contains("A"), ks->"A"))
   .branch((key, value) -> value.contains("B"), ks->"B"))
   //default branch should not necessarily be defined in the end!

Rejected because of violation of method-chaining (new auxiliary object is needed).


   .branch((key, value) -> value.contains("A"), ks->"A"))
   .branch((key, value) -> value.contains("B"), ks->"B"))

Here the new KStream#branch() method returns KBranchedStream<K, V> object, which, in turn, contains `branch` and `defaultBranch` methods. This is critical that KStream consumers in .branch methods should be invoked immediately during the `branch` methods invocation. This is necessary for the case when we need to gather the streams that were defined in separate scopes back into one scope using auxiliary object:

class CouponIssuer{
   private KStream<....> coffePurchases;
   private KStream<....> electronicsPurchases;

   KStream<...> coupons(){
       return coffePurchases.join(electronicsPurchases...)...

CouponIssuer couponIssuer = new CouponIssuer();

     .branch(predicate1, couponIssuer::setCoffePurchases)
     .branch(predicate2, couponIssuer::setElectronicsPurchases);

KStream<..> coupons =;

This was rejected because of the difficulty of having branches in the same scope.